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Tuesday 15 March 2022


How extraordinary the Royal Borough is so bereft of high-quality candidates it has to import Australians and people from Norf London.

Sonia from the Outback 

Yet, Victoria Borwick who faithfully served this Borough and its residents for years is shunted to one side in a way reminiscent of Mrs. Dent Coad and her machinating.

It really is quite wrong that the taxpayers of this Borough should have to be represented by those with just tenuous or non-existent connections to our Borough. 

Carpet bagging is an 'original political sin' and residents should refuse to vote for these imports.

This Is North Kensington deftly hits the nail on the head HERE


  1. Funny how history repeats itself. Disgraced ex Leader Cllr Pooter Cockle decided to use headhunters (working pro bono, of course) to find Tory candidate Councillors for RBKC. He felt that Ward Associations were not up to the job of finding suitable local residents to represent their Wards in the Town Hall. Now Cllr Campbell has taken this nonsense to a new level. Her well known pursuit of fame and a Peerage has seduced her to bandy around patronage to the Court of Boris. The fact that they are North Londoners or Australian residents is of little importance. They may help to propel dizzy to Westminster. The alternative boring, hard working and dedicated rate payers of RBKC, with years of public service behind them and ambition to serve in Hornton Street - no longer seems to cut the mustard

    What a sad lot the Royal Borough Tories have become. A wheel barrow.

    1. Sadly, Campbell is so tarred with the brush of Grenfell that there will be no peerage

  2. Don't start me on Ross Allen. A divisive, rude and obnoxious creature who is power crazy. And maneuvering to become Chairman of the Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham Conservative Association.
    Past Chairman Cllr Julie Mills is in shock.

    Ross is a great campaigner. Just like Dominic
    Brexit. Consider the mayhem that he caused.

  3. Who is the mysterious Preeti Hudd joining the porn star and Lady False in Campden?

    1. No idea. Never heard of her. Another outsider? A cross between Priti Patel & Roy Hudd? She was picked for Campden above Victoria Borwick which is madness. Dizzy's pea brain forgets that Cockell's headhunting lumbered citizens of the Royal Borough with forgettable councillors with little interest in their constituents. As well as a few dangerous ones whose ambition & self interest had no limits. Fielding-Mellen being a case in point.

  4. Lord Kenny Kensington16 March 2022 at 09:13

    She looks well fit

    1. Lord Kensington16 March 2022 at 17:15

      A fine looking filly and most appropriate for our pukka Royal Borough. She can canvass me any time

  5. "Mrs Dent Coad and her machinating?"

    Were these the machinations that shafted Ian Henderson out of his Colville seat on the Council?

    Henderson, the man who saved the Sutton Estate and did so much for the starving by rolling his sleeves up at a Foodbank.

    What did Dent Coad et al do, use Trotskyite machinations to shaft Henderson and bring in Dent Coad's daughter. Despicable how the left works.

  6. Is Borwick still a Councillor?

  7. No, that is a shame. She worked hard on the ground for residents

    1. North Kensington Resident17 March 2022 at 07:39

      I am surprised to know this. Every day I see her delivering food parcels to the food bank in North Kensington in her old VW Golf. Hard not to notice her red hair. Assumed she is a Councillor.

    2. Very strange that such a dedicated public service person is not a Councillor. Does not matter if it is Tory, Labour or Liberal. She cares, she works hard and my goodness, she makes a difference. Would prefer her on the Tory side but residents need such people to represent them.

  8. Lady D'Oyly of Hadley in the County of Shropshire.16 March 2022 at 18:53

    Borwick did not play games. She did not shaft good people, or even people that were a threat to her politically, out of the Tory Party.

  9. Retired Chief Executive17 March 2022 at 05:50

    It is a sign of deep organisation decline when democratically elected Ward Committees are by passed or jerry mandered to select externally favoured persons as Council candidates. There seems to be evidence of even deeper decay in the Kensington and Chelsea Conservative Party. For example, when a young whipper snapper was deselected as Councillor by Queensgate Ward he was promptly found a place in a different Ward. This does not send out a comforting signal to the faithful.

