Sunday, 29 October 2023


This weasel-looking fellow is Scott Dylan.... though that is not his birth name but did the Treasury ever do due diligence on this man?
Why did it not ask why he had changed his name?

Dylan is currently being pursued by Barclays Bank which has a global freezing order on his assets. 

He admits to past issues and he and his company has been the subject of a mass of negative press comment.

Not long ago the Dame drew Felicity Buchan's attention to the activities of Dylan and his confrere, Jack Mason. She pointed out the two government-backed institutions were renting office space from the duo. Nothing has been done!

It is symbolic of this awful government that despite warning Felicity Buchan the Treasury has done nothing to cease its lease arrangement with this very dodgy(that is being polite) company


Is it really right that HMG should be dealing with a BVI company owing hundreds of thousands to HMRC and where connected people are subject of Global Freezing Orders on their assets.

It seems with the government anything goes.


  1. Loads of money culture.30 October 2023 at 03:37

    The only thing that matters to the current Government is individuals making money; and loads of it. Making money by "dodgy means," who cares as long as one makes it and does not get caught. Look at all the fraud in the PPE contracts and, look at all the other Covid frauds inured against Government that have not been prosecuted. Enterprising people expect to get rich. But contrast that to the attitude Government takes to social security fraud - shock, horror! Profiting from the scroungers' charter that will never do, lock them up throw away the key.

    Double standards! The morality of the Tory Government!

    1. It's a bit harsh to say that money is the only thing that matters. They are also obsessed with getting re-elected at any price.

    2. That's true but money is their god.

    3. Nothing wrong with money but there is something wrong about the love of money.30 October 2023 at 22:34

      All that Americans ever talk about is money, money, money and more money. The Tories are no better than the Yanks, they are obsessed with money.

    4. Discussing money is allowed in US culture but l dent that it is a national obsession . This is surely preferable to the English obsession with NEVER discussing money & its impact . It is the coyness of the English about discussing money which is odd & hypocritical rather than the openness of Americans in discussing the importance of wealth


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