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Tuesday 28 May 2024


 asylum hostel?

4 in 10 parents are considering pulling their children out of the independent sector. 

These are parents who have made sacrifices to send their offsprings to some little known school with moderate fees. They will now be battling to find a place in an already under-resourced state sector.

Parents at the great public schools will be unaffected and those schools have huge resources will be able to bridge any funding gap.

Keir Starmer is a lawyer. His lack of commercial logic shows through in this clumsy attempt to rob Peter to pay Paul. 

This was never about helping the state sector: it was all about satiating the class hatred of Rayner and friends.

Hundreds of small schools will close. 

Maybe the government can buy the bombed out schools and convert them into asylum accomodation: the only growth industry in our benighted country


  1. Yes, very sensible to treat private schools as the private businesses they are, and expect their customers to pay the appropriate rate of VAT. The increased taxes raised will be redirected to provide limited extra help for the most needy schools and their pupils.

    1. Private schools take away the burden of educating kids from the state. Had you thought of that brainbox?

    2. When Finland effectively abolished private education, the rich and powerful then knew their own children were likely to attend state-maintained schools. They were then keen to ensure that such schools were well funded. Finland is among Europe’s most educationally successful countries.

    3. If you look at the kids as they leave their British state schools at the end of the day you can understand why parents prefer to go private. British children from a certain background are terrifying. To equate them with Finnish or indeed other European children shows how little you know.

    4. 18:04 most British children don't have much interest in learning. Grammar schools at least gave those who did an opportunity. Schools in Africa have few facilities but produce results. British school kids in the state sector are flooded with facilities . Stand outside Chelsea Academy and see the loutish behaviour. St Thomas Language School is similar. Get real

  2. It is quite wrong to suggest that lawyers lack "commercial logic" just by virtue of their occupation. You would be surprised just what is involved in studying and practising law - economics and commercial nous does come in to it. Read some of the judgments from the Chancery Division and the QBD in commercial cases.

    1. Yeah, except Starmer was just a useless 'uman rights lawyer. Like Khan was just a useless crim lawyer.Just because you are a Chancery lawyer doesn't mean you have a clue about making a profit unless its ripping off rich clients: that's a walk in the park

    2. Pejorative.

    3. So useless that he was appointed head of the National Prosecution Service and then knighted for the quality of his work ( including bringing peace and justice to Northern Island) . We need more 'failures' like this in charge !

    4. Big deal...head of CPS where he saw quite a few failures. The CPS is part of the legal cartel/mafia. Bringing peace and justice to Northern Ireland. What the F have you been smokin' dude. I want some. Next, you will say he is the reincarnation of Churchill

  3. England’s state schools are desperate for money. Labour is right to say that their private counterparts should be treated as businesses.

    1. Desperate for money because inevitably just a few pay tax in the shabby country: 40% of workers are state employees-directly or indirectly

  4. The New Labour social democrats don’t go far enough. There is a strong argument for nationalising these bastions of elite privilege so the benefits they offer could be shared. We could do perfectly well without a two-tier education system. Why not get rid of independent schools altogether?

    1. Yeah, and hanging up the staff from lamp posts. Up the Werkers, mate

    2. 20.16 To suggest another user wants to murder people is deeply unpleasant.

    3. Don't be a fool 20:45

    4. Time to look in the mirror.

      * It is hateful to suggest someone you have never met wants to murder people by hanging them up from lamp posts.
      * It is deeming to call people who work as "werkers".

      You are coming across as a deeply unpleasant person.

    5. Deeming Hell!

  5. Dear Dame,

    Don't take on so much, my good lady.

    120 Business Leaders have publicly backed the Labour Party's Economic Policies in the press today.

    Rachel Reeves is so intelligent - Oxbridge, Post Graduate work at the LSE and ex-Bank of England. She is the business!

    We need Joe Powell to win in Kensington and to do his bit for us.

    Voters need to think carefully this time. it is all very fine voting for who you want to win but you also need to think about who you want shafted this time round and vote accordingly.

