Sunday 10 April 2022


The Dame loves to catch up with that greedy old bounder, Sir Merrick 'Pooter' Cockell. 

Pooter has managed to get himself made Hon. Colonel! 

He even has a regimental blazer and medals!

One of Pooter's medals should memorialise the many articles in the national press dealing with his greedy expense claims.

Simon Heffer reported to the Dame that Pooter has called him up on Sunday. He was sniveling about a piece in the Telegraph the Dame had given him. 

The Dame asked Heffer how he responded.... The great man said, "I told the bugger to call me at my office"


  1. I assumed that Sir Pooter was in the Royal Army Catering Corps with all the expensive lunches and dinners the greedy fellow gorged on

  2. Surprised to read that the bounder is still at it. The reptile loves medals. The thought of a few more to add to his motley connection will keep him primed.

    Note to Editors: No medals are for active service

  3. Sir Merrick Cockell11 April 2022 at 11:04

    WASP, you have been tireless in your attempts to undermine me. Your attempts to sabotage my local goverment income sources have not gone unnoticed. My expenses are considered to be a small 'perk' of the job. Thanks to you my opportunity to further serve the nation in the Upper House was impeded.

    1. Amazed the guy is still hanging around

    2. I just got pissed off, as an RBKC council tax payer, to learn that you were entertaining "a friend" at a top New York restaurant (The Four Seasons) on a Saturday night. Nothing wrong with that except you charged the bill to the Council on "expenses". And when challenged you could not remember who you entertained.

      Well I do not like to be ripped off. You were indulging yourself at my expense. And I understand that Mrs Pooter was also pissed off when she found out. Her understanding was that you were in New York "on business"

    3. Sir Merrick Cockell11 April 2022 at 14:28

      How dare you insinuate that I was having an extramarital bit on the side. Isn't a fellow allowed a bit of fun in New York City. You are just jealous that I can still pull 'em

    4. Weekend business......

  4. The venom of WASP. Nasty little bee

    1. I could not agree more 12:18....always accusing me of being interested in Thai affairs

    2. M'lud,in your current enhanced state I understand that The Danny has moved on from Thai affairs. The transition included being chief "walker" to Raine. Now that she is gone, we understand that more sophisticated activities have become the norm, more fitting to the ermine

    3. The Danny moves around London with his friends in his contract taxi service. He always has the same driver (not from Thailand) and car. Nothing grand, just a Mercedes. But his friends have christened the black Merc the "Ermine Express"

  5. Major General Buffy Hargreaves11 April 2022 at 16:01

    Is Pooter going to be advising on war matters now he's a colonel...god forbid

    1. Britain is not at war so there is currently no risk of the Home Guard being called out. Pooter is a self styled "Colonel" of the Mannering Brigade. Dad's Army rightly belongs with the entertainment channels of the BBC

  6. Council Watcher11 April 2022 at 19:11

    Nice piece by the Dame. She never had much time for self important people, like Pooter, and takes obvious delight pricking their balloons

  7. The Late Ex Mayor Phelps12 April 2022 at 09:57

    Cockell not only resembles Captain Mainwaring but has all the pomposities

  8. That picture ought to be circulated to the voters of Chelsea Riverside so they can see what Cllr Hargreaves stands for


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