Friday 8 April 2022


It seems that some obscure consultancy called The Means(pictured above) has managed to inveigle its way into Cllr Faulks's confidence and an opportunity to collect a vast fee.

There are many ways to rip off councils and 'placemaking' is a new and highly lucrative one.

High Street Kensington is an awful bloody mess for two major reasons....High Rents and Business Rates.

No shop can survive when paying £80 a square foot and then nearly half of that again in Business Rates....and that is before all other overheads.

The idea that this bunch in the picture can change anything is another expensive Faulks delusion. 

We should be told what these 'placemakers' will be charging the Council/ business.

It is about time local businesses turned to a Conservative council and said, "get this Conservative Government to slash Business Rates".

This High Street Kensington placemaking nonsense is just an excuse for not tackling the root problem.


  1. Clear The Swamp9 April 2022 at 19:20


    ore rubbish and expense for hard pressed taxpayers courtesy of the useless Cllr Faulks

  2. The Means works with the earls Court Business forum, their fee is much cheaper than if the businesses had to pay to belong to a BID against their will , and the fee for The Means has been paid for by Section 106 money paid by developers which if it is not used gets handed back to the developers .

    Cllr Faulkes would rather the ECBF did not get a penny of the section 106 money from what I have heard and RBKC refuse to state how much they are still sitting on and have not ring fenced it as required in law

    I say we should not blame The Means but take a long hard look at the leadership

    1. Cllr Faulks may have a different view about how to spend, or not spend, the Section 106 money, but this is a tiny issue compared to the overall leaderless mess that is the current situation in Hornton Street.

      The spineless Conservative Councillors (starting with Cllr Faulks) urgently need to get rid of dizzy Campbell

    2. Every day it seems that the Campbell mess spills out and is exposed by the Dame

  3. Retired Chief Executive10 April 2022 at 10:17

    20.18 is correct. There is a Leadership crisis in RBKC. And so long as this continues inappropriate and expensive consultants like The Means will be contracted to "do stuff".

    There is a huge piggy bank in Hornton Street that is regularly filled up with Council Tax. This is hard earned money from residents. Without Leadership, this money can be squandered.

    When I see expensive job titles like "Placement Officer", I immediately suspect that all is not well. Good Leaders do not micro manage. They should set a tone and a direction. And walk the talk. And when they come across nonsense, they recognize it as nonsense and intervene.

  4. Council Watcher10 April 2022 at 18:04

    When a self inflated and self centered Tory Leader (dizzy)appoints a socialist Chief Executive (Barry) in the wake of a social disaster (Grenfell), it is not surprising that the outcome is a mess

    Wake up Councillors. Fix it. Get shot of dizzy

  5. A PEASANT WRITES11 April 2022 at 15:07

    Another day, another opportunity to study Faulks' multiple inadequacies.

    All that is necessary to persuade her to fritter away yet more residents’ funds is a couple of large tablespoonsful of flattery and a generous pinch of obsequiousness, served chilled in a suitably fashionable and overpriced cocktail.

    Bottoms up!


    A. Peasant


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