Tuesday 16 July 2024


The Dame despairs.....

Starmer has built rather a good team. 

Wes Streeting, John Healey and Rachel Reeves spring immediately to mind. 

Then you get to Rayner and Lammy.

This is how Angie fought back against VP of the USA in waiting, Vance. 

She describes him as 'fruity' but looks forward to a meeting. 

If we want to damage our relationship putting this airhead in the same room as Vance will do the trick.

Lammy took a different tactic by praising Vance's book 'Hillbilly Elegy.' 

Though in the past our Foreign Secretary has described Trump as a sociopath and narcissist.

We all have our views on Trump and Vance. The reality is that they will be in charge of the world's most powerful democracy: a democracy we and Europe depend upon for our security.

Rayner and Lammy have in the past been very rude about Trump. Trump has an elephantine memory for slights and insults.

It would seem sensible to keep Lammy and Rayner well out of the way of the USA.


  1. One of the airhead's supporters put an airheaded comment" F**K The Dame. By their profound comments you shall know them!

  2. Tell someone to F***k themselves demos a cerebral deficit. Probably has a similar IQ to Lammy. How embarrassing listening to him answer questions on Mastermind.

    1. Lammy seems to have been working hard to scratch some measure of influence with the , now likely Trump administration. I wish him well & note that he made a start before many of us faced up to the reality. Lammy has matured into a sensible mature politician but l fear that others cannot forgive him for being an upperty black man . Shame on them.

    2. Oh for God's sake...grow up. Stop using the colour of someone's skin as a defence against the perfectly just position that the man is not up to the job. You insult all black people. The fact is that Lammy has a big gob and shoots his mouth off because he likes to show off. He is the wrong man for a role that requires deep diplomatic skills and sensitivity. It would be as crass as giving the role to Prescott. Starmer should have looked at David Milliband and thought..." now, I wonder where I can find a man like Milliband". The fact is that Trump will never forgive Lammy and because of that Lammy is a clear and present danger to our relationship with the USA.

  3. How vulgar! "Fuck the Dame." One local politician told me to "Fuck" on This is North Kensington.

  4. Perhaps we need a 'Gobby' politician as Foreign Secretary. Better than the insufferable David Cameron anyway

  5. We are discussing Lammy not Cameron. It is a vital role and unsuited to a fool especially one who has pissed off our prime defender in the event of war

    1. As a Harvard Law graduate you cannot really describe Lammyas a fool

    2. A fool is a man who describes the potential president of the USA as a sociopathic narcissist knowing that one day he might need that man's help...got it?

    3. It did not do J. D. Vance any harm correlating Big Donnie with Hitler. Trump is a sociopath and a narcissist.

    4. Are you dim? Trump needed Vance: he doesn't need the Foreign Secretary of a country of no great importance to him. Got that?

  6. So we can only have a Foreign Secretary who is acceptable to a US Presidential Candidate ? Are you going to ask him about Starmer's choice of Home Secretary as well ?

    1. Well, dear....it might help to choose a Foreign Secretary who could cement a relationship with the Commander in Chief of the world's most potent democracy. I doubt Trump will meet Lammy and it would be amusing to be a fly on the wall if they ever do. Use your common sense. Like Trump or not, he does not need us: we desperately need him. He is looking for any excuse to downgrade the relationship Europe. Lammy will be that excuse. Oh, but I forget you have a band of brave comrades plan to man the barricades when we are invaded. I despair!

    2. Are you confident that Trump would defend Europe from Russian aggression ? He seems obsessed with 'firm leadership' and has no belief in NATO or the importance of democracy as a guiding principle .
      Europe cannot count on the US if led by Trump.

    3. Are you confident that Trump would defend Europe from Russian aggression ? He seems obsessed with 'firm leadership' and has no belief in NATO or the importance of democracy as a guiding principle .
      Europe cannot count on the US if led by Trump.

    4. Trump/Vance wants Europe to pay its way. It's that simple. We cannot continue to lean on the US whenever there is a crisis and being rude about your erstwhile saviour is suicidal!

    5. “Trump/Vance wants a European army. It’s that simple. We cannot continue to not fight our own battles.” It’s as if you/Trump/Vance think Brexit was a mistake!

    6. Trump is also a racist so would never treat Lammy fairly. Apart from anything else Trump cannot be relied upon to defend Europe . So we now need our European democratic allies more than ever. Quietly reversing Brexit is the obvious thing to do . From an electoral point of view it is probably still 4 or 5 years before a Starmer government can honestly admit the extent of the damage done by abandoning Europe in the way that we did .


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