Sunday 21 April 2013


Daniel Moylan-a Health Warning

The Dame has noticed a misplaced belief that somehow, because of his bullying and dictatorial approach, Daniel Moylan might be a good chap to lead the Rotten Borough into the shiny new era of the Tri-Borough arrangement. How little do people remember of history....Fortunately, the dear old Dame does...

The other day she was with her 'walker', the disgraced  Ex 'Worshipful' Mayor Phelps, in the China Department at Peter Jones. 
As she looked out over Sloane Square, in all the glory of Spring, Phelpsie reminded her how close it had become to looking like Spaghetti Junction in Danny Boy's hometown, B'rum.
How right Phelpsie was...
Just a few years ago Danny Boys attempted to wreck Sloane Square, depriving the Royal Borough of an historic and iconic feature.

By good fortune Moylan's plan was halted by tens of thousands of residents. 

It was cripplingly expensive for residents and a constant battle against Moylan and the Council as they tried to bully and coerce residents into submission. 
It was the most unedifying example of a 'dirty tricks' campaign being played against taxpayers and residents.
The destruction of Sloane Square was only stopped in its tracks when the campaigners threatened to put up their own candidates at the next election:it was then Cockell buckled and stopped the project. 

However, Moylan has always threatened that one day he would get his way:no surprise there. He has always sneered at residents' opinions.
The campaign was driven by a remarkable couple-the Doctors James and Margaret Thompson.
Each time we look upon Sloane Square we need to remember their brave fight against a man who gave not a toss for the views of residents.

Leopards and bullies never change their spots. 
Daniel Moylan comes with a huge Health Warning to residents. His interest is self interest.


  1. Goodness me, the Dame has taken a powerful dislike to Cllr Moylan

    1. Chelsea Resident21 April 2013 at 20:47

      All of those Sloane Square objectors who took a public tongue lashing from the Birmingham pleb understand exactly where the Dame is coming from

    2. I LOVE THE DAME21 April 2013 at 21:31

      The Dame doesn't like bullies and those who abuse their positions of power

  2. Fly On The Wall21 April 2013 at 20:51

    At the Cabinet Meeting where Cllr Moylan presented, recommended and sponsored the £30 million "pink granite from China" project for Exhibition Road, he triumphantly informed Cabinet members that "now we can sit back and experience two years of protest from local residents". The lap dogs fell in behind the windbag, supported by the self seeking Cockell

  3. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "LEST WE FORGET.......ABOUT A BULLY BOY":

    A coker

    1. What is a coker?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Cllr Moylan is definately not the change the electorate are seeking. The qualities I think we need for a Leader of RBK&C is someone who is honest and not self seeking, responsible, has extensive business experience and finally a rare commodity amongst politicans, common sense. There are many excellent candidates who live in the Royal Borough but sadly none who are currently in contention. I would look for someone who is currently not a standing councillor.

  5. Cllr Williams was/is bottom of the barrel. All that was left after the Dame intervened to prevent the appointment of Cllr Moylan as Mayor of the Royal Borough. Readers will recall that Cllr Cockell was preparing his defenses to run for a FIFTEENTH year as Leader and thought it wise to remove the threat of Moylan standing against him by giving him the bauble of Mayor. But the Dame got wind of this stitch up and waded in. Making it plain that if Moylan was foisted on long suffering residents her files would be opened and published. From South Africa via Bangkok to the Evening Standard dossier. Not pretty reading

    1. The Dame is a force to be reckoned with

    2. What is in the Evening Standard files?

  6. why is Borwick not standing?

    1. Cllr Borwick has been curiously quiet in the election stakes. Just like Cllr Mills. But tomorrow we will know. The Dame plans to publish the list of contenders, and their Proposers and Seconders. Unless of course the fragrant Jonathan Frazer-Howells tries to keep it secret.

      Fragrant is currently dizzy with power according to an informant. He is running a Leadership election process for the first time and has got rid of the Leader that he hates. Enjoying every minute of his "moment"

    2. Fragrant is out shopping today. Handbags.

  7. Borwick - a true residents friend should put her name into the ring

    1. I am sure that there are many of Thatchers children on the council who would vote for Victoria.

      Politically very sound, socially wonderful, knows everybody in London.

