Thursday 30 May 2024


Just one FTSE 100 CE

Rachel Reeves is being disingenuous in claiming that 120 business leaders support Labour. 

She said she was “really proud” of the support but critics were quick to point out that the list didn’t contain a single chief executive of a FTSE 100 company despite her “smoked salmon and scrambled eggs” charm offensive of corporate Britain.

This is not to denigrate her claim merely to point out that she is lying through her back teeth.

Only one FTSE CE is on her list and barely a big hitter is to be found among a register of 121 names. 

One source claimed there was a danger of demonstrating the precise opposite of what was intended, which is that big business had refused to back Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves.

The only senior figure from Britain’s blue-chip elite was Andrew Higginson, chairman of high street tracksuit and trainer emporium JD Sports...hardly a industrial giant!

Nor was there a single boss to be found from the FTSE 250, the second-tier of listed UK stocks that is far more representative of the British economy that Labour claims it will be a responsible steward of.

This is NOT a snipe at Labour but all parties need to tell the truth or the Dame will be cross.


  1. FTSE 100 Business Men do not nail their colours to any political mast during an election campaign. Bad form for the one who did.

  2. Point taken but it is entirely misleading to infer that these 120 business leaders were corporate titans: they are not. They are fairly mid-level. On the matter of good form, it would have been better if Reeves indicated who these 'business leaders' were instead of giving the impression they were captains of industry,

    1. To be fair to Rachel Reeves, she never gave the impression that any of the Business Men who had signed that letter were, as you put it, "Corporate Titans." Sam Coates of Sky News made the very same point that no FTSE 100 Leaders had signed the letter and she readily agreed with that point in her best Sauf East London accent. I think this story has been run, reworked and spun several times and lost accuracy.

    2. She is a clever and cunning lady. She knew precisely the impression she wanted to give. No one pulls the wool over the eyes of the Dame

    3. I see Labour's list includes a former CEO from Aston Martin. Is the Aston Martin a 'worker's car'? I guess it is now!

  3. Even their own MPs are leaving the Conservatives.
    Bolton North East Tory MP Logan application to join Labour is “going in today“.

  4. Last week, outgoing MP Lucy Allan quit Tory party to support Reform candidate

    1. Whilst I am no fan of the Tories, it is worrying that the Tory Party has gone down the tubes because we need a decent (Tory) opposition to hold the incoming Labour government to account.

  5. Why do you write this is NOT a snipe at Labour when it obviously is? The Dame needs to tell the truth or her readers will be cross.

    1. If Labour or Conservative mislead the Dame will snipe. You may get as cross as you wish. This is not a Labour or Tory supporting blog. It is certainly not a Green supporting blog

  6. Leading UK companies refuse to back Tories or Labour before election as they want to avoid being drawn into partisan politics. Of the 58 FTSE100 that responded to the FT, 34 said they were not supporting any party, with several citing policies of political neutrality, while 24 declined to comment.

    1. The Dame repeats her accusation. Rachel Reeves was giving the impression the great and the good of business was supporting Labour.

    2. The Dame wrote ‘This is NOT a snipe at Labour’ then she ‘repeats her accusation.’ The Dame was not telling the truth as she is clearly making a snipe at Labour.

    3. Rachel Reeves clarified that she had "small, medium and large" businesses supporting her economic plan. She did not say she had FTSE companies because everyone knows that FTSE companies do not "nail their colours" to a political mast during election campaigns.

    4. She made the clarification only AFTER having been pulled up over her insinuation

    5. 21:54 do not go into politics: far too sensitive a soul. The Dame snipes at everyone

    6. The Dame purposefully posted: ‘This is NOT a snipe at Labour’. You even capitalised the ‘not’.

      This reader is sensitive to the Dame’s lie.

    7. To was a snipe at Reeves. Are you happy now?

    8. I really do not think that Reeves was deceiving anyone with what she said. No matter how you slice and dice it, she does have 120 Business Leaders supporting her economic plans. These 120 individuals come from businesses of varying sizes.

      I think she is entitled to say what she said and it is up to voters to decide how much weighting they give to that statement.

    9. Dear Dame,

      It is, nonetheless, remarkable that "one FTSE CE" does support Reeves' economic plans. Remarkable because Chiefs of FTSE companies do not do things like that and remarkable because one of them has seen fit to back her plans. I think even some Tory voters would give credit for Reeves' achievement even if they would never vote Labour.

      How the Tories must wish that someone in business community would do that for them. I was in a pub where the Landlord was telling the blokes to vote Tory - what a cheek.

      In the 1980's, a woman whom I know (who is now a teacher) worked at Marks and Spencer's at Marble Arch. The General Manager put a memo on the staff noticeboard saying that he was sure that everyone realised that voting Tory was in their best interests. I am sure that this is not what M&S would have liked but there you have it - their manager was not perfectible.

    10. “all parties need to tell the truth” The Dame

    11. The Dame does snipe at everyone. She is a vicious and serious old bitch.

    12. How dare you! Mrs S

  7. YouGov have generated another set of numbers for The Times; Overall the Conservatives are up one point on 21 per cent, Labour are down one point on 46 per cent while support for Reform UK has increased from 12 per cent to 15 per cent. The Liberal Democrats are down one point on 8 per cent.

