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Tuesday 6 August 2019


The Steeples Times  has revealed this extraordinary story of a senior Conservative RBK&C councillor giving his wholehearted support to an opposition party. 

More surprising still is that the local Conservative Association has decided to do nothing about this gross disloyalty.
Controversial Conservative Councillor Matthew Palmer represents Queensgate Ward on RBK&C.
Only recently he was reprimanded by colleagues for insulting behaviour towards Grenfell survivors. 
Even close colleagues are embarrassed by his eccentricities.

That embarrassment was further exacerbated after hearing Palmer had made a trip to the East Midlands during the European parliamentary elections.
Nothing wrong with that except he went to help canvass for the Brexit Party-much to the chagrin of the five Conservative candidates!
In fury, they have raised the matter with the Conservative Party chairman and the chairman of the Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham Conservative Association: canvassing for another political party are grounds for expulsion.

Local Conservative voters will be further surprised to know that Palmer was a senior member of the Selection Committee charged with selecting a Conservative candidate to fight the Brexit Party in the next General Election!


  1. It seems that the Steeples Times has been hacked.....one wonders who is behind that....

  2. Alastair Campbell was kicked out of the Labour Party for voting Lib Dem so why is Palmer being protected?

  3. Welcome back Dame, the weeks have been long and tiresome, in your absence, without your cutting edge journalism.

    1. The Dame's Social Secretary7 August 2019 at 13:28

      Thank you so much. The old Dame is resting up in her Capri home following her op for varicose veins

    2. Oh no! Commiserations to our dear Dame. May she make a speedy recovery

  4. The picture quite clearly shows him campaigning for a party that is standing candidates against the Conservative Party. The Tories should grab with both hands this golden opportunity to expel him. Councillor Palmer has for many years been an embarrassment to his party, the wards that he has represented, the Council and the whole borough. If the Tories boot him he will finally be off the Council in 2022 as he will have no hope of winning Queens Gate, or any other ward, if he lacks the Conservative Party label.

    1. Remember that this is the same Cllr Palmer who repeatedly used the Conservative Association telephone to make long distance calls to his mates in Australia

  5. Welcome back dear.

    Why is this deadbeat ghastly imbecile accepted and operational in RBKC?

    What on earth does it take to rid RBKC of the rot?

  6. For many years the Tory establishment in Hornton Street has protected elected persons (eg Cockell,Freeman, Palmer, Phelps) whose conduct deserved expulsion from the Party. At times it was the gay mafia operating, at other times it was the Masons, some say that photos and blackmail were even involved.

    Whatever the practices in the past, it is time for Leader Cllr Campbell to draw a line under favouritism and make sure that the whip is removed from Cllr Palmer. There is nothing more disloyal than openly supporting another Party in competition with the Tories.

    This is a clear challenge from Cllr Palmer to the Conservative Party. "Touch me if you dare". Someone, somewhere, with influence, is afraid that odious Palmer will spill the beans......

  7. No "ifs" or "buts". This is clear photographic evidence that the runt is supporting the enemy Farage, the sworn adversary of the Prime Minister.

    Off with his head!

  8. Councillor Matthew Palmer7 August 2019 at 17:41

    You lot can take a hike. Why? Beacuase I am untouchible. Better people than you dimwitted Hornet readers have tried and my voters in Queensgate will look after me.

    1. untouchible or untouchable?


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