Sunday 12 November 2017


If the ruling group wants to halt the advance of Advance they need to do a few things urgently.
It seems that Mrs. Mill is busily de-selecting sitting councillors who she claims don't sit well with the new 'touchy-feely' party.
A stench around this man

The Dame has no idea whether she is throwing out babies with the bathwater but let the old thing give some advice.

For residents, there is a strong stench around Cllr Moylan.
Everything that makes residents yearn for radical change is manifested in Moylan. 

Cllr. Mills and fellow Conservative councillors...if you don't want to get very badly beaten up in May next year then de-select Cllr Moylan. 
He will get you all into serious electoral trouble....


  1. Replies
    1. Get rid of him!
      He looks like self-serving so and so to me.
      We don't need such person running the borough.

  2. Dump Moylan and lose one of the few able politicians in the Tory ranks.

    @18.39 should carefully about the others

    1. If by "able politician", you mean murky as muck, then losing him is no loss at all. Sadly I don't think he's one of few though, rather one of many.

  3. Mills is intending to install Moylan as Leader next year. She is not about to dump him.

  4. This is a man who failed ever to get selected for a parliamentary seat: failed to get beyond deputy leader of a small council and lost any job he ever had....and you tell us he is able? God help us all if he is your measure of ability.

  5. I can only agree with the wise Dame

  6. Moylan has a murky past and many enemies. This Borough needs a healer: Moylan is a divisive thug. If Mills thinks Moylan is her solution then she find that she will have no councillors left and Conservatives will migrate to Advance

  7. No no no to Daniel Moylan. Whether or not he has enemies, the voting public know him for what he is, and anyone who bigs him up is tainted by association.
    And what about that one that shoulda been featured in the Me Too debacle? How is he even still allowed to be in the party at all, let alone remain a councillor? We need to get rid of all the sleaze balls.
    And ps, when is Paget and Mellen going to be arrested please?

    1. There will be more arrests than just those two i can assure you .Mind you i'm sure some of those Tory Councillors would just love to be locked up for 23 Hours a day , in a single cell with some muscled crims.Oh Vicar !

  8. Given that we now know that Advance is funded by the Lebedev Russian oligarchs, does this mean that the Evening Standard will finally publish all the dirt they have got on Moylan? Not before time, IMHO.

    1. Moylan is a changed person. On this occasion, the Dame even used an old and out of date picture. He does not look like that anymore.

  9. Losing weight doesn't mean he's no longer evil

  10. It reminds me of Evelyn Waugh's comment when he heard that the surgeons had removed a tumour from Randolph Churchill and that 'it was not malignant'.
    "trust those doctors to remove the only thing that wasn't malignant".

    1. And allegedly Churchill said to Moylan ( when he was done up in his 'molly' gear )I may be drunk miss, but in the morning i shall be sober and you ( Danielle ) will still be ugly '

  11. Sorry, but much greater cull is needed at Horton Street. Moylan is just one of the corrupt lot, wallowing in the bottomless, fetid swamp. Should be interesting what ES comes up with


    1. Oh my goodness me. Shaun Bailey a "black ghetto boy". Not the sort of language that we expect from a Member of Parliament. Very ill judged comment.

      After the outburst about Prince Harry being a "fake helicopter pilot", what can we expect next?

      Labour really got it wrong when they put this person up to be their MP candidate in Kensington. Victoria Borwick would never behave like this in public and in print.

      Could this be a taste of the future post May 2018 when the Tories are expected to be buried?

    2. This is not the story. Dent Coad hates Bailey. With a passion.

      We should be told why.

      I can guess, but my idea would shut down the Dame and her blog.......

    3. Is Bailey a London Assembly member? Dame, can you enlighten us?

  13. EDC's reason for hating Bailey is well known in the "in the know" circles. The usual stuff - old as the hills.

    She needs to get over it.

  14. I suggest people follow the link in the Guido Fawkes blog entry above, which takes us to another Guido Fawkes blog entry, which in turn has a link to her seven year old blog entry he is referring to. It gives much more background than Guido Fawkes' rant and also contains a link to a Guardian article by Dave Hill about the murky Shaun Bailey and his financial backers.
    Dent Coad may not like the guy who calls the place where he grew up a "ghetto", and it was perhaps mean of her in 2010 to quote a couple of people he grew up with, but that doesn't make her a racist.
    He totally failed his attempt to become an MP for Hammersmith in 2010, so then he was made an advisor for Cameron and was eventually given a safe Tory seat in the London Assembly in 2016 (the same seat that Victoria Borwick had before she became Kensington's shortest serving MP).

  15. 99% of the RBKC voters don't know who Moylan is, so it doesn't matter much. Nor will Advance make much of a dent in the local election – unless perhaps Rachel Johnson stands. She supported Annabel Mullin in her failed attempt to become our MP. However, Boris' sister is probably not interested in becoming a RBKC councillor for a party which has better toilets at the Notting Hill carnival as one of its most important election slogans...

    1. Who is Tom Stensson?

    2. Does it matter?

    3. Just curious

    4. So Shaun Bailey is a London Assembley Member, a London politician representing West London in our Government. And our serving MP, Emma Dent Coad, attacks him for being a "black ghetto boy". A boy who was raised in our very own North Kensington.

      This is not acceptable behaviour. Labour should not tolerate such a person in the Labour Party. And should not put forward such a person to represent the Borough in Parliament

    5. Shaun Baileys word blck ghetto boy ' why did he use such language in the first place and then blame others for copying him - not a good example to the white working class youth - if he thinks its ok to say that then i can too . He should lead by example .


