Monday 11 April 2016


The bane of the old Dame's life is her vile, ne'er-do-well nephew, Ludo. Her big ambition is to get him into local government where jobs are for life and pensions fat. 
And, if you really screw up, you are eased out with huge 'shut up' money. 
So when the Dame heard the frightful Head of Adult Care, Stella Baillie's daughter, Thea, had pipped Ludo to the post her fury knew no bounds. 
Ludo would have been superb in the same role, supporting the Deputy Leader and the Dame would no longer need to pay him an allowance. 
Ludo and Rock might even have become firm 'clubbing' mates.

Without being bitchy, the Dame would like to be a fly on the wall when Stella and Thea share a bottle of Chardonnay.

She bets they have some juicy tittle tattle.....


  1. The optics of these appointments are extremely bad. A lack of political judgement. Management incompetence. And an invitation to corruption.

  2. It's a Barnum and Baillie world! Apparently.

  3. When will the Dame send out the call for residents to rise up against Horton street and lead us like the bare breasted Liberte.

  4. All the comment on this blog, over many months, suggest that Baillie is toxic.

    Who is supporting her? Does the Dame know the answer to this question?

    1. Obviously supported by dearest Thea and PB and those of his ilk.. After all it was Pooter/tooter and Mayers who got Stella to join them at RBKC from Westminster, who were more than happy to see the back of her... To answer your toxic and ghastly as ever....

  5. Chardonnay, dear Dame? 'Blue Nun' I would have thought to be her tipple...Myself, I prefer a nice Spatlese, on Belvedere's wine list....

  6. Some years ago a study was published concluding that RBKC was the worst place in the UK to die. There were virtually no services for the frail elderly, doubtless because the wealthy retire to the family seat to expire and the peasantry are free to die quietly in a ditch. Since then there's been no apparent improvement. Hence Ms Ballie and sufficient money to throw at HPO and the Bentley etc.

  7. Is this not going to be part of Crossrail? The only reason to buy Thamesbrook. FoI anyone? Would be nice to see communications between Baillie & these asset strippers.

  8. The original deal on Thamesbrook was that bidders had to develop the site as residential property for old folks. That begged the question of what happens after you have creamed every last penny of profit out of the site so that only rich old folks could live there. Once they die, their children inherit and, lo and behold, the property gets sold on the open market.

    Perhaps the council have seen the futility of this plan, decided to cut out the middleman and give it straight to the Sultan of Brunei as per the Dame's earlier post. Maybe he could park his cars there.

  9. Great article in local paper exposing the social cleansing of Silchester:

    Rock Feilding Mellen has gone to ground and could not be located for a comment. Anyway, what a silly man buying a property next to the working class community he is going to destroy.
    This story may not have the happy ending Rock was counting on and his house may become a target for local protest

  10. Rock has made huge play about the 'umble 'ome he bought for cash in North Ken. He is less forthright about his previous lodging at his mother's Chelsea Embankment house, Mater's Beckley Park (which looks like a castle), and pater-in-law's Stanway House and Gosford House (Longniddry) which all look like something out of a BBC costume drama.

    His 'hice' is really just his London pad. He spends holidays and weekends drifting between country piles, and occasionally the family home in the Caribbean.

    As with so many aspiring Conservative politicians, he attempted Project Middle Class, but failed miserably.

    He is loaded, and it shows.

  11. Dame why did you remove my comment about Baillie, be brave what I said was true.

    1. What I am trying to say is that if the mother in north Kensington who murdered her child and partner had received the help she needed things would be a lot different today. We have seen from the above comments that Baillie has little regard for the vulnerable

    2. The Dame has not, but if it's defamatory then she would not allow it.
      Please send it to the Dame's email address on the home page

  12. It's far less common than a few years ago, but for no apparent reason a proportion of one's comments seem to disappear from the Hornet during posting, or shortly afterwards. It's very random and is related to faults in the technology rather than the Dame's industrious workers. The best protection is to copy one's own words before sending, so they can be resent if the originals disappear.

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