Monday 8 February 2016


We need more like resident!
Well done, Linda.
Now the Dame will be accused by the imbecile, Palmer, of running a Lib Dem blog. 
Can the old bird ever win?


  1. Kensington Resident8 February 2016 at 09:35

    Thank you Dame. Regardless of what Cllr Palmer may think, and regardless of any abuse that he may feel compelled to make (Cllr Wade is a woman and Cllr Palmer has a problem with women) it is right to celebrate and encourage councillors who try to do their best for their residents.

    Many thanks, Linda

  2. This is a Lib Dem blog

    1. Linda does more housing casework than any other councillor apart from cllr blakeman. She is great (Linda, I mean)

  3. The Libs may have lost me at the time of that nasty business with Rinka The Great Dane, but I agree that, as a strong, productive, independent-minded champion of the residents she serves, Linda Wade is as Batman to 'The Penguin' and 'The Joker'.... as I have heard some describe Earl's Court's other current ward councillors.

  4. Earls Court got a breath of fresh air when disgraced ex Cllr Phelps was moved on.

    1. Booted out would be more accurate. After he was discovered circulating indecent images of young boys

  5. Mr Sleuth-Lamont8 February 2016 at 14:15

    That was another coup for the Dame.....she nailed Phelps, but even then, with all the vile evidence, Pooter tried to protect his friend

    1. There is nothing like the Dame operating in the rotten Borough. Thank goodness for our venerable resident. The story is that she resides not far from Harrods.......

    2. Venerable she is....
      And very peeved that no one has seen fit to nominate her for the Mayor's Award. As for living 'behind Harrods' dare you!
      The Dame has a sumptuous , art deco duplex 'apartment' overlooking Holland Park, though much of her time is spent on her steam yacht, the SS Hornet.

    3. Calm down, dear Dame! Councillors are not eligible for a Mayor's Award. If, heaven forfend, Linda leaves the Council, then I am sure people will rush to nominate her for one.

  6. Heaven bless the SS Hornet and all who sail in her!

  7. She is also the Councillor behind trying to save Earls Court Post Office (owned by TFL) she set up the meetings. As soon as Inane and Spalding heard this they crashed the party. They even attempted to take over the meeting to debate Earls Court post office by not giving her a chair on the stage even though SHE intiated the meeting. Hopefully soon we will rid of these two ingrates and have two more councillors like Winner Wade.

  8. She is the best does more for constituents than Victoria Borwick who doesn't give a damn. At least Linda responds to people Victoria Borwick's automated response is nothing but a page and a half full of jargon this was never the case with Mr Rifkind irrespective of people thought of him


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