  17. 18 Tory councillors have so far been de-selected or have said they will not be standing again, including Paget-Brown, Feilding-Mellen, Coleridge, Ahern, Warrick, Allison, Condon-Simmonds. Moylan is staying and will become leader - but only if the Tories win the Council. What better reason for voting Labour next year

    1. Sounds like Cllr Mills is starting to make progress with clearing out the Tory dead wood and worse. Maybe Mullin and her merry band of carpet baggers will have a fight on their hands after all

    2. Has Cllr Palmer been deselected? Or are the Masons propping him up?

  18. There needs to be a concert party between Labour, LibDem and Advance.
    The mission to collectively back one candidate who can unseat Moylan and this ensure that this unpleasant piece of work never gets to become leader.
    My suggestion is this. The man who can skewer Moylan is the charismatic Guy Oliver. Guy would get the support of all parties just as he did when he fought so hard to save the Odeon, High St, Ken.
    Moylan is desperate for the job of leader. Why? Money.
    Let's all get behind the idea of pitching Oliver against Moylan.

    1. Shouldn't the public/residents need to be fully informed of Moylan's dirty work?

  19. I will not be silenced13 November 2017 at 19:32

    I suppose Mr Downes is orchestrating this campaign against Mr Moylan.
    Mr Downes once claimed his uncle, Sir Martin Melvin, was a great Irish philanthropist. What a liar he is. In fact, Melvin was one of Franco's fiercest Catholic supporters. It's easy to google these things.

    1. Good, but no. The only person who wants Moylan is Moylan. And possibly his puppet Julie. All of this convoluted Melvin nonsense just makes you look like desperate dan...

    2. 19:32
      I don't think I have ever commented on this man, Melvin.
      Difficult to understand what on earth you are talking about.

    3. Along with Eddie Grenfell, Mr Downes should receive a K for services to RBKC. Leave him alone!

    4. Moylan is yesterdays man .

    5. What is Moylan good for? Nothing figures.

  20. Lots of talk about Moylan wanting to be Leader. He is not interested and knows that he is not electable. Not enough support from fellow Tory Councillors.

    It is Cllr Pascall who is plotting his way to the Leadership. He will shaft Campbell in a nano second when the time comes. There will be a huge fuss when the Police Report and the Inquiry Report about Grenfell is published. Campbell will have to resign. Pascall is waiting for this and positioning himself to take over. His soundings show that Deputy Taylor-Smaith is so far not interested in the Leadership.

    The only fly in the ointment is that the Tories are trying to make certain that the Reports are delayed until after the local elections in May - they do not want to lose at the polls. Do they have enough influence to do this? We will see.

    Unlike Moylan, Pascall is a person of limited intelligence, little local Government experience and no track record of actually making things happen. He was a noted plodder on the Planning Committee.

    1. And Pascall just signed off another £400k of council tax to Holland Park Opera

    2. And the Leaders allowance and perks will help with school fees

    3. You are wrong. Mills will replace those cllrs who know Moylan for the arsehole he is with young and inexperienced replacements. They will vote for whoever Mills tell them to vote for. Pascall doesn't stand a chance.

    4. Which is exactly why Pascall is timing his move to replace Campbell when the Police/Inquiry shit hits the fan around March 2018 and the old stager Councillors are still around. He is hoping for publication of the Inquiry Report before the election. Sacking the Leader will be a useful election gimmick to show that the Tories are "serious about reform in the Royal Borough"

      If bloggers here think that the Borough will be in better hands with Pascal instead of Moylan, good luck to them

    5. There is only one thing that is worse.......

      Dizzy Lizzy of "Holland Park School cost nothing" fame. She was never any good with money and rumour has it that her husband even had to take away her cheque book and credit cards to save the family finances.

    6. You might find that some of the current incumbents will be spending time at Her Majesty's pleasure .

  21. Pascall is not very intelligent. He is also dull, very boring and plodding. He is therefore perhaps the ideal leader. The criminal investigation "may" report before the Council elections; the public inquiry "may" have identified the causes of the fire by then; but the really damning stuff will not come out for about two years at the earliest. So E. Campbell may yet be safe.

  22. Whoever thinks that Chairman Mills is a puppet (see @22:59) master for Moylan is peddling fake news. Her term of office as Chairman of Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham Conservatives ends in March 2018. She will not even be around to pull the puppet strings.

    1. No continuity at the top to steer the Tories through the elections in May 2017!

      We are witnessing a train crash of spectacular proportions. Nearly as bad as Grenfell.

    2. Elections in May 2018, surely. @9:48 is seriously out of touch

    3. She needs to go .

  23. EDC has produced and launched an excellent booklet on housing inequality in K+C. It is a re-hash of her past blogs but now has the approval of the Labour front bench. She is standing again for the council next year, although her booklet says she "was" a Golborne councillor. When re-elected next year she will be able to take firm action on our housing crisis as a part of the much anticipated new Labour/Advance administration in K+C.

    1. Is EDC double dipping like Pascall and his wife? What a bunch of rascals.

  24. Oh, for goodness sake. Dent Coad would like us all to have the homeless forced upon us so any of our spare rooms are taken up. K&C is a magnet and those who cannot afford to live here should move out.

    She, herself lives in social housing yer earns over £80,000 a year. Where's the equality in that?

    1. I think we need to build council house's . RBKC have built 10 since 1990 .If the current Conservative administration had done their jobs a Councillors and hadn't followed the failed Neo - Liberal policy of deregulation - we might still have some money to build these . Incompetent Fools . Mills should be put out to graze.

  25. I think Mills has to go after that totally insensitive election survey - she has to go


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