Saturday, 23 March 2024


As we move towards Easter the Dame thought she would address a question of greater import to our lives than Cllr Isse’s switch from Corbynism to Toryism in a New York Minute.

Tom Vaughan is a Kensington resident and co-founder of Juliana’s. 
He is also a descendant of Cardinal Vaughan, founder of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School.

It is unusual for a businessman to write a book that makes you stop and think: Tom has done so in Hope and the Hedgehog.

It’s a small book packing a big punch and it certainly got the Dame thinking.

Is Hope and the Hedgehog about religion? 

Tom says it’s not…”First, there is a fundamental question, a primary choice facing all of humanity  -  without exception  -  before religion of any persuasion comes into the frame. 

This choice is a binary one separating faith from religion. Put simply it is this: either there is a creator (for some, God by another name) which would arguably give life a purpose, or there is not, and our existence is nothing more than a random cosmic accident with no discernible purpose. 

It is one or other of these two choices, there is nowhere else to go.’


The Dame really recommends Hope and the Hedgehog to readers. It is rare for the Dame to stray away from mundane matters of local life but this book by a local resident is worth buying.

It is stocked by Amazon LINK TO BUY and Blackwells and Waterstones


  1. If the Dame thinks highly of Tom's book I will get a copy

  2. Good choice of blog as we reach Easter


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