Saturday 20 April 2013


According to the Dames's friend, Justin Downes, the international rich are not just digging deep below London. Some are  seizing the chance to do some corporate advertising at the same time!
Mr Srivaddhanaprabha, the billionaire Thai owner of this house in Hans Place is using his building works to promote his Thai based duty free group of companies...what a cheek!
This could start a worrying trend....

Some of the new super rich arrivals have made their fortunes in ways which would be matters of police interest in this country.
Can we expect them to be promoting their dubious enterprises in similar ways?
The Dame hopes not...

Come on Mr Bore..... crack down on this common and vulgar innovation.


The Dame hears Mr Bore has come down on them like a ton of bricks. Well done!


  1. Who the hell does this Thai fellow think he is? How crude. Is he mate of Moylan?

  2. Mr Bore is the worst sort of Administrator. A box ticker who does not walk the talk. Every year his Planning Department approves 1000 Planning Applications. Every single one has a fundamental impact on the lives of the people involved. Bore never ever gets out and about to visit, inspect and assess the impact of his work. He is lazy and inappropriate. Just the kind of wasted space that needs to be put on his bike

    1. Bore is a person who should never have been recruited to Hornton Street

    2. Very perceptive

  3. The plague of Bore that has been visited on the good people of Kensington and Chelsea is made worse by the lazy and incompetent Councillors who make up the Planning Committee. Too lazy to read their papers and too stupid to understand the issues, they are content to leave matters to Officers. Another aspect of the decayed culture created by Cockell

  4. How true! The Chairman (T Buxton, brother in law of the Inventor of Chelsea Care) is a toad who is only interested in making gestures and statements that he thinks make him sound important. And Deputy Cllr Williams is a bird brain after the style of Elizabeth Campbell.

  5. Cllr Williams will be the greyest and most uninspiring Mayor when he starts huffing next month. Another Cockell triumph. It is not by accident that Williams is LAST on the Councillor list

  6. The planning department is out of control.

  7. Lord Kensington21 April 2013 at 10:16

    Mr Downes should not be shocked by vulgar advertising in Hans Place by Thai billionaires. It has become common place. The only solution is UKIP. The good people of Britain need red meat in terms of immigration and social welfare.

  8. Indulge the little Thai! He has "arrived" with a house in Knightsbridge (the Thais pronounce it Kneebrid) and he is digging his very own basement. They are a gentle people but not familiar with our gentle customs. For example, when the front door bell rings, they will always open the letter box from the inside and look out just to make sure that it is not the police or a burglar who is calling. Takes a bit of getting used to

    1. Scribe you are quite wrong. They NEVER open the door when the doorbell rings. For the reasons that you state. But they do look through the letter box

  9. It is so unfair to say that Councillor Williams has a bird brain. No bird I have ever come across has a brain that small. He will be a truly dreadful mayor. I am sure he will try to give ex-councillor Phelps a good run for his money as mayor. Cockell's parting revenge.

    1. Yes and totally introverted.


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