Tuesday 7 November 2017


When the Dame was a young lady councils were pretty much free of national politics and a bloc of independent councillors usually ensured a healthy balance.

So the Dame was very interested to hear about ADVANCE.
Click to enlarge
There is a launch party tomorrow, Wednesday, 8th November at 7.00pm.
The venue: The St Mary Abbots Centre, Vicarage Gate, 
W8 4HN 
Advance plan to fight in every ward on 3rd May.
The Dame will be there to report and encourages residents to attend and hear about this new formation.


  1. Isn't this the Lib Dems in another guise - and funded by Tony Blair?

  2. Dear Dame
    Can we introduce ourselves and say hello to you?

    1. THE DAME'S SECURITY TEAM7 November 2017 at 16:13

      She will be in the VIP area

    2. How will we know you?

      Does the Dame wear pantomime costume at this time of year similar to Grayson?

    3. Pantomime costume? You silly anon. The very few images released by our dear Dame picture her in nice designer frocks. She is a cross between Dame Everidge and a Xmas Turkey. Should have no problem in spotting her....

  3. God this former Lib Dim is a so far up her own arse. She thinks the world is going to bow to her after coming THIRD in the GE.

  4. Interesting.

    If new parties (eg Activist) and fringe operations like the Lib Dems pile into K&C they will hemorrhage the Tory vote. Great news for Momentum who will grow the traditional Labour vote and capture the disaffected vote. Momentum is already on the ground and securing the vote in the Tower Blocks in the North and South of the Royal Borough. Conservative Chairman Julie Mills knows all about this but the ostriches around her will not listen.

    Silly cow Campbell and her bunch of grave diggers are facing wipe out. What a catastrophy for true Conservatives.

  5. Ms Mullin supported a Crossrail station in Chelsea when she stood for GLA in 2016. Doesn’t listen to local opinion. Does she live in the borough?

  6. Few RBKC/KCTMO employees live in the Borough

  7. This is just another form of tragedy tourism used to bolster a few egos.

  8. Sounds as though the Tories have come to the end of the road in Kensington and Chelsea. A welcome break for those who do not like Conservatives and a welcome break for true Conservatives who want to see the local Party refreshed and removed from the control of the current ego centric and pathetic imposters.

  9. I am almost apolitical. What is the main colour of these hopefuls?

  10. Hope this is not a remoaner party. Brexit is a not a local issue. If European rights are integral to the party, prefer not to vote for them. After all rrich Europeans driven up house prices and thereby business rates. Mullin strong supporter of Earls Court residents which is a plus. Otherwise hope the main issues are clearing out planning, curbing lobbyists & developers, residents getting the services they paid for.

    1. Very remoaner at the launch this evening. What has that got to do with a local election? Wouldn’t take questions and shouted down the only person who asked one! Is this the new politics?

  11. Annabel Mullin, 39, a former police officer who was the Liberal Democrat candidate for Kensington in the general election and who was born in the area, is spearheading the movement. However, Mark Pack has already written "Annabel Mullin was a new Liberal Democrat member who stood for Parliament in the 2017 general election, contesting Kensington. Her departure from the party followed a dispute over how she performed in that role." More on that here: https://www.markpack.org.uk/151986/annabel-mullin-advance/

  12. We should all be careful what we wish for. The RBKC council has over many years kept our taxes low and provided excellent services from social services, education to a single parking permit , excellent new sports centres and new school buildings. Local Councillors and the last Leader were always available to meet with us.

    1. @17:52 must be deaf, dumb and stupid. Holland Park Opera? (£15 million of hard earned Council Tax). Exhibition Road? (£30 million of hard earned Council Tax). Holland Park School? (£70 million EXCESS spending on vanity project). Disgraced ex Cllr Phelps? (child porn distributed on Council computers). Disgraced ex Cllr Cockell? (Council Tax funded freebies to New York, San Francisco and Boston, First Class of course, and dinners at top restaurants for persons whose name he "forgot"). Dizzy Lizzy and cohorts? (grave diggers).

      How much more persuasion do you need that the current Tory set up is bankrupt of morals, judgement and political common sense?

      I almost feel like giving Momentum a chance.

      There is more to life than twice weekly dustbin collections - you silly prat.

    2. Just forgetting he fact they burnt their residents to death .

  13. Anyone would think the Grenfell Tower fire had never happened, according to 17.52

    1. Oh, for goodness. Yes, it happened but that's no reason to allow a bunch of even worse cllrs power

  14. Joe Stalin is obviously worried stiff by the Advance launch.

    Mark my words, Joe, YOU are about to be stiffed.........

