Tuesday 23 April 2013


Rock Feilding Mellen has been a councillor for all of six years. 

He is the youngest and least experienced Cabinet member.
Yet, with all the arrogance of youth, he has decided that he should be leader of our council! 

The Dame hears that he has been put up to this by a clique of young councillors led by the quite hopeless Quentin Marshall-a councillor who spends much of his time playing polo in Argentina.
Their raison d'etre for attempting to foist this boy on long suffering residents and officers is that he would be able to vanquish the 'Old Guard'.
Rock Feilding Mellen has done nothing in his short life to justify any councillor putting their trust in his leadership abilities.
At this juncture the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea needs and deserves a leader with vision, experience and charisma.
Feilding Mellen has none of these qualities. A vote for him would be a slap in the face for residents.


  1. My Mate The Builder23 April 2013 at 09:13

    This has to be a joke

  2. Another person the hornet does not like

    lets hear something positive please

    1. Dear 9.13. We are in shock. Lets snuff out this manic idea before it gathers momentum

    2. The Dame has made very clear, over past months, who she feels would acquit themselves well as leader. When a candidate emerges who she believes to be ill equipped she is bound to say so. It is not a question of like or dislike:merely a question of who is up to the job.

  3. This is an important central London Borough which needs mature Leadership. "Rocky" is a pretty boy but that is about it. And if there is any further doubt then Councillors should consider a family that drills holes in their heads and a polo playing proposer. A very bad joke

  4. This newish member of Cabinet still requires lots of coaching

  5. The first drink on offer from the owner of Harrods and Cllr Marshall is off in a flash, leaving his residents to fend for themselves. Not the sort of Kingmaker I want around me

  6. We need to see their manifestos. What do they pledge with regard to:
    * Holland Park Opera
    * Basements
    * Tri Borough
    * Resident Artist
    * Civil Society

    1. AND housing developments in Peterborough!


  7. The three Brompton Ward councillors have allowed the once elegant Beauchamp Place to degenerate into a sleazy and stinking Edgware Road clone. They are three of the most useless cllrs.
    At least Phelps cleaned up Earls Ct Rd: this lot do nothing. They have one thing in common....they are children doing men's work

    1. The Boy Brigade in Brompton Ward have been long on promise and short on delivery. Cllr Bark Without the Bite Horder promised in his election manifesto to rid Brompton residents of the Arab racers who propel their noisy cars around Knightsbridge at high speed. Of course nothing has been achieved. And Bark did nothing to moderate the excess of the Iranian Embassy.


  9. The voters in St. Charles ward disposed of Feilding-Mellen in 2010 and he was hastily brought back to Holland Ward when Lady Hanham stood down. But he was not the first choice for that safe seat. His former St. Charles colleague, Dominic Johnson, was approached first but he opted to spend more time with his family. What a pity. Johnson would have made a good candidate for leadership. This one just doesn't.

  10. Tired Tory Councillor23 April 2013 at 09:56

    Rock FM is often very rude and a bully, particularly when people don't agree with him. He has no tools to cope with dissent, none whatever. He is an intellectual lightweight, and as some have intimated, too much of a 'party boy'.

    He also talks through his nose, which is extremely annoying.

    Please, NO.

  11. Person Familiar With The Situation23 April 2013 at 09:56

    Cllr Marshall deserves credit for recognising that a break with the past is necessary. And for having the courage to do something about it. The younger group of Councillors have been fed up for some time and two (including ex Cllr James Cecil) already quit in disgust at the Leadership style of Cockell and the old guard. Cllr Fielding-Mellen is a Cabinet Member already and so he is the obvious candidate for this bid for power. Rallying the young vote in this way is clever. Depending on the line up for the Leaders job, it could be a powerful swing vote to deliver at the end of the day. Using the simple mechanism of Cllr Fielding-Mellen withdrawing his application and the young guard throwing in their support in return for "undertakings". Cllr Marshall might even end up in Cabinet himself.

    This is politics and Cllr Marshall knows the form and has stayed the course. He fought a North Kensington seat (which he only just lost), has been a Ward Chairman and now represents Brompton Ward.

    1. He is utterly useless as a ward cllr

    2. losing is not winning....it is failure

  12. Anonymous23 April 2013 10:19
    Sorry PFWTS, you need to dig a bit about Marshall. He is incompetent and not entirely honest, as well as being a serious....... Just look at his work record; pitiful. Without family money he would be a nobody.

    I'm not stirring, he is genuinely dodgy, senior Tories know this but are keeping it all quiet to save yet more embarrassment.


  13. If any of you are faltering on Rock FM, be strong, look at the patronising clap-trap he is disseminating, it will put you off utterly and permanently:


  14. Goodness, I'd quite forgotten about that 'socially conscious' drivel. What an embarrassment. Hasn't made a penny either!

  15. Cllr Marshall holds down a job in Private Wealth Management. Not a push over.

    1. He also rides a scooter. So what?

    2. That's a job for people who can't do corporate finance. In any case his company is falling apart

    3. Tired Tory Councillor23 April 2013 at 19:55

      Hoho 12.50, have you looked at his work record lately? He was 'in it' up to his ears at his previous job through sheer incompetence and was unceremoniously dumped.

      Yup, he has a scooter. He also drives an extremely flashy Ferrari, so vulgar!

    4. We are where we are and have to work with what we have. A change of Leadership is one of the rare opportunities when a new direction can be taken. A chance to refresh the Borough. Give democracy a chance (lets have an election and not a done deal) and see where it takes us. All it needs is for a small group of Conservative Councillors to put self interest aside and vote for what they think is right

  16. Challengers with a clean pair of hands (eg Borwick, Mills, Husband) should be very encouraged and emboldened by the possibility of the "Marshall vote" becoming available. There could, after all, be a democratic election with some serious hustings about to happen. The old fogies (Coleridge, Ahern and Lightfoot) must be feeling rather uncomfortable.


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