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Wednesday 19 June 2024



Dear Dame

Being such an old 'knowall' you may know the answer.

The Tories will have just a few seats in the Commons yet masses in the Lords. 
How will nice Sir Kier smoothly progress legislation with such opposition?
Will he need to urgently reform the Upper House....or am I missing something?

With best wishes

Lord D*****l M*****n


  1. The Labour party has committed to immediately legislating to remove hereditary peers from the House of Lords if elected to government. It will also impose retirement on members of the House of Lords at the age of 80.

    1. 92 hereditary peers is a drop in ocean and not all will be Tory. Getting rid of over 80's will hardly dent it and will throw babies out with bathwater. An elected chamber is the only way

    2. Labour is to appoint dozens of peers within weeks in an attempt to push through its policies and improve the representation of women in the House of Lords https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/23/labour-add-dozens-peers-back-policies-improve-gender-balance?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

  2. The Dame is correct to assume Labour has already won. But there is still one question to solve: Who is gonna be out of the job first this summer, Sunak or Southgate?

    1. The blame game has already started

      Nadine Dorries lays into MPs who ousted Boris Johnson as poll predicts Tory wipeout.

    2. Nadine Dorries is one of the most stupid politicians ever. Her stupidity is staggering.

      In a television interview, she recently referred to all the Prime Ministers since Boris Johnson as not being elected by the electorate. The electorate, Nadine, does not elect the Prime Minster. They elect Members of Parliament who form a Government usually on political party lines. The governing political party determines who shall be its leader and PM; not the voters.

      Rishi Sunak was right to keep her out of the Lords. She had a sense of entitlement over that peerage just because she came from a poor area of Liverpool, from a street where children had no shoes to go to school, and later became a nurse, a businesswoman, a writer of appalling novelettes which are stylistically poor and a Tory MP.

      When she was Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport she wanted to privatise Channel 4 but did not understand the funding model. Only Boris Johnson would appoint someone so daft to a Secretary of State role purely because of sycophantic loyalty to him.

    3. Being a 'Stupid Politician' ' has not prevented others from receiving a peerage . As much as l dislike her l do feel that her humble origins & glorious Scouse accent has paid a part in keeping her out of the Lords . In addition to removing the hereditaries , an early reform of the Lords should include a simple mechanism to remove those whose conduct brings politics into disrepute ( eg Baroness Moyne)

    4. Do you mean Baroness Bra?

  3. When did Baron Moylan start holding dual British and Irish citizenship? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Moylan,_Baron_Moylan

    1. Th Baron campaigned for Brexit to be imposed on the little people not himself.

    2. If Baron Moylan was legitimately descended of an Irish grandparent or parent, born any where in the Ireland, then under Irish law he is Irish at birth and entitled to Irish Citizenship.

    3. 07:23 don't spout rubbish. The 'little people' (as you so patronisingly refer to over 50% of voters) decided they wanted out of a creaking, undemocratic farce. We are now seeing EU 'democracy' in action as the Germans and the French stitch up anyone opposing their views of life. There is a generalised feeling amongst European voters that the EU is no longer all it cracked up to be by the elite you so much admire.

    4. Amazing, Baron Moylan holds EU (Irish) citizenship

    5. It's not so amazing unless you get excited about small things. There are any number of Irish who have a dislike of the EU. Moylan is just one of millions

    6. 18:03 Amazing you don’t see the big hypocrisy.

    7. Dross and detritus.23 June 2024 at 09:46

      IREXIT has been gaining Momentum in Eire for years for just as long as Brexit has been an issue on the UK political stage.

      Moylan avails himself of a passport to which he became entitled on the precise moment that he was expelled from his mother's vagina. He is entitled to that passport and is entitled to the legal privileges that go it with whether he agrees with those privileges conferred by Eire's EU membership. If Moylan had been born in Ireland in the fifties (instead of in the UK) he would have been entitled to practise politics over here in the UK. In these circumstances, the only passport to which Moylan would have been entitled would have been an Irish one and no one would suggest that he should not use it just because Eire is in the EU and he opposes EU membership.

    8. If you looking for a Brexiteer to punish, look no further than Jacob Rees Mogg who is awaiting shafting on Polling Day owing to Boundary Commissioner changes.

      IT has been said that.........................................
      Rees Mogg moved his Hedge Fund to Dublin about two years before BREXIT.

    9. 09:46 you ignore blatant hypocrisy.

      The Baron campaigns for all of us to be out of the EU, only to personally join the EU.

    10. No one personally joins the EU, 15.11.
      The member state, Eire, joined the EU not Moylan.

  4. Getting rid of the hereditariness makes a significant start on removing the Numerical bias towards the Conservatives in the Lords . They will also be wary of challenging a newly elected government for the first couple of years


  5. Sunak did go there… “What Keir Starmer is promising you is the same fantasy that Liz Truss did."… PM with the strongest implicit criticism of his predecessor, colleague and fellow candidate in this election…

    1. Blue on blue in-fighting.

      Keir shaking it off: ‘Swift’ campaign pitstop. https://x.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1804248088959504868

    2. Blue on blue

      Sir Robert Buckland told LBC he was dismayed by the betting scandal. “Whatever the motivation of these people… is this really what we expect? I think not,” he said. Asked whether the PM should suspend those involved, he said: “I do.”

      Mr Kwarteng told GB News: “It’s childish and incredibly stupid. How did they think they wouldn’t be caught?” He pointed the finger at Mr Sunak, saying he is in charge so is “ultimately responsible”.

    3. Anne Milton, a former Conservative MP and party whip, told Times Radio: “It confirms views about the fact that the Conservative party hasn’t upheld standards in public life. It’s not behaved well. There appears to be no leadership from the top. Suspension is the right thing to do while people are investigated. It’s harsh on people, if the allegations are found not to be true, but that is what would happen in any other sphere of work.”

