Tuesday 16 July 2024


Tom Harris who wrote this is a former Labour MP so deserves to be listened to. It is a damning indictment of the choice of Lammy.

Remarks by the Republican nominee for vice-president have just made life more difficult for our Foreign Secretary, David Lammy.

Senator JD Vance of Ohio last week suggested that the first Islamist state to obtain nuclear weapons was not Iran or even Pakistan– it was the UK. The remarks elicited some laughter from his audience, as they were intended to. Let us not start fretting that the man likely to be just one heartbeat away from the Oval Office from January genuinely believes that Britain has been captured by extremists determined to impose Sharia Law on its citizens or strike with mighty vengeance those who dishonour the Prophet.

But it is a signal that Britain needs to start addressing the prospect of Trump 2.0. The task will be fraught and challenging. People of courage, principle and sensitivity will be required for the task. 

Enter David Lammy.

Even before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at the weekend, there were already big question marks over Keir Starmer’s decision to appoint Lammy to one of the four great offices of state, in charge of Britain’s relationship with the rest of the world.

But events in the US have brought renewed focus on some historic Tweets that the Tottenham MP ill-advisedly published when he was in opposition. And they raise serious question marks over Lammy judgment and his ability to do the job he has been in for less than a fortnight.

Most concerning is Lammy’s decision, in 2019, to mock Trump for complaining about how he was being treated by his political opponents. “4 US presidents have been assassinated snowflake”, he said on Twitter. While Lammy might claim today that he would not have made the crass comment had he known that Trump would actually become the target of a gunman, he said himself that four presidents have been murdered in office: gun violence is part of American culture and British politicians really shouldn’t tempt fate publicly.

Under the last Labour government, Lammy was a supporter of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in their premierships, voting to renew Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent while he was collecting a salary as a minister. 

Then, in opposition, he supported Jeremy Corbyn, a man whom Lammy knew well – certainly well enough to know that he was a unilateralist, a self-declared friend of Hamas Islamist terrorists and had been a consistent critic of the European Union for decades. In fact, with an In/Out referendum on Britain’s EU membership looming, Lammy chose to nominate Corbyn – the only anti-EU candidate in the field – to be leader of the Labour Party, despite Lammy’s claims before and since that he was a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of Remain.

A year later, Lammy announced that, his previous voting record notwithstanding, his Christian faith would now not allow him to vote for the renewal of Trident. And a few years after that, with Corbyn safely suspended from the party and Keir Starmer installed as party leader, he decided that retaining Trident was “paramount” after all.

In 2017, Lammy praised Corbyn’s leader’s speech at Labour conference as “bloody brilliant” (it wasn’t) and predicted that Corbyn “is heading to Number 10”. But by 2021, Lammy had changed tunes again, expressing regret that he’d nominated Corbyn and insisting that, contrary to what he himself had said publicly, he had never believed Corbyn would ever become prime minister.

Lammy’s historic remarks about President Trump are just another reminder of his poor judgment. Describing the leader of the free world as “a neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath” and a “tyrant in a toupée” will undoubtedly have achieved what Lammy wanted to do at the time – elicit praise from Labour activists and members – but they were not the remarks of a serious politician, let alone a statesman, and certainly not a future Foreign Secretary.

Lammy, perhaps rather optimistically, counts Senator Vance as a friend, having praised his autobiographical discourse on America’s working classes, “Hillbilly Elegy” while – inevitably – drawing parallels with his own upbringing in London.

But whether the two men’s “friendship” is confected or not, it will always take second place to Vance’s loyalty to Trump. It would be naïve in the extreme to suggest that relations between the next Trump administration and the Starmer government would not be even slightly handicapped by the fact that the Foreign Secretary has used such insultingly absurd language to describe the president. Or perhaps Lammy has judged that Trump is the kind of guy who never holds a grudge?

The triumph of the Trump/Vance ticket in November would present an existential crisis for Nato and for Ukraine, and would force the Foreign Office to do what it does best: use every millilitre of diplomatic nous it possesses to ensure that Britain’s interests do not suffer – or at least suffer as little as possible – in the new Trump era. Keir Starmer, knowing it was at least possible that the 45th president might become the 47th, appointed to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office a man he knew had called Trump a neo-Nazi.

