Tuesday 14 November 2017


This extraordinarily insensitive survey is the handiwork of Cllr Mills, K&C Conservative Association chairperson.
Leaving aside the sheer ineptitude of its drafting is this survey really within the province of the Association?

Mrs Mills, you are a silly old thing and need to step down.


  1. So the MP writes racist abuse, then turns out to be a "fruitcake" and the Hornet ignores it. Tells you who edits this blog!

  2. Untrue...the Dame has given her a good talking to.
    Mind you, Shaun Bailey does love the sound of his own voice.

  3. The Daily Telegraph is trying to deflect from EDC's excellent report on inequality in the Borough .

    1. The trouble with EDC is that she practices the politics of the underdog in a sentimental way which is why no one takes much notice of her. She lacks rigorous grounding in social policy and politics. She is an architect of sorts.

    2. Emma Dent Coad- Racist and Hate Filled-15 November 2017 at 08:38

      A Labour MP described a black Conservative candidate as a “token ghetto boy” and said he who would no longer be welcome in her constituency if he was elected in a neighbouring area.

      Emma Dent Coad criticised Shaun Bailey, a former adviser to David Cameron who contested the Hammersmith constituency for the Tories in 2010, in a blogpost from the same year.

      Ms Dent Coad quoted “former neighbours” as describing Mr Bailey as a “free-loading scumbag” and “the most hated man in North Kensington”.

      She also suggested Mr Bailey had been “used” by the Conservatives and that his “public school buddies will drop him like a hot potato” if he failed to get elected.

      Mr Bailey labelled the comments “hate-filled” and “racist”.

      Ms Dent Coad, who became the first Labour MP for Kensington at the snap general election in June, said in a blog post published on April 19, 2010: “Who can say where this man will ever fit in, however hard he tries?

    3. Is she saying that Black people have to be Labour?

  4. Absolutely Outraged at this - do the people who drafted this have no idea about human emotions . She needs to resign .

  5. Awful, Awful, Awful, these Conservatives have learnt zero lessons from Grenfell. Another 40 years of hoarding money and letting their Property Developer mates run the Borough for Profit , whilst waffing aside the real issues .Resign Woman, stop shaming us Conservative's . To quote the other side , give us 'hope '

  6. Is this what you call a ' Mills Bomb ' how apt .

  7. Seem to have closed the on-line version after coverage by the BBC



  8. "There should be apologies and the individuals involved should certainly be considering their positions. I simply cannot understand how this was allowed to happen."
    The Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham Conservatives are yet to respond to requests for comment.

  9. Mills has made a massive error of judgment; similarly Dent Coad. The trouble with the upper middle classes who condescend to address the masses is that from time to time they get it spectacularly wrong. Both ladies this time!

    1. Mrs Dent-Coad is faaaaaaar posher and grander that Mills. Mrs D-C has a Medici ancestor and knows how to manage the peasant class.
      She makes me feel quite common with her la di dah ways

    2. Lord Tofee- Nez knows what EDC is like. She once told me that she was very "high class."

  10. Julie Mills is clearly much too old and befuddled to be a Councillor. It should be time for the decrepit old dear to step down, but instead, the Conservatives have left her in charge of candidate selection.

    1. so wrong @22.25

      she is young, dynamic and bubbly. the best Mayor the Borough ever had. and at one with North Kensington residents who she instinctively understands, coming as she does from the Caribbean

      the warmest, most engaging person you could ever hope to meet. with loads of empathy.

      Do you understand?

  11. The question about Grenfell contained in this survey is not intentionally malicious nor is it designed to be insensitive. Even though it is entirely inappropriate and lacking in judgement.

    It is unfortunately the latest sign of a Tory organisation and ruling Party that is seriously adrift and rudderless. The Leader, Cllr Campbell, is primarily responsible for this - a person who was out of her depth long before she was appointed when she struggled with her Cabinet portfolio and was forced to take refuge by resigning and fleeing to America to help her husband with a yacht race. But her vain and egocentric personality could not resist the temptation of returning to the limelight when the unexpected opportunity arose.

    However the greater responsibility for the current mess in Hornton Street lies with the Conservative Councillors who were stupid enough to choose Campbell from their ranks to lead them. An act of unbelievable ignorance.

    1. Observer is right. The whole tone of the Kensington administration is wrong.

    2. this questionnaire was only sent out to the Courtfield Ward. why?

      Surely, the Courtfield Ward Conservative association and their committee ought to apologise and consider their position.

      Elizabeth Rutherford is utterly useless, and is only a councillor for the pomp.

      Why do they need to send out the questionnaire. Now if they held surgeries, they would be able to find out what concerns the residents!

      Instead, they send out a questionnaire, and do little else

  12. This is wholly unfair. The Conservative Party in Courtfield Ward is basically corrupt. If a Trade Union behaved like it the whole of the Conservative party would be demanding action. At the last AGM there there was no Notice sent to members - no accounts and no nominations for any office. After the meeting Councillor David Lindsay who as Treasurer has presided over disastrous losses in the Association, went round with nomination papers in an attempt to make the new officers legitimate. When Margot James was Chairman there were over 1,000 members in the ward there are now under 200. It appears that not one of the Committee or the Councillors lifted a finger in the ward on polling day and they were single handedly responsible for the loss of the Kensington seat. To make things worse the Ward is to give a platform to George Osbourne next month - which he will no doubt use to savage the Prime Minister and the Government in general. Councillor Mills has been trying to cleanse the Augean Stables of the Kensington and Chelsea Conservative Association - she deserves support not condemnation.

  13. The blame must be laid at the courtfield ward branch of the conservative association and the person who approved such a contemptuous and inappropriate questionnaire

  14. The survey is produced and the brainchild of Mills and KCF Conservative association not the councillors or the individual wards who had no prior notice of the survey

  15. To correct some commentators - Mrs Mills is middle class and middle aged. Miss Dent Coad is an aristocrat and elderly.


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