Wednesday, 5 September 2018


The Dame is embarrassed to have to admit that her fellow blogger in North Ken has summed up successfully the continuing stench left by Cockell. STENCH

Even after leaving the Council he continued to poke his nose into its affairs.
Cockell has never had a proper job in his life. 
His family was supported by the taxpayer for years. 
Now, he still continues to use his council links to make money.

Tim Ahern, admittedly not the brightest star in the firmament, would often meet with Pooter to seek his advice!

But 'This is North Kensington' has gone well beyond a superficial glance at Pooter's activities. 
It shows that Cratus-a company with a very questionable reputation in terms of conflict, has picked up several controversial planning related accounts in the Still Rotting Borough.

Its CEO, Kilby, had the nerve to suggest that councillors need to be transparent in their extramural lobbying work knowing that Pooter Cockell was busily using his knowledge and contacts within the Council to bring in business and influence decisions.
It's time for the Leader of the Council and Doctor Quirk to make a public announcement about the pressures being put on officers and councillors by Cratus and stinks!

Well done, This is North Kensington, for alerting us to Pooter and his pals.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you From The Hornets Nest! We have posted a follow up on others at Cratus and have more to come regarding Cockell next week. We thank The Dame and her investigators for inspiring our blog and for as always, keeping Kensington in the know and others on their toes!

  3. Public meeting Baden Powell House SW7 5JS this evening 6:30pm to discuss the redevelopment plans for the Holiday Inn. RBKC residents welcome.


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