    Good Leadership is a subtle task of mentoring, coaxing and influencing by example. Using patronage to further personal ambition and create personal gain is not what is expected of leaders. Foisting Council candidates on Ward committees who are residents in Australia creates huge de-motivation of the political base and is rightly recognised as a corruption of power. Even if the candidates are able, bright and politically well connected they have little or no knowledge of the community that they are supposed to represent and fight for.

    All is not well in Rome

    1. And weak "leaders" block good candidates, which reflects their own insecurity and inadequacy. dizzy has a big problem and is a big problem for RBKC

  10. Friend of Woodger17 March 2022 at 05:55

    I do not like to see carping about my friend Max

    1. Retired Chief Executive17 March 2022 at 06:27

      I was not "carping" about Mr Woodger. I was discussing leadership. If a Councillor is rejected by his Ward it is a tricky task to maintain motivation, discipline and respect of the body politic by immediately and publicly giving him or her an equivalent job in a different Ward. It is a slap in the face for rejecting Ward Committee.

      This is not to say that good people should
      not be given a second chance. Sometimes there are personality clashes which can escalate to destruction. Good leaders keep a finger on the pulse and (assuming the person is considered worth saving)relocates them before there is a deselection. There are the accustomed weasel words. "Mr/Mrs X is standing down for personal reasons" "Mr/Mrs X is relocating for family reasons" etc

      Without this type of leadership involvement and finesse the picture becomes one of groupies and preferment

    2. The Colville Ward "shafted" Ian Henderson because he is a threat to Emma DC being the Labour candidate at the next general election. To shaft an outstanding man, who is head and shoulders above Emma DC is appalling. Lethal left types/ Trots and Marxists joined the Party to support a loyal Corbynista in this democratic social engineering, well what can I say.......

    3. Getting rid of Henderson to replace him with Connie Blott is a disgrace.

      Blott, daughter of Emma Dent Coad who went to public school girl and attended Southampton University. Wet behind the ears and descended from Christopher Columbus, Catherine de Medici and the Borgias.

    4. Seems like we have "groupies and preferment" as the behaviour of choice in Labour and Tory organisations of the Royal Borough.


    5. Too true , Owl. The Labour and Tory parties in Kensington are toxic filth.

      Not sure we should hold it against Connie Blott because she went to Public School. Her mother sent her there. Her lack of experience in left wing politics does worry me when compared to the high level, left wing achiever, Ian Henderson.

      Having checked with Southampton Students' Union, Connie Blott did not even manage to arrange a student sit in whilst she was there.

    6. that will disappoint her mother who claimed that she was a rebel at her State Convent School.

    7. Time for Kensington CLP to come clean.18 March 2022 at 08:14

      We need to know before we vote in May which Labour Party members at that meeting of the local Party backed Comrade Corbyn's line condemning NATO and its potential expansion for the situation in Ukraine. If Labour does not come clean, we will have to surmise about the usual marxist suspects.

    8. I have always found Emma to be very right wing and reactionary.

    9. Mrs Dent Coad's machinations? Emma Dent Coad did for Ian Henderson with a strategy straight out of Corbyn's Marxist playbook. Getting her public school educated daughter on to ballot paper for the Council elections so that Emma will know first hand who in Labour is plotting against her standing for parliament.

    10. Monetarism by a marxist19 March 2022 at 12:15

      Keep it in the family. If Connie Blott, Emma's daughter, saves her Councillor's Allowance for her four year term, she will have a £50,000 deposit for a house. Is a slip of a girl likely to do a better job than Ian Henderson, a man of the people, or she is more likely to bolster support for the mother.

  11. Abingdon Residnet17 March 2022 at 06:30

    Sad, sad state of the Conservative Party in Kensington

  12. Sonia From The Outback17 March 2022 at 06:33

    What a corker......

    1. That boyish look. A sure winner in the Royal Borough

  13. "Do not vote for carpet baggers" misses the elephant in the room. An elephant called dizzy. Off with her head!


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