Judgment matters. We should be able to expect those who lead us to measure their words and their criticism, even at the risk of disappointing their audiences. Some things are more important than personal media profile. If the Foreign Secretary doesn’t realise that, Britain will pay the price


The Dame despairs.....

Starmer has built rather a good team. 

Wes Streeting, John Healey and Rachel Reeves spring immediately to mind. 

Then you get to Rayner and Lammy.

This is how Angie fought back against VP of the USA in waiting, Vance. 

She describes him as 'fruity' but looks forward to a meeting. 

If we want to damage our relationship putting this airhead in the same room as Vance will do the trick.

Lammy took a different tactic by praising Vance's book 'Hillbilly Elegy.' 

Though in the past our Foreign Secretary has described Trump as a sociopath and narcissist.

We all have our views on Trump and Vance. The reality is that they will be in charge of the world's most powerful democracy: a democracy we and Europe depend upon for our security.

Rayner and Lammy have in the past been very rude about Trump. Trump has an elephantine memory for slights and insults.

It would seem sensible to keep Lammy and Rayner well out of the way of the USA.

Thursday 11 July 2024


Councillor Lari has written to the Dame pointing out an odd state of affairs. 

On July 24 there is a full council meeting. At the meeting, the New Local Plan will be brought forward for adoption. 

As Cllr Lari says: "This would be the one and only chance for residents to come and make representation before all councillors on the most consequential document influencing local planning decisions"

Cllr Lari goes on to say, "but we were also coincidentally told this week that residents cannot speak at this particular meeting unless they are under 18 because somebody unknown had made a decision (unconsulted) that normal public speaking did not apply to this particular meeting. 

The councillor has written to the mayor with the perfectly sound suggestion that whilst the views of those under 18 should be listened to the subject is one important to all ages.

          Dear Stakeholder

New Local Plan Review: Receipt of the Inspector’s Report 
The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
The Council has been undertaking a New Local Plan Review (NLPR) since late 2020. As part of this process the Council submitted its “NLPR Publication (Regulation 19) document” to the Secretary of State for examination on 8 February 2023. The examination hearing sessions were held between 20 June and 20 July 2023.   
On 5 July 2024 the Council received the Inspector’s Report into the NLPR examination. The Inspector has found the NLPR to be “sound” subject to a number of “Main Modifications”. These have been appended to her report. 
For completeness, the Council has made Additional Modifications to correct typographical errors and update factual information. These do not affect the soundness of the NLPR. 
Printed copies of the following documents are available for reference in local libraries as well as the customer service centre at Kensington Town Hall. 
  • the NLPR Publication (Regulation 19) document;
  • the Inspector’s Report, including the appendix setting out the Main Modifications necessary to make it sound; and
  • a table setting out the Council’s Additional Modifications. 
These documents can also be viewed on the examination website
The next step is for the NLPR to be considered for adoption at a Full Council meeting later this month. Once adopted the NLPR will form part of the Council’s development plan to determine planning applications and will be known as the Local Plan 2024. Until then the NLPR, along with the Main Modifications, will be given significant weight in determining planning applications. 
Please contact the planning policy team at planningpolicy@rbkc.gov.uk if you have any further queries. 
Kind regards,
Preeti Gulati Tyagi
Planning Policy Team Leader


Steve Reed, the Sec of State for the Environment has the measure of the grasping, polluting mainly foreign-owned water companies. 

Our local, Thames Water, is so arrogant it voted its CEO a huge bonus for its 'performance'!

Ofwat has agreed the bandits can spend £88 million on infrastructure improvement. We, the poor bloody customer, will pick up the bill. 

We are paying because for years profits have been lost in dividends and vast salaries to management.

Reed has taken a very tough line with the bandits. 

The £88m must be ring-fenced to stop said bandits splurging it on salaries and dividends. Reed needs to do more. This £88m should be put into a government escrow account and paid out when conditions are met.

These water companies are adept thieves and need watching.

Wednesday 10 July 2024



Park your car where you shouldn't (even if causing no obstruction) and you will be hit with a large fine.

If you are a company making a fortune out of renting these bikes you are immune from any penalty.

