Saturday 9 April 2016


The Dame is a liberal minded old thing, but making the punishment fit the crime seems absent in this case.
Carders have a reputation for being threatening and violent with those residents who attempt to stop them. 
A strong message should have been sent out to others in similar gangs: engage in this sort of activity and you will be severely punished.

Dear Dame
Two sex carders Dariusz Sieron & Adrian Janiszewski who live on Warwick Road, Earls Court, were caught red handed peddling their smut.

It is not idle speculation to suggest those involved in this sort of activity are probably also involved in forced prostitution and people trafficking.
Even though they were caught committing a serious offence in this country they have not been deported or imprisoned. 
As they are not described as having occupations one assumes that taxpayers are supporting them.
Rather than a prison sentence and deportation they have been handed a five-year Criminal Behaviour Order running up to 14th March 2021  and ordered to pay costs totalling £350 and 200 hours community service. 

The CBO means that neither Sieron or Janiszewski cannot: 
• enter any public telephone box in the Royal Borough, save to call 999 in a genuine emergency
• be in possession of any cards advertising sex work in England and Wales 
• alert any person placing sex worker cards in a public place, to the presence of police or any Council officer
• ask or instruct any person to have in their possession a quantity of sex worker cards or place them in any public place
• approach, intimidate or threaten any person who is removing or has removed in the past few minutes, sex cards from any street furniture. 
One of the reasons many Britons have wanted to vote out of Europe is due to Eastern European crime, prolific since 2004. 
I assume we still have these men living on our streets. They have come to  this country with the express intent of committing crime and profiting from criminal activity. 



  1. This is good practical information that the man in the street can understand. Builds the case for BREXIT

    1. Silly Owl. If we leave the EEC the £ will devalue by 30% and our holidays will cost more.

    2. anonymous, 09:16: Mere unjustified conjecture..Wake up.. Do not peddle the Fear Campaign on here please, we get enough of it from the PM and his costly propaganda leaflet....

    3. "Mere unjustified conjecture"????

      Goldman Sachs said so!

  2. Pointless deporting them - they will just come back. And too expensive to jail them. Difficult to know what to do with these vermin.

    Maybe need to do something that really hurts their self image eg confiscate and crush the BMW with blacked out windows and lowered suspension? Now that would be an example to the others.......

    1. K&C should set up a pubic "gallows" in front of the Town Hall at Hornton Street and regularly on a Friday morning anti social low life should be paraded and shamed and their prize possessions crushed in public view.

      We should take a lesson from Islam - on Friday mornings in Jedah thieves have their hands cut off in public......

    2. Could any of the 'low life' come from within the Town Hall:? Some of them do get involved in activities which could be thought of as being 'low life'..

    3. In some cases those who are suppossed to protect us & arrest these crims, are paid off either through readies in cash or other ways...

  3. Dame, do you have photos of Sieron and Janiszewski?

    1. Suggest you ask the Met. It must have a pic or two from their CCTV...

  4. As long as "carding" (the act of putting up tart cards in phone boxes) is only regarded a minor crime which doesn't carry a prison sentence - it wasn't even made illegal until 2001 - our judges can't sent carders to prison.

    With almost 100,000 persons in prison (costing us £85 each per day!), Britain already has the EU's second largest number of persons in prison in relation to the population, only exceeded by Poland, and our prisons are overcrowded with an average occupancy level of 113%. If we are to send all carders to prison, we must also do the same with all shoplifters (they actually steal things), with people caught driving intoxicated (they actually kill people), and lots of other people committing minor crimes. This would require many more prisons to be built (nowadays run by commercial companies) and lead to much higher taxes. Most important of all, it wouldn't deter anyone: the carding would continue as before, as would shoplifting and drunk driving. All studies show that prison doesn't deter crime, and that those imprisoned are more likely to reoffend than those receiving lighter sentences.

    So, however much we dislike carding, throwing the carders in prison is not a very good idea...

    1. You don't have to live in the same street as these criminals. It is about safety & punishment. Where is the punishment in a CBO?

      DWP would be interested if they are claiming tax payers hard earned cash.

  5. I just wonder who uses phone boxes for the purposes they were installed? The cost of keeping them going must outweigh the revenue they generate..No phone boxes, no tart ads....unless they pin them to trees..

  6. John "Whippingdale" Whittingdale may have used one of these Earls Court premises for strict lessons about the media.

    1. Nonsense. "Wit" is a married father with teenage children. And minder of the late Margaret Thatcher. A person of probity.

      More filth in the Hornet.

    2. Didnt he do well

    3. Profumo was married too. There are photographs of him with the dominatrix, in public, not In flagrante delicto. Otherwise the Dame would have to get her man to fetch the smelling salts.

    4. So why do all the reports say his is a single man and entitled to have a relationship with whomever he chooses?

  7. Fly On The Wall11 April 2016 at 10:12

    John is a Tory gentleman of the old school. He handles his private life with dignity and discretion and manages his family obligations in a thoroughly grown up way.

    He has a great pash for the new squeeze and she is also a charming person with some interesting side lines.

    Many happy moments to them both

    1. Kensington Tory11 April 2016 at 10:16

      How else could poor Minister Whittingdale have taken the strain of the Rupert Murdoch and News International hearing which he chaired in the House Of Commons last year? Miss Whiplash gave him courage, confidence and hope......

  8. "All great men surf on the hope of pleasurable reward"

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