Sunday, 23 October 2022


Pick the Turncoat

I understand you have photographic evidence Cllr. Kasim Ali, deputy leader of Kensington Labour Group & 'continuity candidate ' for the Dent Coad / Lari faction previously campaigned for the Tories? 
Specifically, Angie Bray in Ealing & was part of 'Somali businessmen for the Conservatives' in support of Zac Goldsmith. 
I appreciate this was four or so years ago but surely the Dame should share this information with Labour members: after all, he could be the Labour Parliamentary candidate for Kensington?  
Why the hesitation? 
Ali is on record as denying such 'evenhandedness '  in his political activities but please get him to explain the photographs now rather than create chaos later.

Over to you Cllr Ali...


  1. This is outrageous. Just because the chap in front of Zac looks like Cllr Ali doesn't mean it is Cllr Ali.

  2. Right wing plot to embarrass Kasim. He just popped in for an orange juice

  3. This is not me. I was at a Lib Dem fund raiser that evening.

  4. That's Alibi, my bruvver

  5. That was the most vile Tory campaign. Shame on Cllr Ali for fooling us all to believe he is Labour. What is his politics? Zac Golsmith, Corbyn and now starmerite? seems to go with wherever power goes.


  6. That is a different Kasim. Not the one who platformed at Labour Conference pledging allegiance to Corbyn and the Emmaites. One could think this makes Kensington Labour a laughing stock.

  7. Well at least the Tories gain a seat in Kensington. Truly remarkable given the state of the Government. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  8. Oooohh Jeremy Conservative !

  9. How did this skip through the due diligence at Kensington Labour. Its quite clear that 'some are more equal than others'. Disgusting behaviour . They should all be chucked out of the Labour Party for the good of Kensington.

  10. This is rubbish from the Dame. I Councillor Ali will not deign to read this reactionary rubbish. I am off to the Lib Dems.

  11. He who is without sn ....and all that23 October 2022 at 23:41

    Ali & Dent Coad both need to atone for past sins. Signed a sinner

  12. Lemming Dent Coad. Those who follow her down the one way road of opportunism & narcissm will eventually leap off the cliff into the sea of electoral oblivion

    1. "The one way road of narcissm and opportunism-" just about sums her and her creeps up.

  13. Sorry to break it to all you sad lonely men but the photo is from January 2016. He was invited to the event as the head of an international Somali student group and was not there in any way to campaign for or support Zac Goldsmith or Angie Bray. He’s cleared this up publicly with Lee Harpin, the right wing Labour journalist who conveniently broke this ‘story’ as soon as Kasim Ali said he’ll continue to work with Emma despite her being kept off the ballot. Kasim has never campaigned for the conservatives.

    Take a look at his public explanation for the photo below. If you don’t believe him, or still think he’s a conservative, nobody gives a fuck.

    1. So why did he sign a letter of support 'backing zac' ?

    2. Thats Bullshit. He felt he had to sign it because everyone else in the room was a Conservative and backing Zac. He was forced into it . He's not a Tory FFS.

    3. I agree with 10:49...I was there and saw Kasim in tears as a couple of Tory thugs grabbed him and forced him to sign.

    4. Yes, Jemima can be like that.

    5. To be fair the picture does say Somali Conservatives , perhaps Councillor Ali was unaware of that.

    6. What an untruthful headline ' Closet Conservative ' , its clear to everyone that he was fully supprting them. Councillor Ali has been outed .

  14. Absolute Bollocks...he was there supporting his Lordship.

    1. I believe Kasim Ali. He’s not a conservative and never has been, looks more like a case of him naively trying to ‘fit in’ and appear anywhere he thinks he might have a chance of progressing his career, making the right connections etc. That’s the sort of guy he is. He’d turn up to a Somali Hitler rally if he thought it would get him a better connected job somewhere. But he’s not a Tory and never has been.

    2. Are you suggesting that Kasim Ali is just in it for himself?

    3. When he said 'For the many ' someone should have explained that doesnt mean #backzac.

    4. Yes I am suggesting that Kasim Ali is just in it for himself. He has been a Cllr for just 3 years. Spent all of his time taking photos with Somali groups and making connections in those circles. He does not represent all of his constituents and only seems to be getting support/solidarity in his ill fated campaign to be an MP from Somalis who don’t live anywhere near Kensington.

      Regardless of whether he is true Labour or a Tory his abilities as a Cllr have been very poor so far, without wishing to sound bigoted he seems to find it very hard to explain technical details in proper English, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to understand what he’s saying (not because of his accent, but because of his slightly poor grasp of the language). He works in sound bites and doesn’t seem to have much knowledge of the issues of the day, for example in his role as chair of the housing committee in RBKC in which he spent more time thanking people than actually doing his job and scrutinising the council officers.

      Kasim Ali will say or do anything to become a member of Parliament and seems to be the sort of person who wants to ‘make his people proud’ by becoming the first Somali born MP in Britain.

    5. This is damning. If you cannot articulate properly then how can you truly represent constituents. Making allowances for poor grasp of the English language is ok in other areas but not in the Commons

    6. Wot r u tokking about.

    7. Correction for 11:37 It was actually Cllr Elnaghi in his dire performance as Adult Social Care & Heath Committee Chair who wasted time thanking people. Elnaghi was put there because EDC's lot didn't want Pat Healy in the post at the time. They have a lot to answer for! There is nothing wrong with Cllr Ali's command of the English language though his past judgment is obviously questionable. He has been a reasonable Housing Chair & he has made an effort to work with others & stand out as a Cllr unlike most of EDC's bunch who are either invisible or incompetent. Anyone seen anything remotely promising from of the new Cllrs yet? Or are they more concerned with kissing EDC & Lari's backsides than serving the people of North Kensington?

    8. Agree that Ali is better than Elnaghi- but is that saying much? Neither would recognise Labour priorities or policies if they bit them. This is the most useless & talentless Labour Group since the days of Max Worrell

  15. If he could speak Welsh he would be off to Plaid Cymru to get a seat.

  16. Emma Bent Toad often keeps misfits around her to grip power

  17. He cant be Tory, he was a bus driver dontcha know.

  18. Coming a little late to the conversation, so maybe someone can help me.
    For clarity, either:

    Kasim Ali recently supported a Conservative candidate


    Kasim Ali was too stupid to realise he was at a Conservative Party event

    Your help would be appreciated.

    1. Seems to be the latter. Though he claims he knew it was a Tory event and was just there in his role as ‘director of international Somali students worldwide’ whatever that may be. Most likely an event he attended to get a good photo in his quest to be recognised as a Somali ‘high ranking refugee’.


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