    1. "mark my words"...who the F do you think you are? Just another little moaner.

  15. Time for the Tories to wake up and start listening to their Chairman, Cllr Julie Mills.

    And the Hornton Street back benches need to start listening to Ruth Davidson.

  16. So, at the badly run and boring meeting tonight Mrs Mullin declared that though she did not live in K&C she wanted to break down the 'one party state'.
    This is very odd. Why doesn't she try doing this in her home borough of Lambeth....a real one party state.

  17. Most of the speakers droned on and on laden wth the same boring platitudes.
    Most looked as if they had no idea about running anything.

  18. If she does not live in K+C she cannot be a candidate next year.

    1. Rifkind didnt live in the borough either

    2. yes, and we got rid of him

  19. Whichever way you look at it, K&C is in for a dose of Momentum. A true self inflicted pox by the Tory grave diggers.

  20. The impression I got was that most of the attendees at tonight's meeting had never worked in any area outside taxpayer funded jobs. I doubt any had ever run or started a business so how they think they can run a council defeats me.

  21. Tragedy tourism, yes. Painfully transparent. This woman is on a bandwagon. Treating Grenfell as a career opportunity. Yuck. And ps the logo/colour scheme is vile, almost as bad as London 2012.

  22. The saddest thing last night was the absence of our dear Dame. I am told that she could not be located in the 'Very Irrelevant Persons' area.Who are these people?

  23. For all of you who expected to espy our dearest, a great disappointment, No designer frock in site, as alluded to by that ghastly HP Badger. Motley crowd of non-entities, thinking that they can do better? From what I heard, I do not think so.
    Judging from the size of the venue, Advance must have been quite pleased with the number of attendees, who had nothing better to do, but to crowd into an airless, hot room, with no sound system. The only respite was a glass of wine. will I go again, doubt it.

  24. There was one blindingly obvious question that the dimwits failed to ask the lady from Lambeth...."WHO IS FINANCING HER PARTY"?
    She talks of transparency yet fails at the first hurdle.
    I hear that it's a local Bulgarian businessman....

  25. May be - but also funded by Tony Blair. These are Lib Dems and New Laborites in a new guise - necessary because their old personas are toxic brands now.

  26. Possibly funded by Branson? - he is a resident of tax-free island of Necker (that he happens to own) and a prominent remainer. As 8 Nov 14:15 says: "Brexit is a not a local issue".

  27. The Conservative Ward Chairmen have the power to get rid of the dead wood Councillors and refresh the Party. Chairman Cllr Julie Mills has given them a list of new candidates to choose from for the May 2018 local election.

    Will the Ward Chairmen have the balls to make the changes? Are they listening to Julie Mills and Ruth Davidson? Have they read the Evening Standard polls? Do they understand what Momentum is doing and that they have started campaigning already for a Labour victory in May 2018? Are they prepared to respond to the Police Report on Grenfell scheduled for January 2018 and the Enquiry Report scheduled for March 2018? There will be arrests, condemnation and headlines that blast the Hornton Street Administration. Is there a plan to respond to this? Is there a campaign organisation?

    Dizzy Lizzy and her grave diggers need to be dumped. Fast. If the Tories do not do so now, Momentum will do it in six months time.

    1. Very bleak outlook for the grave diggers. Dizzy should spend more time at her £1 million holiday home, far away from Kensington and Chelsea

    2. Cllr Campbell's gravestone will read:

      "She caused the garbage to pile up on Kensington Streets"

  28. Say and think what you like about Mullen. But she ran the campaign that snuffed out the Tory MP Victoria Borwick who was replaced by "in shock" Royalist hater, Emma Dim-Coad

  29. Can you stay on topic and stop droning on about Dizzy

    1. If @9:41 had a brain then he/she would understand that Dizzy IS the story

    2. Yes, but you go on and on and on. Frankly, we are getting fed up

  30. Advance draining votes from the Tories and Momentum building votes for Labour = Labour Council in Kensington and Chelsea

  31. Where will Advance votes come from? Lib Dem’s? Interesting battle there.
    Labour voters scared of Momentum?
    Remainers. Some Tory votes there.
    But will the true blues vote for Advance and not the Tories ? Will they worry about letting Labour in.
    Advance talked about lots of spending, how will they finance it given the reserves will be spent on Grenfell Housing. Where are the sites for more social / affordable housing in the borough.
    Why have a leader who can’t stand as she is not resident or is RBKC a stepping stone to a wider political ambition.
    Finally, agree most of the “ I believe in Advance” speakers didn’t look or sound like they could organise anything or had been involved in local issues before.

