Sunday 17 April 2016


Beauchamp Place was once the prettiest and most charming of streets; no longer.
Today, it's an Edgware Road clone with shisha pipe establishments proliferating.These places pollute the atmosphere with their sickly sweet reek of foul smelling tobacco mixtures.
Health and Safety rules don't apply here. 
On busy pavements, waiters rush hither and thither with metal bowls of red hot charcoal.
One restaurant, Layalina, has so encroached upon the pavement that only the very agile can pass by.

If you are a mother with a pram, or a wheelchair user it's a 'no go'.
When a resident raised the matter with the manager his helpful comment was, 'Use the other side of the road"


  1. We are no longer permitted to make any criticism of any other cultural intrusion into the English way of life.
    If a British restaurant wondered around the pavement with blazing pots of burning wood there would be hell to pay

  2. Beauchamp Place is disgusting

  3. As far as commercial rubbish is concerned, for the third time in five years residents have objected to the council's accounts over being forced to subsidise the cost of this service. The district auditor's report is due in May.

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