It is time the Council collected and impounded these bikes and charged their antisocial owners a large fee to release them.

It is not right that public rights of way are obstructed in this dangerous manner.


There are thousands of victims of Thames Water here in London and hundreds of thousands outside London.

The last sacked CEO of Thames Water was Sarah Bentley. 

In this country, failure has its rewards. Where has the useless woman ended up? As a highly paid NED at Lloyds Bank.

If you are a victim of Thames Water and a customer of Lloyds(even if not) you should write to Lloyds Bank CEO, Charlie Nunn expressing your disgust that shareholders are paying for this corporate nonentity.  charlie.nunn@lloydsbanking.com 


 Dear Dame,

Hammersmith and Fulham Council has made life impossible for non-residents to travel in parts of Fulham with heavy fines imposed for innocent transgressors. It's all in the cause of a scheme to reduce traffic, congestion and pollution in South Fulham streets.

This means that South Fulham residents can travel around Chelsea streets creating traffic congestion and pollution with no penalty.

This is quite wrong. Chelsea and Knightsbridge streets face the worst issues. 

RBK&C should follow the example of H&F and restrict access to congested areas.

Best wishes

A victim


Every year every local authority must open its books to any requests made to it. This covers any council expenditure and all income.

One question all should be asking about is the huge surge in employees over the last few years. Also, whether the auditor has stats on the number of council employees still working from home. This is pertinent when most commercial organisations have set their face against home working. If you are a council employee and working from home outside London you should NOT be entitled to a London allowance.

If you can check the accounts by GOING HERE

You can ask for any contract, report, assessment, payment received or made, and anything else related to its finances. 

You can email the Council auditor Paul.Cuttle@uk.gt.com to request anything you want by 12th July 2024.

Monday 8 July 2024


Stories about vanquished MP's not being able to find gainful employment are untrue. 


click to enlarge

Thousands of residents made clear King's Rd Marks and Spencer is an intrinsic part of our community and the proposed redevelopment a ruination of the Road.

Ben Coleman wrote to the Mayor emphasising the importance of the store and the fact that the development is entirely out of context and has a canyon like impact on King's Road.

If any Hornet wants a full copy of the letter plus the rationale for refusal please contact the Dame,

Let us hope the Mayor listens to the voices of reason....

Sunday 7 July 2024



A Hornet has kindly identified this boorish young man. Being a frightful old snob the Dame always has a Burke's Peerage next to her lorgnette.
She was shocked to find this young man was a sprig of one of Scotland's most ancient and warlike families and heir to earldom! 
Step forward the Honourable Heathcote Hore Ruthven champion of the working classes and the dispossessed.
The Dame will be popping around (uninvited) to have a few words with the Countess. She will demand the brat is locked up in the castle dungeon until he learns some manners. 

Powell, being a gentleman, ignored the little pest.

Saturday 6 July 2024


Boris Johnson is on manoeuvres. 

He gives his first two pieces of wisdom in the Mail (1) that the Tory Party has an infinite capacity to reimagine itself and (2) it should have nothing to do with Farage.

Johnson knows that there is no room in this 'reimagined party' for the two of them. He is now preparing the groundwork for his triumphant return. He really is a plonker.

The world has moved on. He has nothing to offer anyone. We are all tired of his vaudeville style of politicking.

In contrast, Starmer looked prime ministerial as he took over the reins of power. 

The Dame suspects that Sir Kier is a hard man and will demand results. If the likes of Lammy and Rayner prove to be liabilities he will quickly ditch them. 

The Dame would like to meet Lady Starmer for 'tea and fancies'. She sounds like a real power behind the throne....

Friday 5 July 2024


Bevin....left of Churchill

One of the Dame's favourite Labour statesmen is Ernie Bevin. Bevin refused every title he was offered. 

When finally persuaded to become Lord Privy Seal he said: 'I am neither a Lord, nor a Privy, nor a Seal'

Bevin had no PPE. What he did have was deep, intuitive political and common sense blended with high intelligence. Even his lofty permanent secretary, Sir Alexander Cadogan thought highly of him.

Bevin was also a great patriot. The Dame thinks he would have had a little truck with Emma Dent Coad.

Sadly, they don't make the likes of Bevin any longer.