      Someone should tell her to stand ASAP

  8. Elephant With Long Memory22 April 2013 at 09:43

    Any person who is in any doubt about just what an awful person Cllr Moylan is should contact James or Margaret Thompson who created the Save Sloane Square movement and fought off all the dirty tricks. This was a full frontal by Moylan, with Cockell twisting the knife in the background including revenge on Cllr Coleridge and ex Cllr Corbet-Singleton who dared to oppose the nonsense. The Thompsons would have none of it and formed their own political party to stand against the wretched vagabonds - at which point Cockell threw in the towel.

    But the reptiles came back with the even more outrageous Exhibition Road. Unfortunately for tax payers there was no James and Margaret Thompson to oppose them

    1. Full frontal by Moylan? Oh no...

  9. Moylan's bullying and insensitivity is based on a huge inferiority complex. A position such as Leader would give him huge scope to identify any fragment of opposition from Officers, fellow Councillors and residents and he would set about them. Intoxicating for him. A different variety of Pooter's self serving.

    1. Stupid observation. The guy gets things done. And does not suffer fools. He got a First at Balliol and has been given many public service awards. And he was selected for High Office at the GLA

    2. and he has the strength to knock the Tri Borough into shape

    3. What has he 'got done'? He was off the Olympic Legacy Committee for pissing off some very successful people. My accountant got a a Double First too but he could manage a piss up in the proverbial. You must be Moylan's Chinese boy friend!
      As for knocking the Tri Borough into shape....
      In no time at all the good guys would go fast

    4. Moylan was a Board Member of Chelsea Care. And we all know where that creation of Cllr Buxton ended up. Both of them are absolutely hopeless with resource allocation and with Governance

  10. Cllr Moylan and Derek Meyers would be uneasy bedfellows

    1. I really don't think Mr Myers is the sort of chap to sleep with Cllr Moylan.....what a horrid picture it conjures up.....


  12. Anyone who doubts Cllr Moylan's ability to get out the vote should remember that it was a dead heat when he stood against Cllr Cockell for the Leadership

    1. Dead is the operative word

  13. Why cant you focus on someone like Borwick. that I would vote for (if I had a vote) instead of who you do not like

  14. Cllr Borwick would be a safe pair of hands and honest. And with her wider experience and responsibilities at the GLA. Cllr Mills would be great. That is two names for a start. Cllr Husband also a person who genuinely cares about and works for residents. There are one or two others who have not promoted themselves and therefore not sufficiently known - except to their Ward residents

    1. Borwick! Borwick! Borwick!

      IN, IN, IN,

  15. Moylan's open contempt for his fellow citizens rules him out of the Leadership contest. Anonymous 09.50 is correct. The man has a monstrous inferiority complex because, despite his superior intellectual capabilities, he is inferior. The residents of the Royal Borough deserve far better. I'd almost go as far as to say "Anyone but Moylan."


  16. Lets have Victoria Borwick for leader

  17. Victoria Borwick for leader, she is honest, hard working and totally focused on what the residents of this Borough care about.

    She will sort out the complete mess that will no doubt be left in Cockells cupboard, we residents know very little about what he has actually been up to. The latest most public fiasco being the Tri Borough, which is demolishing this Borough right under the noses of the residents. We are meant to keep our sovereignty, local services etc well thats the line for the residents but the officers are steering a very different ship called Conthem. It is an illusion that it will save money it is in fact a false economy, downgrading services and resident involvement in our community.

    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is literally being sold up and down the river by idiots who care only for their salaries, this is a clear and present danger and Victoria is perfectly capable of steering this Borough out of it.

    1. Cllr Husband or Cllr Gardner would be an excellent Deputy Leader to Cllr Borwick. The Dream Team.

  18. I will vote for anybody who puts the interests of the Residents first. I think it would be a huge mistake to select anybody who has had close dealings with Sir Merrick or anybody who has seriously upset the residents for reasons of self advancement; see Save Sloane Square. A person who is focused on the Royal Borough, careful with money (which would make a welcome change); i.e. not another Sir Merrick or Cllr Moylan. I will be watching this site very closely but it is starting to look as if Cllr Borwick has the necessary experience and will to have an excellent chance of being selected as Leader. I wish her well.

  19. Can I say as an impartial resident that I had a problem with a planning application and my neighbour and I found Victoria to be very helpful.

  20. I wish to add that it ia crucial to the prosperity of the Conservative Party that whoever is the leader has an attractive and capable personality and is fit and proper to lead the Tories when they will be under considerable pressure from UKIP in particular. Selecting the wrong Leader will push more and more dissillusioned traditional Tory voters to support UKIP.


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