Wednesday 6 April 2016


Good Result
Cllr Wade! The Dame applauds you. 
Every RBKC councillor can learn from her,



  1. A small tactical battle for the good Cllr Wade, but is it enough to stop the rot?

    "Are we just going to become a series of modern blocks? Progress is one thing – eradication is another.” Perfect words from Linda Wade. Sums up what is going on.

    The political class do not need a degree in rocket science to understand it. When will they act?

  2. K&C needs more Councillors like Linda Wade - working for the people

    1. I have no idea what Party Ms Wade belongs to. But she seems to be in touch with local opinion and is prepared to try and carry this forward. This is very good.

    2. Most local Gov issues are not Party political. What we need is hardworking, understanding Councillor representatives who know how to reach out to residents and work on their behalf. Too few of these around

    3. Most Earls Court residents bypass Inane & Balding and go straight to Cllr Wade. No matter what their politics are.

      She has a genuine concern for her residents, the area and greater London as a whole.

      Must be embarrasing for Kensington & Chelsea Conservatives to have such a feckless lot fighting their corner.

    4. Mills got the Academy pub listed as an Asset of Community Value and Blakeman got the KPH listed as an Asset of Community Value - both pubs are under threat by property developers.

    5. Well done to them too, yet this is case is part of a much bigger picture.

    6. The KPH closed its doors for the final time tonight. The Lighthouse, a building dedicated to community and professional care is now the private storage area of a disgustingly rich hoarder. Assets of Community Value have no meaning. All that matters now is money, the newer the better.

  3. Inane? Balding? Who are they??

    1. I was puzzled too! Then I remembered a 2015 post on here: 'Larging It At Capco's Expense'......."The Dame is known for her passion for a tipple or two so was pleased to see Cllr Inane Aouane has the same tastes...."
      Could 'Balding' be Cockney rhyming slang? Clare Balding...Cllr Spaulding... I wonder?

    2. Cllr Aouane & Spalding both are supplicants of CapCo & are remunerated for their troubles. Like the council who all bow down to the failing CrapCo

    3. 'Remunerated' ...really? By the developers? If so, is this interest declared?

  4. I join in the applause for Cllr Wade. Thank you for for your continuing efforts for the community, to try and help residents, businesses and protect our health from the building of Earl's Court a 'new District for London'. I am disheartened not only by what seems to be the apathy and lack of support from her two fellow councillors, but also from H & F councillors and Greg Hands (there is no mention of this on his webpage).

  5. Could have sworn that the Prince of Wales was in LBHF and not RBKC. They must have moved the Borough boundary.

    1. It is in LBHF, and they are responsible for planning decisions but as it is right on the borders, with RBKC and Capco markets it as being in Earls Court it does as the whole Earls Court/Lily Square Developments have a huge impact on Linda Wades constituents whatever the boundaries are. Greg Hands is MP for both Chelsea (including the Earls Court ward) and Fulham, so the boundary doesn't apply.

    2. Earl's Court ward is in Kensington whose MP is Lady Borwick, deputy Mayor to Boris Johnson at a time when plans were afoot to destroy Earl's Court's economic and cultural hub, replacing the still viable, easily upgradeable halls with thousands of now widely reviled luxury buy-to-leave flats/ safety deposit boxes previously gleefully snapped up by the sort of investors with a penchant for Panama, but now sticking (according to reports of sales at Lillie Square)

    3. Apologies thought Greg Hands covered both LBHF and Earls Court parts of The Earls Court Masterplan. Boris was indeed responsible for sstarting this whole horrific project rolling, by declaring Earls Court and North Road as one of his London Plan Opportunity Areas.

  6. From the outset, Linda Wade saw through the glitzy PR spin about 'A New District For London' while her less cogent council colleagues were reeled in, their egos doubtless flattered by Capco's relentless charm offensive. That the entire EC fiasco is now being held up by all the Mayoral candidates (bar......shock!...Zac Goldsmith) as a prime example of how compliant planners and out-of-their-depth officials are getting it so badly wrong - trashing London in the process - is vindication of Wade's disregard for a 'vision' based on naked self-interest. If only more similarly astute, tenacious and independently-minded candidates would rise up to rid Hornton Street of the cosy Con claque that prioritises the interests of profit-hungry developers over those of the residents they supposedly represent, K&C might shed its deserved label as 'The Rotten Borough'. More power to to the diligent, determined Cllr Wade's elbow! ( This, from a thoroughly disillusioned former Tory voter)

    1. But it is not just the planners that are problem but the enviroment department since 2014 have not dealt with the noise, dust & huge vibrations which are akin to Nazi bombs. Why has Tim the Caterer not done anything when they#re ten minutes away from earls court.

    2. Difference being, Nazi bombs failed to flatten the Exhibition Centre where our Mayor and the Town Hall Dad's Army foolishly facilitated its destruction.

    3. Tim Davis tries really hard but they have just expanded the area to include LBHF with no more resources!. His hands are tied by the councillors and the lack of resources.
      We should blame the K and C Tories, Paget-Browne and in particular Aherne for failing to support the department and give them adequate resources.
      And hey, what about Richard Buckley - well meaning but doesnt seem to want to try anything new! They had a chance on the Code of Conduct and didnt go far enough.
      Then of course, we have Stallwood and Coleridge who refuse to have planning conditions regarding noise when other boroughs do.

  7. Well done.... when is our dear PB to be replaced? Think ahead, pals...

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