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Wednesday 15 April 2015


In the war against the hell of basement development the diggers have found a champion in Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford.
The Dame will be supplying further detail of how Lizzy stood up strongly for a basement developer.
Lizzy, you should be ashamed of yourself.The Dame hopes you will be kicked out at the next election. You are past it!
Courtfield residents!....Retire this irritating woman.


  1. Cllr Rutherford is deaf, due to advancing years. She has failed to notice or hear the disturbance of basements. The odd tremor that she experiences from neighbouring digs excites her as she confuses this with the delights years long past

    1. Lord Kensington15 April 2015 at 08:41

      Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford is a terrific gal

  2. Dear old Liz. Best friend of Cllr Tim Coleridge and Cllr Robert Freeman. Is there a message here?

  3. Everything about Cllr Rutherford is about yesterdays world. Gentility and coffee mornings. But the world today is different. It needs brains, brawn and elbows. Nothing else makes a difference.

    Coutfield Ward needs a refresh. Put the old girl out to pasture.

  4. Elizabeth Rutherford and Dame Hornet have much in common.

  5. Will the Council please buy a Hearing Aid for Cllr Rutherford.

  6. She is welcome to come by my house anytime, all day from Monday to Friday and for 5 hours on Saturday. If she can tolerate being in my home for more than an hour, while the basement builders make my life a living hell, it will restore any ounce of respect people might have for her.

    1. Not until the Council gets her a Hearing Aid

  7. She said at the PAC meeting that noise was not a consideration, and that the PAC should disregard anything on noise. Yet the national guidelines and the new policy under consideration in Kensington most definitely say that noise is to be taken into account. How can she not be in favour of a condition requiring the best equipment to minimise noise? It was an extraordinary about-tune since she tells residents who write to her about the disruption that she agrees entirely. But she does nothing, nothing, nothing; then sides with the applicants and dismisses noise when given a chance.
    Definitely one to have someone stand against her if she tries her luck at the next election.
    The rotten borough of lazy, dinner-party councillors needs to improve the quality of its political class soon.
    Freeman says 'I don't know why I bothered to get re-elected.' Why indeed? Give up your seat then. Take Rutherford with you.

  8. If true this is shocking behaviour. She has certainly misled me (a constituent) into thinking that she is in favour of controlling traffic, noise and method as a way of mitigating the basement problem. Then she does this....totally untrustworthy. Politicians have to be to some extent, of course, but this is Clegg-like in its betrayal.

  9. Someone said 'genteel'. Yes, but also 'thick' is a good epithet. At least Courtfield has Coates and Marshall who make up tenfold for her lack of brainpower.
    We get what we vote for!

  10. I was there at the planning meeting listening to an application. It was extraordinary that Elizabeth Rutherford stated that construction noise was not relevant to planning permission. Perhaps she should read The National planning framework policy and guidance which states it IS a factor. Even the councils policy on Miscellaneous Matters stated it was a relevant factor. Did anyone at the committee or Erin Richards correct this? Of course not. Elizabeth Rutherford and Erin Richards should be ashamed of themselves. There were many elderly ladies there and no-one knows what noise they will subject to and whether they will suffer permanent hearing loss. Elizabeth is even on the PAC committee. She doesn't even know the basics of planning!.

    1. She is a confused old soul who is in love with the idea of "office". She loves to get dressed up, trot around Hornton Street and Ward meetings, and be gracious to all around her. That other great expert at "being gracious" is Cllr Coleridge. An encounter between the two of them is something to behold.

  11. Courtfield ward is a ward of filth mired by Eastern European gangs putting up sex cards with useless neighbourhood watch 'police' computer says no. Rutherford must be blind as well as deaf.

  12. Dresser to the RBKC Labour Group22 April 2015 at 09:30

    Councillor Rutherford's attitude over basements is a disgrace.

    Is she wearing a leopard skin print - if she is it's very common . Funnily enough, I don't remember Bet Lynch accessorising her leopard skin with a row of pearls. Councillor Rutherford should ask the Mayor for advice on sartorial elegance.

    This season's outfit for Labour Councillors is a denim mini skirt, with no tights, teemed up with white stilletto heels. Emma and Judith will model it soon on the election campaign.

  13. Conservative Central Office22 April 2015 at 13:40

    Yes, Rutherford sports a purple and black imitation leopard skin print and yes it is very common.

    Tory Ladies should, in the best traditions of a touch of class, wear a little black dress.

    1. Tory Ladies should wear twin sets with a skirt below the knee. I don't care what the Labour ones wear

    2. Joan Hanham always dressed appropriately when she was Leader of the Council. I never saw her in leopard skin or with a skirt above the knee. She always beautifully turned out.

  14. Former Labour MP.22 April 2015 at 13:50

    I was a Labour MP from 1997 to 2010. Tony Blair was very concerned with image and he wanted the Party's women to dress conservatively. So he asked me to write a dress code for the Party's women MP's. I recommended the "little black dress." The career ambitious women, Blair's babes, played ball and wore it and some alternated it with a black suit. Gwyneth Dunwoody would not play ball, she was outraged at my suggestion for a touch of class and she went on wearing those awful floral things.


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