Friday 18 March 2016


A wise resident described the events of the other evening as 'a battle won, but not the war'....
Samuels...better call Boris
Marks... how am I going to 
sort this one

Are Messrs Marks and Samuels, who run Brockton Capital, going to walk away, as so many others have? 
Most unlikely: these two are are not quitters.
More likely is that they will not appeal, but fine tune a re-application to address issues raised by residents.
Or, they could ask the Mayor of London to overturn the decision. However, the sheer weight of local opposition might make the Mayor timid about such intervention.
As usual, opposition speakers were limited in time. 
The four speakers were given sixteen minutes in total. 
The longest, eight minutes, was made by Tanya Alfille. 
Tanya presented the key points set in the letter from Trowers & Hamlins succinctly and with great clarity.
Camden Hill Residents Association chairman, David White, focused his thoughts on the loss of socially rented accommodation.
So, the ball is in Brockton Capital's court. If wise, they will try to mollify local ill feeling and this time really listen.
Incidentally, allowing residents just minutes to make a case is a nonsense. 
Nick Paget-Brown needs to review and revise upwards.



  1. The Dames's Investigator19 March 2016 at 18:16

    These guys are young, tough and greedy. They will not take this rejection. They are determined to make huge profits at the expense of community, culture and society.

    Notting Hill Gate is prime profit territory. £4000/sq ft sales at the top end and still some way to go to the £7000/sq ft at No 1 Knightsbridge which they all hope for. The turds want to be Candys

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Pathetic horet bloggers

    3. "Pathetic horet bloggers"....HORNET, Cllr 'Madcap' Palmer, you're a damned fool

    4. The Dame will not allow anti-semitic comments

  2. Anyone studying the London property market as of late will not doubt conclude the market for high end flats has cratered. There are simply too many Brockton Capital's out there trying to make a quick pound by selling flats to foreigners. With the market as it is, these guys would be committing financial suicide. Better to come up with a sensible plan that makes life good for the community and for them and that balances everyone's needs. Sure, no one will make a zillion pounds. But something balanced that works for everyone is the right answer.

    1. It really has. Last year it began in the summer seeing money from Russia and the East drying up; as so many have pointed out before they're not looking for luxury flats which is why Nine Elms and Earls Court developers are running at a loss. They're looking for victorian and georgian houses which developers ironically are knocking down.

      There will be hell to pay too as developers have taken huge loans they will not pay back and declare bankruptcy. A quick visit to MIPIM would show that. Few insiders laughing at the debacle that is Earls Court, a joke of the property world.

    2. Half of the problem we have is a bunch of Officers in Planning who love playing with their train set. Endlessly writing reports and setting up study groups about how to change things and re arrange the deck chairs. I just received a "consultation document" from Hornton Street about the Thurloe Consultation Area appraisal.

      I ask you!!

      And the other half of the problem is greedy developers who want an excuse to knock down and rebuild in prime locations.

      Bored Officers + Greedy Developers = end of life as we know it and love it

  3. Disconnected piggy is the root of the problem

  4. Luxury market housing is crashing


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