    1. Those business leaders are not backing him: they are cooperating with him as they know they have to work with government

    2. I think business leaders are backing Labour.

      This Labour lot are stimulating "supply side" economic policies which is very unusual for Labour. They seek to encourage the private sector to invest in the Labour Party's Industrial Plan because the incentives to do so are good for business. It is the the sort of economic policy that Maggie Thatcher liked. Supply Side instead of Demand Deficit Management.

    3. You think? They are protecting their backsides. The Labour Party's Industrial Plan....what could go wrong? Angie Rayner running it for a start! Business has no choice but to talk to Labour but that is a far cry from supporting it

    4. They're not supporting the Tories.

    5. No, dimwit because the Tories will be out of power. If the Lib Dems (God forbid) were to be in gov business would lobby them. You just don't get reality do you?

    6. Yes, I do get it but I do not accept your analysis. The Tories are a busted flush. They have no solutions for Business because they have made a mess of everything. I am sure that Business Leaders would speak up for the Tories if they could.

  6. Miss Trotwood.28 May 2024 at 19:35

    Do you remember.............................................

    when Emma Dent Coad stated in 2019 that she would be backing the hard left Rebecca Long Bailey MP for Party Leader because she know such "a lot about economics" ....and, of course Marxism/Trotskyism.

    1. Police were called to Labour’s Chingford & Woodford Green office, in Hatch Lane shortly after 9.10am on June 1 to reports of graffiti on the property. "Lobby Israel" among words scrawled in black across the door and windows.

  7. Don't risk the economic competence of today's Labour Party, with their clever supply side economic stimulants, by voting for any Trot who would better off in Cuba's political elite.

    1. As a descendent of Christopher Columbus Mrs Dent would of course insist on her right to join the Cuban elite !

    2. Pretentious Crap.29 May 2024 at 12:07

      Indeed! Mrs Dent is the most snobbish woman I have ever encountered.

      Mrs Dent says she can trace her aristocratic heritage back to Christopher Columbus. I don't think even she dares to say that she is descended from Columbus, the Great Man, himself. But mentioning the good Christopholees in the way that she announced her aristocratic claims created a different impression to what she actually said. Moreover, it is a good soundbite for those in North Kensington whom she seeks to impress by mentioning a man whom most of us know something about and it was designed to create the impression that those of us "below stairs types" are her inferiors.

      I think her claim to be an Aristocrat derives from someone in her family being called Borja de Borja; spurious and specious, I hear you say. Now we all know how dreadful the Borgias were so that is no great shakes.

      There was talk at one time of her being descended from Catherine de Medici.

      Conned? You have been.

    3. I see most councils are saying they don't have places for the displaced pupils. Well done, Sir Keir

    4. Mrs Dent's wiki entry says, Her first husband inherited a baronetcy. Upper Class status is crucial to her. Why mention a baronetcy on wiki?

    5. The higher they come the harder they fall.

    6. Which schools did EDC'S kids go to?

    7. Grange Hill say sources close to EDC.

    8. There are plenty of places at Good West London State Schools. Supporting good state schools in the borough is one thing RBKC Tories have done well ( Not that any of them have sent their own children to the state schools they are quick to boast about ). The disastrous exit from the EU and the boroughs continued exporting of its poor out of the borough has now created a number of spare places in both the primary and secondary schools within the borough. Sir Merrick Cockell will be purring with pleasure that his plans to create state schools that the Tory Middle classes may now want to turn to have come to fruition 20 years later

    9. The Mighty Socialist.30 May 2024 at 08:49

      Dent Coad's kids went to Christ's Hospital Public School.

    10. 22: 47 name these 'good W London state schools' with lots of places? How what sacrifices a parent chooses to make to educate a child is no business of government

  8. Since the Royal Family doesn’t consider the State system good enough for their children, nor wish their offspring to mix with common folk, maybe a super tax should be put on private schools.

  9. Christ's Hospital , the top public school.


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