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Friday 20 May 2022


Herding new councillors

Dear Dame

Back as the leader, the first thing Emma Dent Coad has done is to order her group to boycott all Civic & Council functions.

That includes vital training for new councillors so now residents have ungifted amateurs representing them.

These new councillors are now to take all their instructions from Dent Coad - the Putin of Kensington Labour 

The Tories have decided to take away the scrutiny chairs from Labour because their chairing- especially Marwan-has been so abysmal. 
As a result, the Leader is urging Labour to boycott all scrutiny committees (as they uselessly did for a year 3 years ago under Pat Mason's leadership)  
But this will be even worse & even more pointless. 
During the last boycott, conscientious councillors like Atkinson & Healy attended & spoke at meetings from the gallery. 
I have no confidence that this lot of newbies & incompetents will even do that  
If opposition councillors boycott scrutiny why are they being paid special responsibility allowances?   
Dent Coad will hand out the allowances to her cronies with no work to be done to reflect SRA's

PS When the committee lists are published for Wednesday's council meetings look for the vacancies on the Labour list. It looks like Labour councillors are declining to accept committee posts if they are not paid an allowance for doing so.  

Yours sadly


  1. Unbelievable

  2. Council Watcher20 May 2022 at 16:57

    Sadly, the alternative is dizzy Campbell and birdbrain Faulks. Propped up by the wheely bin.

    Take your pick.

  3. ----------------------------------

    For Labour to sweep away all 3 of Colville wards excellent councillors is a travesty of democracy. All three were well known and liked across party lines. This was doubtless their downfall. All three had their special areas of expertise; but understood that they were elected to serve local residents. The new lot, foisted on an effectively “captive” audience, may also be well meaning. Except they will be in post solely to serve - Emma Dent Coad.

    EDC is profoundly delusional. She’s yesterday’s woman. Labour has moved on from Corbyn. Long live Starmer - deeply dull - but sane and serious.

    Signed: Non-Aligned

    1. Dull and boring is OK. Communism and Dent Coad's reluctant Marxian ideas are not for Kensington which is why sane Labour Councillors shafted her in 2013/2014

    2. Dent Coad is typical of the lethal hard lef. She never had an adolescent rebellion. She claims to have been a rebel at school. The facts she says that means she wasn't one. Disjointed and dangerous as Ian Henderson found out.

  4. So not truly representing the people who voted for them. It's shameful.

  5. In the next few weeks expect EDC to say some very silly things in order to grab the headlines

  6. What does one expect from ECD after all she was the lady who declared the Republic of North Kensington and when an MP snubbed anyone south of Holland Park Avenue under the impression they are all rich. Oh and said Prince Harry never flew helicopters but he did sit in them and go vroom vroom

  7. Well - I think you have to be careful on that one - do you think we are always told the truth about Royalty; how about Prince Philip being 'In good spirits' when he was actually dying? Why were we never shown Prince Harry's Pilot's Licence, surely a simple way of scotching the rumour?

    1. Aristocratic Labour Councillor23 May 2022 at 07:15

      Now look here 04.29 hours, you have to be careful about aristocratic claims made by Labour's Emma Dent Coad. She claims to be a descendant of Christopher Columbus and the Borgias. So we have not seen Prince Harry's Pilot's Licence. Nor have we seen Emma's 600 years of historiographical evidence, primary sources would be best, to prove the ludicrous Columbus claim.

    2. Maggie, Maggie, Maggie,24 May 2022 at 13:49

      Columbus and the Borgias? She was born Margaret Mary Dent in Stepney. How do you get Emma out of Margaret Mary? What is wrong with being called Margaret, Maggie or Mags?

    3. Aristocrat? She married a baronet and wanted to be Margaret, Lady D'oyly.

  8. He is talking about EDC https://fb.watch/d8IJ1A5fNg/

  9. A vile racist, don't let her forget22 May 2022 at 07:15

    Dear Dame,

    I just love it when you go for Dent Coad that repulsive and exceedingly unpleasant woman whose racism, to quote Shaun Bailey, was worse than anything the BNP visited on him.

