with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Wednesday 21 April 2021


This weekend the police allowed thousands of 'traveller' youths to take over the streets around Harrods. How different to the pandemic days when hundreds of police were available to harass supposed COVID rule breakers. 

Maybe the answer is that the police are as terrified of these gangs as we members of the public.

The police nowhere to be seen and had not a word of apology for their refusal to maintain law and order on our streets. 

Major shops in the area closed down in fear of these marauding groups.

Residents report being threatened by drunken traveller gangs in Hyde Park with attempts made to steal dogs from owners. 

Harrods is now a magnet for low life: if it closed down tomorrow there would be great relief. 


  1. Happened last December, surely? Hence dark sky. Reported in Mail etc 6/12/20

    1. It happened last December and with an even bigger crowd of them last Saturday


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