Friday 18 March 2016


Dear Dame,

Many Conservative and non-Conservative party members have questioned the fairness & transparency of the recent Abingdon Ward Selection process.

Seems pretty obvious to many people that the Party rigged the short list of prospective candidates put forward to a recent selection meeting

Only one local candidate was chosen against the advice of many residents and a very poor selection on offer. 
The rest of candidates had little or no interest in the area I have lived in for many years. Plenty of people unhappy in private and less private angry comments, but so far no answers. 
Officers of any political association  should listen to the residents and local committee members. 
They should not make important decisions behind closed doors

Why were  those chairing the meeting still refusing to answer the concerns of the local residents who were not allowed to speak about it? This seems like the old “nasty party” ways…

Abingdon Resident


  1. Seems like there's a sssssnake in the Tory party!

  2. Who was chosen? And who is standing for the other vacancy?

    1. Dame, please tell us urgently who stood down and created a vaccancy and who the three candidates were?

      The Abingdon Councillors are Husband, Borwick and the other one

    2. From 4 candidates, One known to local area (Sarah), the rest of candidates all unknown to local residents. Sarah & Ann(?) picked

    3. Presumably Sarah Ingram whose husband was once a councillor. No idea who Ann is.

    4. Not Annie Redmile?

  3. Hope it's not the former porn star. The films are still out there.

    1. Tell us more!!!!!!!!!!


    3. His porn name was Warren Lord. Before you start googling, remember that you cannot 'unsee' what you have once seen.

    4. Warren has a lovely smile and is very caring. Will go down a storm with the old ladies.

    5. The Porn name is LORD Warren, not Warren Lord.

      Please, this is Kensington

    6. So the guy has a colourful past. So what. It what he offers now that is important. From what I hear he is nice, dedicated, hard working, motivated and he cares. Certainly a step up from Ward Councillor Husband who is long past his sell by date

    7. Hard is the operative word

  4. Fly On The Wall19 March 2016 at 18:09

    This is becoming the pattern. At the Campden Ward selection after Buffy stood down there was also a rigged election. Three candidates and one vacancy. Piggy attended and actually told everyone how to vote!

    You could not make it up

    And the other two candidates (one was very good) had an ot of date CV circulated by the Tory agent. cvs were then hastily taken back after the election because the information"was confidential"

    And then there was the dreadful Queensgate Ward election where the hopeless Palmer was forced on residents.

    What is going on? Is it a Masons Party???

    1. That's why so many of us proper tories are not paying membership anymore; what's the point absolute corruption from top to bottom within the Conservatives whether national or local. Beggars belief!

      What do WE all get useless councillors because of this sort of mischief.

    2. Grunt, grunt. Pathetic bloggers

    3. Cllr Matthew Palmer19 March 2016 at 22:08

      When I say pathetic bloggars I mean those that don't understand that we are the masters now. The Dame has now power. We Conservatives do so stop farting in the wind and acept it

    4. Now Power...

      Love it

  5. Staggering that Piggy behaves and thinks in this way. We thought that Pooter was bad, using Headhunters to find candidates for Council elections. But the Piggy approach is equally contemptible

  6. It is usual for the Chairman of Kensington and Chelsea Conservatives to Chair the selection meetings for Ward Councillors. The Chairman of the Kensington Tories is Cllr Julie Mills - a person who made a name for herself as Mayor. And demonstrated an independent streak of mind.

    It is inconceivable that Julie Mills allowed herself to be part of this charade. Dame, please confirm that Cllr Mills DID NOT CHAIR this rigged meeting.

  7. the selection was rigged? ok... so who were the candidates and who was selected?

    I can remember selections in the late 1980's and early 1990's when Ward committees were given a steer but Ward selections I attended in 2009 and 2013-there was no steer given whatsoever.

  8. Can Abingdon Resident or anyone else please let us know who was on the shortlist and who was choosen.


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