  32. Where are the sites for more social/affordable housing?

    According to the last Cabinet Member for Finance, "the Council is the biggest land owner in the Borough"

    1. And most of the Council's land is brown field land. Currently waiting for a knock on the door of Hornton Street from property developers with plans and budgets for buy to leave apartments for customers from foreign lands.

    2. "Hundreds of London flats being built on former council estate marketed to wealthy Far Eastern investors"


  33. Come clean Madam Dame and admit that Residents' First is in consultation with a view to teaming up with Advance.

  34. Advance is an opportunity for local Lib Dems to ditch the toxic legacy of their coalition with the Tories and eye up the opportunity of a disgraced Council and start afresh. Commissioners are not coming so we are stuck with a Council spending its reserves and yet still not helping enough survivors and bereaved families. Annabel Mullin has stuck various jobs for three years. A Councillor serves for four. That is her ruled out then, even if she does move back in to the Borough. This resident is not fooled by a little bit of a Green tinge as camouflage and a lot of talk about "community". We do need fresh ideas and more resident participation in local politics. But not from a "I believe in Advance", "Let's Advance together" right wing front.

  35. The Advance launch reminded me of a team building exercise set up by over paid management consultants (pink post-it notes anyone?) with a poorly thought out, rambling presentation by an ambitious team leader.

  36. Has anyone read today's Evening Standard?
    I was disappointed about this Advance...or should I say most upset...no outraged that I had to go for a walk!

    The leader, Annabel Mullin says "There are ways to raising money. You could INCREASE the council tax. People wouldn't necessarily be opposed to that, I believe."

    Are you kidding? Firstly, RBKC still have millions of reserve even after they purchase 400 properties. Why do you need so much in reserve? Are they expecting another disaster like Grenfell? Secondly, if RBKC stop wasting money on places like Holland Park opera, you wouldn't have to raise the council tax!

    Then she goes on to say...
    "Advance is looking at replacing K7C's TMO, responsible for 10,000 homes, with community land trusts or listing it to ATTRACTIVE (?) PRIVATE INVESTMENT."

    So here we go again! They don't listen to what residents want but THEY TELL US and nothing changes for us.

    So which attractive private investors have they been speaking to???


    1. The above article

  37. Why has the principled Melvyn Akins been so overwhelmingly seduced by this bunch of nonentities?

    1. Perhaps he's not so principled or bright as you imagine

  38. Kensington and Chelsea Council is the biggest land owner in the Borough. And it is mostly brown field land too. Why has this Council not taken the lead with a major affordable housing programme using Council land?

    Because such a strategy would wipe out the opportunity for brown envelopes.

    Here is one big opportunity for ADVANCE to create an election promise and start to manage the Royal Borough for Royal Borough residents. Put an end to buy to leave.

    Remember. Empty flats do not spend in the community and support local business. Empty flats do not house workers who do jobs that add value to the economy and pay income tax. Empty flats are big luxury flats that make inefficient use of space. Big, empty luxury flats make £ millions for spiv developers who do not give a stuff for schools, the NHS, the old and infirm.

    ADVANCE, please give us hope.

    1. Most of those in the affordable housing will be those with no connection with the Borough...illegals...refugees.
      Don't be a dickhead: they will be just spending all the benefits we provide for them. Build for local people who perform valuable jobs...teaching, nursing, et all. Not for a load of freeloaders.
      K&C is a magnet for every type of opportunist and you can F***K off if you think I will accept a increase in tax to pay for them.

    2. @14:29
      How wrong of you to think the affordable housing will be filled with illegals and refugees. Only if you knock on the doors of estates and get to know the residents...will find out that most have been living in the area for a long time e.g. decades, children were born on the estate and now adults working in the borough etc. Then there are the leaseholders. There may be subletting here and there but very minority. Neighbours of the block will know this. I take it you don't even live in the borough. Stop spreading conspiracy.

    3. @14:29
      Lol you clueless clown only someone with zero knowledge of RBKC would spout such idiocy. Either you're a newbie arriviste with prejudices from elsewhere or a knuckle dragger from other parts

    4. Leave 14.29 alone - he may be right and is entitled to his view. If he is a hard-working newbie immigrant that is much to his credit. He is to be encouraged for his enterprise and determination to become economically independent and self-supporting. NOT A FREELOADER. Why send him abuse ?


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