Saturday 20 April 2013


In the K& C Chronicle  Cllr Judith Blakeman claims to speak for the Labour Group in saying, " Cllr Cockell has some significant achievements to his credit and also some better forgotten. He has always been a fair and generous opponent-and contrary to some perceptions, has approached difficult challenges with humour and dignity. Cllr Cockell has also raised the profile of the Borough through his roles as Chairman of London Councils and latterly as Chairman of the Local Government Association. The Labour Group of Councillors wish him well in his new ventures.

Well, the Dame disagrees with her 

soapy, wishy washy assessment. 

Cockell has been a disaster for this 


Cllr Blakeman should have made 

clear the following...

  • That Cockell's greed in forcing the Council to pay him nearly £1,400 a week, for what he claimed to be a full time job, was an affront to democracy. She should have made clear his double  and triple jobbing at London Councils, the Audit Commission and the LGA was quite unacceptable
  • That his personal conspicuous consumption, at the expense of downtrodden taxpayers, left a nasty taste in the   mouth. She should too, have highlighted areas of gross waste....such as Exhibition Rd, Opera Holland Park, Chelsea Care and that monument to excess, Holland Park School.

But then Cllr Blakeman likes to pass helpful information to the Majority Group so don't expect anything too critical. 

Cllr Blakeman lacks teeth!


  1. ... and wasn't that Dezzie O'Neill joining in the standing ovation for Cllr. Cockell? At least the rest of the Labour Group remained seated.

  2. Cllr's Blakeman and O'Neil are doing serious damage to the credibility of the Labour Group in North Kensington.
    Time for change and for Emma Dent Coad to step to the fore.

    1. Fly On The Wall21 April 2013 at 11:44

      Hypocrisy. Sheer hypocrisy. The Labour Group does not believe one single word of this nonsense. Residents should listen to what they say in private - even the Dame would blush

    2. Coker Rocky put her up to it.

  3. Dezy was the only member of the Labour group who stood in silence for the memory of Mrs Thach

    1. So what! I am a Tory but I would not dream of holding a minute's silence for ANY PM....unless it was Churchill

  4. Cllr Blakeman and some of her North Kensington Labour poodles like the soft feel of the thick, plush Town Hall carpet under their feet too much and are well prepared to sacrifice the well being of their electorate so that nothing comes to rock the boat in their cosy little Horton Street club.
    Opposition from Labour- of that there is very little at a time when it is needed most and Blakeman's cringing eulogy to the departing desperado Cockell proves this.

  5. Cllr Blakeman is putting down a marker to Cockell's successor that she will cause no trouble and expects a few baubles in return. Invitations and the like. The spectacle of an Opposition Leader prostituting themselves in this way is pathetic. The last creep, dismissed ex Cllr Cunningham, was pathetic to watch. A modern day Uriah Heap. It says volumes about the Labour Group that they are prepared to tolerate this type of conduct from their Leader.

    1. Stand Up For Britain21 April 2013 at 10:07

      The state of Local Government in the Royal Borough is in a sorry state.

  6. For years O'Neil has failed to address the needs of N. Kensington residents. He'd rather spend his time and taxpayers' money praising Cockell.

    1. What do you expect N Ken? The man stays in a council house so that he can rent out his private properties. Disgraceful. He would cross the floor to be a Conservative if given the opportunity. And the prospect of one of those juicy SRA's would really send the reptile into a tailspin

    2. O'Neil needs elocution lessons. No room for him in the Conservative Party yet.

      Note for O'Neil: Cllr Elizabeth Campbell has a good elocution teacher. She has managed the voice and the hairstyle but is still struggling with the handbag.

  7. Blakeman always hankered after a position in the Royal Communist Party

  8. Cllr Blakeman has let it be known that her name is available to Propose or Second the next Leader of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Only the successful candidate need apply


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