  8. The Cunning Stratagem of Identity Politics.31 May 2024 at 07:52

    Instead of going for Rachel Reeves, we should perhaps pay attention to Emma Dent Coad's latest cunning stratagem.

    EDC told Sky News that if Labour bans Diane Abbott from standing that they will lose the Black vote. She referred to Diane Abbott visiting her "neck of the woods" which she called "North Kensington" and mentioned that Diane was "treated like The Queen."

    Emma appears to be hoping to shore up the Black vote in the Election. The questions are :-

    Will Black voters vote for a woman who has form for race hatred to a Black Tory. She drew a picture of this Black bloke being executed and posted it on the Net for the world to see?

    What a nasty, vicious, and wicked thing to do!

    Will Emma's devotion to Abbott impress Black people to vote for her or will they conclude, the con is over.

    1. I am a Black woman. The Black Tory bloke you are going on about is Shaun Bailey. He said,

      ...........not even the British National Party.............
      .......... had abused him as badly as Emma did. .......

    2. Diane Abbott has been offered a peerage by Keir Starmer if she quits as a Labour candidate -- The Times

  9. Did Labour expel Emma for racism to Shaun?

    1. No she wasn't expelled, she resigned from our Party. She was barred from standing. We don't know why.

      The NEC's due diligence dossier was not made public but it must have been pretty embarrassing for her to get barred.

    2. The ultra left wing group, Momentum, many of whose members have a background in revolutionary socialist thinking, spoke up for Emma when she was banned by Labour.

    3. I thought they banned EDC from standing for Labour because she is a right antisemite. Momentum backed her (even though she did not have guts to join their group) and over looked her racism to Shaun because she is a right Marxist.

    4. "REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST THINKING" is an obstacle to progress.

    5. Trotskyite Groupuscules1 June 2024 at 10:25

      Trotskyite Groupuscules always bolster hard left candidates like EDC and Diane Abbott.

    6. Brexit Groupuscules1 June 2024 at 17:22

      Marxists and Trots were very keen on Corbyn pushing a Brexit agenda. For them, the EU is a club propping up capitalism - an obstacle to socialism.

      Emma was a different kettle of fish. She was an ardent Remainer when talking to those in Kensington who voted for in 2017 but she was a committed Leaver when rubbing shoulders with Corbyn's Marxist mates.

      Does anyone know the name of the Remain Group who refused to endorse Emma as a sound Remainer?

      At least Starmer was true to his Remain principles.

    7. Is that why The Observer wanted to get rid of EDC when she was our MP?

      Was it the European Movement who refused to endorse EDC for running with the hare and keeping with the hounds on Remaining in the EU? Perhaps, Joe Powell knows?

    8. Marxism Today in Kensington.2 June 2024 at 08:40

      06.41. You cannot trust EDC who attends Momentum forums but declines to join them. No right wing Labour Party members are welcomed by Momentum Trots.

    9. The European Movement needed all the support it could get but they did not want any support from EDC.

    10. EDC went on Sky News declaring that Diane Abbott is not antisemitic

    11. Adam Conway - EDC's Carpet Slippers or Trainers.4 June 2024 at 14:31

      Was Emma wearing carpet slippers or trainers during her recent interview on Sky News in which eulogised about Diane Abbott?

      Emma say Diane Abbott, the Queen of Notting Hill Carnival, is not antisemitic. We will take no lessons from Emma on what is, and what is not, antisemitic.

      The Irish and Travellers will take no lessons from Diane Abbott about the racism they suffer.

    12. EDC - the stupid woman, declared on Sky News that Diane Abbott is not Antisemitic. Diane seems to think that Black issues trump all other racist issues. She claimed that Jews did not have to sit on the back of the bus in America in order to prove her Pro Black, Antisemitic, point.

      Diane, the Cambridge Historian, with a lower second class degree forgets that eight to ten years before she was born, some six million jews were gassed by the Nazis.

      Diane does a sh*t job for the Jews but does a great job for Blacks.

  10. The list includes ex Tory donor & Iceland founder Sir Malcolm Walker

  11. Former Heathrow Airport CEO John Holland Kaye now backs Labour

  12. Replies
    1. There are some impressive business leaders backing Rachel Reeves' economic plans. How the Labour Party has come on since the Corbynistas were shown the door.

    2. I do not hear of any impressive business people speaking up for the Tories- they always have done so in past elections.

    3. The business silence is deafening to Conservatives.

  13. Actions speak louder than words - so please note that Rolls Royce happily provided the venue from which Rachel Reeves launched Labours economic manifesto & allowed Keir Starmer to tour their Derby factory a companied by camera teams . At the last election Lord Bamford made the JCB factory available for Boris Johnson's 'bulldozing Europe' stunt . He cannot provide the same backcloth for Rishi this time because he is now a tax dodging felon ( l always judge people by the company they keep)

    1. Oh, don't be foolish. JCB is a massive employer and exporter and to call Bamford a felon shows the depth of your ignorance. Your life may have been frustratingly void of success but don't let it fill you with bile!

    2. Yes l have great animosity towards Tax dodgers. Don't you ? Can you deny that Bamford has fled abroad ? And do you have nothing to say about Rolls Royce's clear support for Labour ?


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