      James Cleverly, the home secretary, told Sky on Sunday that he was “not in any way going to defend people who placed bets” but insisted it was only a “small number of individuals”.

      Michael Gove, the levelling up secretary, compared the row with the Partygate scandal. “It looks like one rule for them and one rule for us … That’s the most potentially damaging thing. The perception that we operate outside the rules that we set for others. That was damaging at the time of Partygate and is damaging here,” he said in an interview.

    4. Tory leadership jostling intensifies as Kemi Badenoch hints at a fresh bid for the party's top job - a day after James Cleverly left the door open to becoming Rishi Sunak's successor | Daily Mail (24 June)

    5. Tories are a ‘shower of shit’, says Conservative candidate James Cracknell

    6. Tory 'blame game' begins early as Jenrick and Patel float leadership bids https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/tory-blame-game-begins-early-jenrick-patel-float-

  6. There have been some tasteless comments about Mr and Mrs Sunak. This is the Dame's take. Sunak is one of the most misfortunate of PM's. He is surrounded by dross and inherited the mess-ups of his hyper-incompetent predecessors. To be fair to the man he is a decent hardworking individual. He may not have political talents but he has the capability of successfully leading a FTSE 100 company. The Dame has always felt that his overbearing father-in-law pushed him into politics. Anyway, he is making the very best of a very bad hand with great courage. For that, he deserves some respect.

    1. Well said, Dame. But then I remember you always did have the hots for dishy Rishi.

      The problem is, his whole political career is built on a platform of nothing more than disgorging huge amounts of money during the pandemic. Otherwise totally inexperienced.

    2. How dare you!! Are you suggesting he offered to make the Dame a Baroness for her support. How dare you!

  7. Rishi Sunak said "It's a really serious matter …”

    Yesterday, Rishi, said he was "incredibly angry, incredibly angry,"

    There have been calls for suspensions. Silence.

    Rishi only promises to act if someone has been found guilty of breaking laws.

    1. He wants the Laura one and other gambling Tories standing at the GE, no matter what.

    2. - - - RS UK’s 1st Ai PM - - -

    3. The betting scandal is so banal, so petty, and yet utterly symbolic of everything wrong with the Tory party. To amplify it, Sunak has handled it in the worst possible way. Will we ever again see an election campaign this bad from a party in government?

  8. Rishi Sunak dodged a question on whether he could rule out a member of the Cabinet having also placed a bet.

    So far ‘incredible angry’ PM has refused to suspend any of the probed candidates.

    Pressure is mounting …

  9. Really looks like Farage is rattling many cages. Imagine what mincemeat he will make of Starmer and Thicko Rayner when he takes his seat on the green benches. Vote Reform.

    1. Would you want Nigel Farage to marry your daughter?

    2. Nigel Farage sounds like 'Putin's poodle'

    3. Apologists for Putin.23 June 2024 at 14:22

      Jeremy Corbyn, like Farage, blamed the very existence of NATO for Putin's invasion in Ukraine.

      There is only one person to blame for invading Ukraine and that is PUTIN.

      Dent Coad always toes Corbyn's line on Foreign Policy so we now know where she stands. She has been asked to tell us her position on PUTIN and Ukraine many times and has failed to do so. The evidence is compelling: she is another apologist for PUTIN.

    4. Hey 20.48!what evidence do you have that A Rayner is 'a thicko' ? She strikes me as bright and courageous . Are you just frit of an articulate and challenging working class woman ? Is she that much of a threat to your fragile manhood ?

    5. Well, mate...she don't half say some stoopid things, mate. Is I frit of 'er, mate, nah..is u her mate. U sound as dim as 'er

    6. You are not worth sparring with & appear to believe that abuse is a form of humour

    7. Ah mate, no offence...jus coz u think de idiot is easy on the eye and knows how to make a fast buck u fink I is thik and frit of er.

    8. U.K. Reform Party Candidate Blames 'Powerful' Jewish Groups for Muslim Immigration, Deleted Tweets Reveal https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2024-06-23/ty-article/.premium/u-k-reform-party-candidate-blames-powerful-jewish-groups-for-muslim-immigration/00000190-458e-d16c-a7b0-5f8fa62b0000

    9. Every time some idiot tries to smear Farage Reform get tens of thousands more votes. Looking forward to having Reform as HM Opposition. Suck that up

    10. Telegraph | Rishi Sunak interview: 'Nigel Farage is a Putin appeaser'

  10. Tories pledge focus on pubs and clubs in the first 100 days. Drowning their sorrows at a guess!

  11. Tory MPs paid £100,000 of public funds to party’s in-house web designers Conservatives including Hunt and Truss used Bluetree for websites and claimed costs as expenses" Another Tory scandal, if you've room for one more?

  12. No other leader has taken the trouble to actually go to the channel and see French Navy frigates actively escorting migrant books organised by criminal gangs. Farage did and reported back the blatant abuse of the £480 million given to the French to help stop the flood of illegals entering our country. Most would have no right of entry: they are coming to get all the benefits of UK life. Well done Farage

    1. Hundreds of ships and boats (rather than ‘books’) sail in the Channel everyday, and there is no reason to arrest any shipping or intervene, unless some safety issue or some offense is involved. It is to be noted that the British asked - and are paying them for it - the French Authorities to do the immigration border checks on the French side of the Channel.

      Nigel Farage purposefully misreports, blaming forgeiners, to stoke fear and resentment.

    2. May I congratulate you on such extraordinary perceptiveness. Helping us all by pointing out a 'typo' reassures us that boring pedants exist on the bonkers left . I must be a boring pedant too: I have picked up this from your fatuous comment: 'forgeiners'...is a forge-einers someone we should look out for?


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