Friday 1 April 2016


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At this rate Cllr Mackover will be getting an invite to the Dame's famous Holland Park Tea Party

Dame's Tea Party

Cllr Mackover is a shining example to other Councillors of how an elected representative should behave. I was present at the Town Hall when the Grenfell Tower victims gave evidence to the Scrutiny Committee about the abuse that they had experienced at the hands of the TMO. 
While other Councillors looked bored and disinterested Cllr Mackover stood out by asking pertinent questions and showing that he actually cared about what had happened to RBKC residents. 
While Cllr Marshall (Chair) was busy trying to cover the whole sordid business up Cllr Mackover stood up for abused residents and demanded that a Working Party be set up to investigate complaints. 
The rest of the Council could learn a lot from the upstanding morals of Cllr Mackover.

and here is a further comment on Cllr Mackover

Cllr Mackover has history-good history!
Here we can see him calling into question the decision to gift the North Kensington Library to Notting Hill Prep School.
Minutes from Scrutiny Committee Jan 2016:
"The Committee expressed concerns that an open, competitive process had not been followed in this case. Cllr Mackover said that when looking at the process through the eyes of a tax payer the test for best value would hinge on an open tender process that showed the highest bidder or offer received. He said that there had not been a test in this instance that could be evaluated".


  1. It seems that a new spirit and approach to residents is emerging in the Majority Party

    Long overdue

    1. One swallow doesn't make a summer.

    2. and the sour grapes Labour supporter at 12.29 doesn't even make a wet weekend

  2. About time. Let's hope "the powers that be" don't manage to force him out, as they have done to others.

    Cllr Mackover should ignore the ruling clique, stand his ground and continue to work for residents.

  3. Cllr Mackover has history-good history!
    Here we can see him calling into question the decision to gift the North Kensington Library to Notting Hill Prep School.
    Minutes from Scrutiny Committee Jan 2016:
    "The Committee expressed concerns that an open, competitive process had not been followed in this case. Cllr Mackover said that when looking at the process through the eyes of a tax payer the test for best value would hinge on an open tender process that showed the highest bidder or offer received. He said that there had not been a test in this instance that could be evaluated".


  4. Why is Robert Black still at the TMO. I hold him personally responsible for years of misery wrought on me and my wife by the TMO.

  5. Councillor Mackover may not know that the TMO was independently investigated by a Solicitor in 2008. Councillors suppressed the publication of this report for a number of months. It was published one day after the TMO AGM.

    The smug Robert Black dismissed the report as being down to previous management teams promising that he would turn the TMO around. He has done no such thing. He created a vacuous Complaints Procedure and his vacillating managers are viciously cruel and vindictive.

  6. Trade Unionist2 April 2016 at 12:15

    I work at the TMO. Robert is not bothered by negative comments from the Scrutiny Committee. He knows that he is safe provided he has the support of the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Housing, Property and Regeneration.

    1. It is a truly sickening sight to see Laura Johnson(RBKC)and Robert Black (TMO)sleazing over each other.
      Everything about their body language screams just one thing: F*** residents!

  7. Abused by the TMO2 April 2016 at 17:05

    Cllr Mackover tells it like it is. An enquiry is needed so that Robert Black and his managers are made to answer and held to account.

    Labour and Tory Councillors know what the TMO's like and have done nothing about it

  8. I was in the Council gallery when Labour asked for compensation for Grenfell Tower residents and Sam Mackover said they had got a new school and a new leisure centre as well as improved homes, so they should be very grateful and they didn’t need any compensation.

    1. The Labour Party promotes a sense of entitlement with the compensation culture. By contrast, Mackover is a pragmatic moral Tory who wants things put right at the TMO. His call for a working party has more to offer than the quick fix compensation suggested by Labour.

    2. Yes, Labour thinks money is the answer to everything.

    3. "'Projection' involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings."

      Do you understand how disgusting your comments are, 20:45, 07:21?

      It can be difficult to discern the difference between mad and bad, but you're making it too easy.

  9. Councillor Condon Simmonds has been on the TMO Board for far too long. It is easy for the TMO to pull the wool over her eyes. Perhaps, Sam Mackover should replace her.

  10. TMO research shows that they did an excellent job at Grenfell Tower. The residents are very happy and do not want or need compensation. They are right to pay tribute to Cllr Mackover.

    1. BAFFLED BY 18.08 ABOVE4 April 2016 at 08:21

      If Grenfall Tower Residents were "happy" with the excellent work done by the TMO, why did Councillor Mackover call for a working party to be set up to investigate complaints. There are many people who would give evidence to a complaints working party including evidence of bullying. You' re right Mackover is the only decent councillor on the Council he cares about council tenants.

      Peggy Swinley ( I am using a name from a former marriage that the TMO doesn't know about so they cannot victimise me.)

    2. 18.08 You have not given the full results. Grenfell residents actually proposed that to thank Mr Black he be given a new Bentley with TMO 1 on the number plate

    3. A more appropriate number place would be "SH1T3".

  11. The TMO investigation showed that no one had been bullied. Why did no one give evidence of this when they were surveyed? They need to cone forward or there will just be a whitewash.

