Sunday 7 February 2016


Dear Dame

You may have seen there has been a marked reduction in the number of tart cards in telephone boxes up and down the Old Brompton Road and general area. 

This is down to the police finally taking the time to catch the culprits, mainly Eastern European gangs.
Reduction of these cards is is solely down to RBKC residents and Cllr Wade.  
The Brompton ward Safer Neighbourhoods team has been contacted many times, over the years, whenever residents witness the gang putting up the cards, or are about to, so they could easily have been caught in the act.  Residents either have an answerphone message, or speak to an officer who then says they have no one there to apprehend the culprits 

Linda Wade has been dealing and liaising with police about the tart cards.  It would have taken one day to catch these men and destroy the gang and save money for the council, who had to keep cleaning up these Telephone boxes. It is the job of the police to catch the gangs and BT to clean them up.  The laziness and ineptitude of councillors, police and BT is reprehensible!

This is one reason that is not voiced in favour of Brexit.... the constant Eastern European crime, not only in the borough and capital, but across the country. 

Since 2004 Eastern European crime has been on the increase.

What is more concerning is that the Chelsea Police station was sold off by 
Stephen Greenhalgh, as well as Knightsbridge and Battersea, making police response times greater than they were before.  

This is best illustrated by the  robbery of Kings Road Post office and no one apprehended. 

Yours sincerely



  1. Thank you Cllr Wade. More power to your elbow. These people need to understand that the Royal Borough is not a trash can.

    1. This pollution has been going on for too long. And it is fuelled by Arabs and other undesirables with too much money visiting London and staying here illegally. It should be stopped

    2. Phone box cards have been around before your 'Arabs' were even born. It is NOT 'Arabs' who plaster these cards in the boxes. They don't eve have to use these services. As for staying here 'illegally', I suggest you brush up on the current legislation, before you make these crass observations....

  2. Dame, can we have a picture of Cllr Wade? She is not well known and clearly needs to be promoted. The pro resident councillors are unfortunately a minority

  3. Of course the police are short staffed and police stations are closing. But it is not enough to hide behind these changes and pretend that nothing can be done. And to frustrate residents with answer machines. The police need a wake up call and Linda Wade seems to be the person to do this.

    The police need to "think smart". The practice of these East European thugs is well known. They put teams on the streets to peddle their filth. An appropriate response from the police is a "hit team". Not full time, just one vicious sweep, a few arrests and exemplary sentences plus a few deportations.

    That would do the trick.

    1. The filth used to be concentrated in Earls Court. Now it has spread to Knightsbridge where the Qataris are spending their money. The sex starved Arabs have huge sexual appetites. They don't mind if they pay or get paid - just so long as they get it

    2. The 'Qataris' and other Arabs do not generally resort to services advertised by cards. They have their own crew and tend to stick to them. It is the less discerning and poorer people who use these services, which are widespread.
      Why do we still have PHONE BOXES.. I have not seen one used for yonks.

  4. Linda has worked tirelessly and deserves a great deal of praise.

    1. let's give Linda more space... she deserves it....

  5. Thank you, Dame, for shining a spotlight on this vicious trade, and many thanks to Cllr Wade for starting to get to grips with it. These 'tarts' are girls and women trafficked into unbelievably brutal rape slavery.

    Perhaps some of your kind readers might be able to contribute to the excellent work of religious sisters helping trafficked and raped women, at Rahab,

  6. Though Linda does a great job, please do not forget the others who have been fighting this battle for a long time. Caryl Harris, chairman of the South Kensington and Queens Gate Residents Association, has been assiduous in cleaning out phone boxes and alerting police. As you have said many times, the residents associations do a very good job in supporting the interests of residents.

  7. Linda and Caryl! There could not be a more powerful combo on the street. Go after them girls


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