Thursday 7 April 2016


A Sad Badger
Dear Dame
It came to my attention the Council has discontinued supporting the subsidised  handyman  small repairs services, called 'Staying Put'.  Repairs outside of the TMO's responsibility or too small to ask a professional tradesman to attend, at a certain price.  
Many elderly people, on benefits or not, availed themselves of these services, to replace washers, fix curtains, repair a chair and such like.  
Paying a fixed hourly rate of £12, plus the cost of materials,  I and many others were very happy with this service.
Now, we have no choice, but engage a 'professional' tradesman, at a minimum hourly rate.
Yet, RBKC keeps sponsoring  vanity projects, the musically awful Holland Park Opera, Noor Festival and other such ego satisfying events.
Another little meddling by our ghastly Stella, who must have been complicit with the withdrawal, as it may be considered as an auxiliary to adult social care.
With disgrace
Sad Badger, 
near Holland Park  'Belvedere'


  1. Baillie Dir of Adult Services

    1. Ah. A regular on Hornet. She marches to a strange drum. And has no empathy for the needy and their problems. Does not think before she wields her pen. An awful public servant.

    2. Believe it or not! Stella Bailie is a REGISTERED SOCIAL WORKER! The founder of the Social Worker movement would be turning in her grave on learning that such an impostor has infiltrated the ranks of Social Workers..... As you say, her actions smack of amorality. I understand that the Westminster Council building, as well as the staff within, sighed with relief and utterings of 'good riddance' were heard when she 'left the building' to move to RBKC.... Much despised there as she is here.

    3. Amazing how HR Departments fail to take up references. One would have thought that Hornton Street HR could have checked with Westminster HR to find out if Stella Baillie is turkey.

    4. If yous top flapping your wings Wasp, and THINK for a moment, you would figure out that Westminster would give the turkey a GLOWING reference

    5. I understand that Ms Baillie was brought IN by RBKC to 'whip the place into shape'...They were well aware of her tyrranical reputation. No references required.

  2. The Council has also abandoned Garden Waste collection to save costs. But the Noor Festival budget is safe!

  3. Stella's daughter works in the RBKC Cabinet Office, so Stella is very well protected.


  4. A very good article dame, but come on there is much more going on at Hornton street, a lot of disgruntled staff have left in the last six months reach out.

    1. Indeed.... 'rats leaving the sinking ship?', comes to mind.. McDonald, Savva, Vickers happened on Baillie's watch. How many other service users are suffering, some in silence, due to her indifference to their needs... Where the CEO's wishes take precedence.

    2. This tri borough deal will be the undoing of so many Conservatives, the stupidity is breathtaking.

      Residents in different boroughs are now contacting corresponding departments just to get something done whether refuse, social services or planning depts.

      Why has the locals minister not stepped in?

  5. Stella Baillie needs to take a hike.

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