Tuesday, 25 October 2022


a typical London Lites horror....

London Lites tried to inflict a hideous, overbearing 24/7 LED advertising board on Portobello Market.

Good sense prevailed and the planner kicked it out....a victory for good taste and commonsense!

It also establishes a useful planning decision precedent.

"The proposed advertisement, by reason of its excessive size, scale, height, width, as well as form, visual mass, method of illumination, and siting in a prominent location, would appear unduly prominent and dominant along Portobello Road. Consequently, the advertisement would cause visual intrusion to the street scene, divert attention from the high-quality townscape of the surrounding area and adversely harm the visual amenity of the streetscape and neighbouring occupiers, contrary to policies CL1, CL2, CR4 and CL11 of the Local Plan 2019 and would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework."


  1. Worth noting when it comes to JC Decaux all the garish billboards (dis) gracing the bus stops of the Royal Borough

  2. I wish Planning would ban bright LED video panels on continuous loops inside shop windows. Ugly, and mind numbing. Ruining our neighbourhood shopping areas.


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