    1. Bullied Cremorne Resident5 April 2016 at 06:36

      But the bullied did come forward and one decent councillor sat up and took notice. Anyone who knows anything about bullying knows that it is hard to fight a powerful bully and the TMO is a vicious bully. Councillor Condon Simmonds who is a TMO Board member knew about the bullying on the Cremorne Estate courtesy of Mr Black and Ms Brown and did nothing about it.

  12. TMO staff interviewed 77 residents out of 120 at Grenfell Tower and state that they were all happy with the way the project was carried out. None of them are reported as saying they were bullied or intimidated. Hopefully when the Council carries out its independent investigation they will feel able to raise these issues

    1. Shooting down the TMO in flames at 08.23 above5 April 2016 at 09:07

      Typical TMO smokescreen. The TMO survey does not disprove complaints of bullying.

      What about the 43 residents, or 35% percent of Grenfall Tower residents, that the TMO did not capture in its survey. There is considerable room to learn of bullying amongst this number.

      It would be very surprising if the TMO posed the question, Please tell us if you were bullied by TMO officers or its contractors? There is evidence that respondents to questionnaires confine their answers to the question asked.

      What about TMO bullying on the Cremorne Estate that has never been investigated

    2. Straight talking5 April 2016 at 09:51

      Does 08.23 really think that any Grenfall Tower resident being interviewed by a TMO officer would mention to the TMO officer carrying out the interview that they had been bullied? Of course not.

      The Council knows that the TMO is a bully which is why Councillor Marshall tried to skirt around the "whole sordid affair." Thanks to Councillor Sam Mackover the matter has not been covered up. If reading between the lines is anything to go by Councillor Judith Blakeman knows about TMO bullying.

    3. Bullying takes many forms and the TMO has a track record in indulging in the kind of bullying that it can subsequently justify as being necessary or excuse as being a mere mistake. Either way the resident concerned has been well and truly shafted and the TMO can claim to smell of roses.

    4. Copy of transcript of speech given on behalf of the Grenfell Tower Resident Association to the Scrutiny Committee in January 2016. Result of survey carried out by the local RA:

      "To back up the testimony of Grenfell Tower residents to the Scrutiny Committee members of our R.A recently conducted a quantitative survey of leaseholders and tenants to measure levels of resident satisfaction / dissatisfaction as a result of the TMO's handling of the Improvement Works. The findings of this survey are truly shocking.

      The survey revealed the following facts: 90% of Grenfell Tower residents have reported that they are dissatisfied with the way in which the TMO has conducted the Improvement Works. The survey found that 68% of residents said that they had been lied to, threatened, pressurised or harassed by the TMO. The survey also revealed that 58% of residents who have had the Heating Interface Unit (HIU) fitted in their hallways would like them to be moved to a more practical and safe location".

      Transcript of complete speech available on this link:

    5. 08.23 "Hopefully, when the Council carries out an investigation" the person who wrote this and all of those implicated in bullying will be sacked. Bullying at the TMO is a cancer which must be cut out and goes beyond Grenfall Tower as Robert Black well knows

    6. The council is not going to carry out an investigation into the TMO

  13. Robert Black was introduced to residents as the solution to the numerous problems that had beset the TMO under Perry and Evans. That was in 2009. Fast forward to 2016 and it is very clear that he has resolved nothing, merely applied the thickest possible white wash.

    The TMO now demonstrates the most appalling corporate culture one can imagine, the epitome of which is the TMO's ridiculous complaints procedure whose primary purpose is clearly to excuse the most appalling and irresponsible behaviour amongst members of staff. The result is a complete lack of accountability and an insidious and poisonous culture of shafting dissenting residents that Black and co. have the temerity to describe as "customer focused" but which is so far removed from anything resembling real customer service that you are left wondering whether they have all become so desensitized to reality that they believe their own propaganda.

  14. Day of reckoning5 April 2016 at 14:07

    Bullying is rife at the TMO.

    If the TMO had a shred of decency, it would put its hands up to bullying and spare the many residents who have been bullied from reliving appalling ordeals. .

  15. Dear Gracious Dame,

    How many hits has the Hornet had in response to both of the April 2016 postings about the TMO?

    1. Dear Gracious Lady,

      You have done a marvellous public service by providing bullied Council tenants with a voice. Residents should demand the heads of Maddison, Black and Jevans for their actions in this miserable and pathetic situation at Grenfall Tower.

      Laura Johnson should accept responsibility for the inadequate monitoring of the TMO by the Council Directorate which she runs.

      Councillor Marshall's less than enthusiastic approach to this problem is indicative of the unwritten code amongst Tory Councillors who ensure that the TMO is fireproof regardless of the injustice caused to residents .

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  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. If I were Rab Black I would be very worried that Councillors are reading this. Some Tory Councillors have evidence of the TMO bullying tenants. These Councillors may be on the backbench today but they could be the Cabinet Members of tomorrow. When Cockell left the backbenches and became Council Leader, the Chief Executive of the TMO resigned. That TMO Chief had been steadfastly supported by the outgoing Council Leader.

  19. Cllr Mackover should know that Black Brown Birch Jevans Maddison and Seward are collectively responsible for the situation at the TMO.

    1. What a cock up23 May 2016 at 09:37

      They have a made a mess of it

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