  10. Emma's dear love of Comrade Corbyn.22 May 2022 at 08:57

    Now don't forget, this is the odious woman who failed to condemn Corbyn for blaming Putin's invasion of Ukraine on the existence of NATO. You cannot trust Corbyn who has probably sided with Putin because the President of Ukraine is Jewish. Emma is no stranger to antisemitism.

  11. By making her their top dog, Kensington's Labour Councillors must be the dregs of humanity.

    1. Hard left racist, including their hard left defenders, have one thing in common with the far right, BNP and National Front, their poisonous vileness. To think that Henderson, a thinking man, was seen off by the shower now in.

  12. The lemmings recently elected as Labour Councillors have been instructed that all enquiries about who will stand for Labour as Parliamentary candidate are to be referred directly to The Leader or The Head of Security( Beria Lari) . No pretence at democracy or collective decision making in the new regime . They have also been informed that Joe Powell & Mete Coban are ' Dangerous Men'. Its not only Ukraine where democracy is under attack.

    1. Comrade Corbyn and Comrade Dent Coad are very dangerous.

  13. The Cuddly Socialist.24 May 2022 at 15:35

    Dent Coad is a Lemming. Her headlong race to destruction aligning herself to Stanlinist Corbyn and Marxist Abbott thinking she can con the well heeled of Kensington in to believing that she is cuddly.

  14. that's emma dent coad for you25 May 2022 at 06:26

    make no mistake about it that one is a right communist. she admits to being a corbynista and does not correct people when the accolade is bestowed on her. corbyn hates western values likes the values of putin and iran.

  15. High moral standards do not apply to Emma Dent Coad,25 May 2022 at 21:00

    All through the 1980's, the Labour Party's Race Commissars thought they were the sole arbiters of what was, and what was not, racist. Labour's Race Commissars were led by the Marxist duo, Abbott and Corbyn. They were quick to brand all Tories racist. It seems the high moral standards of the Marxist left are not applied to Emma Dent Coad. Dent Coad reported that Diane Abbott treated her to a cake when Emma drew a picture of a Black person being hanged and exhibited such filth on a website.

    1. High Moral Standards Part II26 May 2022 at 06:32

      "High moral standards" do not apply to the egocentric Emma Dent Coad. She orchestrated the shafting of Ian Henderson, a marvellous human being who saved a housing estate from the wrecking ball, to get him out of the way so that she can get back in to parliament at the next general election. Emma's foray in to housing were on the TMO Board......well, can I say, she achieved NOTHING.

    2. I know that EDC is not up to much. Why hasn't she denounced Corbyn's condemnation of NATO and by default his admiration of Putin the aggressor. I don't suppose she had a view on NATO until Corbyn expressed one so she loyally followed the Marxist.

  16. Emma's got to treat us to one of her anti-monarchist rants during the Platinum Jubilee.

  17. I think Emma has more in common with Prince Harry than she realises.

    Prince Harry put on a nazi uniform to go to a fancy dress party.
    We all know that the Nazis were racists and virulent antisemites.
    Emma supposedly repeated racist remarks which, according to the Labour Party, was perfectly OK about Shaun Bailey and liked an antisemitic trope on social media.

    1. She'll now have to tone down her anti-royal sh*t over the Jubilee weekend. She won't like it but she won't want anyone correlating her racism with Prince Harry's nazi uniform.

  18. 18.04 talk about stealing her thunder.29 May 2022 at 08:52

    lol. Ms Dent Coad won't like her racist gaffes, as a mature and experienced politician, being compared to Prince Harry's racist faux pas in his youth

    1. EDC is as bad as Prince Harry on anti-semitism. Wearing a nazi uniform ranks about the same as EDC endorsing an appalling anti-semitic trope on social media. She said sorry for doing that but slip ups like this show what she really thinks.

    2. @14.10. talk about turning the tables. now that laugh is on her. At least Prince Harry can fly a helicopter.


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