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Monday 21 December 2020


One of the Dame's favourite journos is Andrew Pierce.

Below is what Andrew wrote about the hyper dishonest Shapps. 

Our PM likes to surround himself with third-raters and now those third-raters are busy ordering us around. 

Johnson even has/had criminal friends like the violent psychopath Darius Guppy.

This once great country is led by politicians more suited to running used car sales operations of permanent interest to Trading Standards officers.

A Right Honourable Spiv posing as Michael Green in Las Vegas

"In 2012, Shapps was accused of having breached the code of conduct for ministers and MPs when it was revealed he held a second job after entering Parliament, something he had repeatedly denied.

The MP had been exposed as having used a pen name ‘Michael Green’ to run a web marketing company which told people ‘how to become filthy stinking rich online’ by buying his self-help books, which cost £150. There were photos of Shapps in 2004 at a conference in Las Vegas wearing the name tag of his alter-ego. He also posed in publicity material as a successful businessman in convertible cars and a private plane.

At the time he said he had used the pseudonym to separate ‘business from politics’ but he insisted he had never traded as Green after becoming an MP. He threatened to sue a constituent who suggested otherwise.

Shapps – who by now had got the nickname Duracell Bunny, for his dogged ability to keep going despite countless scandals – was embarrassed again when it emerged that he had edited his own online Wikipedia biography to alter his school exam results and delete the identity of donors to his private office."


  1. Everything about this government has the stench of incompetence and corruption.....and I am a Tory voter

  2. The blog refers to "Spivvy Schapps." Just in case you are unaware that it is regarded as antisemitic to call a Jewish person a "spiv." I heard Vanessa Feltz discussing the label "spiv" on one occasion. She suggests that the label "spiv" is often used instead of the word "Jew." It is difficult because if Schapps were not Jewish the label would probably be appropriate.

    1. I know what you mean. If a christian is a "Spiv" calling him a "Spiv" is just fair comment. It's a bit like the term "confirmed bachelor" being synonymous these days with a "Gay Man." The word Spiv has been abused so often when talking about Jewish men that the term has changed its meaning in a language that constantly evolves.

  3. I looked up Spiv and there is no reference to Jewish people and spivs. Most Jewish friends of mine would wholeheartedly agree that Shapps is a typical spiv

  4. Another grade A wazzock. Well done. Keep naming and shaming him and his like. Flicka will no doubt come out and say: "I don't believe it. He is a man of honesty and integrity" but we all know how desperate she is to get a promotion.

  5. A good friend of the Dame advised her that Spiv had anti-semitic connotations and she should not refer to Shapps who is Jewish as a spiv. The Dame is proud to declare that she has many Jewish friends including cousins. All would agree that Shapps is a despicable spiv.


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