Saturday 4 November 2017


Every week London residents pay Sadiq Khan £3000 so we are entitled to ask exactly what this chap does for his money: after all he's been around for a year now.
He seems to 'talk the talk but not walk the walk' 

So exactly what is the point of this mediocre ex 'uman rights lawyer?
Under his watch CRIME has soared and POLLUTION  worse than ever.
Readers, please tell the Dame what exactly this Mayor of London is good for: she struggles to see the point of him.


  1. Khan is causing mayhem for Londoners. Its a big City and we have to move around. Costs (rent, mortgage, rates, public transport) are sky high so we can only afford old cars. He just introduced a "pollution tax" for pre 2006 cars (AN EXTRA £10/day) in addition to the congestion charge (£11.50/day) that he already charged. Next there is a pollution tax from April 2019 (24/7) and this will extend to the whole North and South circular area in 2020. More tax. And it really is just tax. Congestion and pollution are still sky high and will remain so.

    This is in addition to road tax and petrol tax. A £50 billion a year rip off for motorists. None of it comes back to transport. It all goes to house refugees and buy aircraft carriers with no aircraft.

    And forget public transport. Huge cost to use, VERY slow buses and tubes full up. Cannot get on them. And bicycle lanes clogging up the roads. One of the most stupid fixations of modern times. Why not go and live in China where they love bikes because the peasants cannot afford anything else.

    Khan is a walking disaster.

    To achieve his ends he should just close London down. Send all 10 million of us to the Welsh Hills and Scottish Highlands. Problem solved......

    Silly prat.

    1. ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) starts April 2019. Thats an extra £12.50 per day for pre 2006 cars. So every time we drive into the zone in our pre 2006 cars it will cost £11.50 Congestion Charge plus £10 Emission Charge plus £12.Ultra Emission Charge. A total of £34.50 per day.

      And by 2020 (18 months) the £34.50 per day extra charge will be extended to the whole area inside the North and South Circular.

      Plus all the other charges (Road Tax, Parking Permit, fuel tax, insurance, MOT)


  2. He is more of a Statesman than Boris was

    1. A statesman? Don't be crass

    2. Livingstone, Boris and Khan are all millionaires who have ruined this city for their and their friends' own ends.

      Need a mayor who is anti developer.

  3. @Portnoy - I would not be surprised if it is not the work of government and motor association lobby to create new car sales

  4. Agree with Portnoy Khan has not got a clue. He only turns up photograph opportunities or calling an end to Brexit, upholding the rights of rich Europeans living here or putting in more cycle lanes and taxing and charging motorists extortionate tax and fees. Crime does not get solved or deterred from selling public property or bussing police about the city

    Khan makes Boris look like a good mayor, that's saying something. That is how poor Khan is. Millionaire Khan has no understanding of what Londonders need and want, which is not much but efficient roads and services with an end to the constant developer monopoly of the city.

    London Labour are slowly becoming untrustworthy say a lot but do nothing. Khan like Kensington MP Dent Coad and her neighbouring council leader Stephen Cowan all promised from 2014 when they were campainging to do something about CapCo and Earls Court no surprise that all three have done nothing and made no attempt to assist residents in the area.

    Cowan is the reason Earls Court Exhibition Centre was demolished in a secret meeting giving it the go ahead. Khan and Coad both campaigned on this issue but when they finagled their way into a position of power they ignore the issue.

    Residents have had concern about their health regarding Asbestos and dust in the atmosphere as well as in their homes. They are concerned about toxic fumes from cars but not from Keltbray and CapCo knocking down a building.

    Khan and Dent Coad need to be true to their word for those of us in Earls Court we are unable to rely on the portly posers Spalding and Aouane.

  5. According to Inside Housing...

    "SK has called for a £1bn increase in funding for affordable housing from central government at the Budget next month."

    1. All this affordable housing is unaffordable to taxpayers who have to pay for it....

  6. It is actually impossible for Khan to achieve much under the current useless Tory administration, especially with austerity. Johnson was Mayor under the Tory-led coalition and could have achieved much - beyond just implementing Livingstone's cycle-hire scheme, but he just postured and blustered. Why some people think he is prime ministerial material is beyond me.

    1. Boris may not be Prime Ministerial material but your man Khan is not even town cllr material!

    2. Question for Smart Arse6 November 2017 at 09:32

      Pundit, do you think thatKhan would be worse in the Royal Borough than Dizzy Lizzy?

  7. Replies
    1. Dizzy Lizzy is a really bad bench mark. Khan must be AWFUL. Absolutely dreadful......

  8. Khan is the son of a bus driver from Pakistan and he is a Muslim. Much more in common with North Kensington residents than dizzy lizzy who is a walking catastrophy. At least Khan would be on the same wave length as the N Ken crowd instead of the disaster who is digging that hole furiously and will get the Tories wiped out by Labour and Momentum in May 2018.

    Conservative Chairman, Cllr Mills, needs to listen to the wise words of Ruth Davidson and get rid of Cllr Campbell.

    1. Cllr Campbell is a fish wife from Sloane Square with a £1 million holiday home in the Isle of White

      Silly cow

    2. As most of the UK is Muslim does that mean we need to be ruled by them?

    3. Cows are not all that silly. Actually, self-motivated, which poor Dizzy Lizy is NOT.

    4. Sounds like the Isle is for whitey only

  9. Lot of bitching, my dear human friends... But, do you have a credible alternative? If yes, speak up.

    1. Sad Badger for Mayor!

    2. Even Moylan would be better than Campbell

    3. Ex Cllr B****y P*****s6 November 2017 at 13:20

      Are you insane? Moylan would be a disaster. He is not a leader. He is a petulant divider. That's why he gets booted out of every job and why he could never get a proper job

    4. Phelps. Now that you have vented your spleen, answer the question. Is Campbell preferable to Moylan?

    5. Ex Cllr B****y P*****s6 November 2017 at 17:20


  10. Now he wants to pedestrianise Oxford street. What is wrong with this man. Is it not bad enough we're paying for statues of a Westminster councillor's lover.

    EDC also wants to pedestrianise Exhibition road, why can't these labour louts get the job done there are other problems. Their sheen has worn time to see some work done.



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