Saturday 21 December 2013


If this article below is accurate it reinforces the expert's view that Lighfoot, with his donations of our money to Charlie Saatchi(currently £70,0000), is helping to propagate the Saatchi Gallery's role in manipulating the modern art market.
But, Lighfoot, being an arrogant little chap.... and an extremely 'so so' economist loves the idea of being 'in with the big boys'. It was a trait shared by that other unlamented little chap, Pooter Cockell.

In the picture Warwick is wearing the chain of office as chairman of the Institute of Useless and Tiresome Economists

For Pooter the pleasure was hijacking the £100,000 chauffeur driven Bentley and having lunches with the Barclay and Candy Bros. 
One wonders what these business titans thought of this pretentious and failed African ciggy salesman showing off to them 'on the tax'. 
The Dame assumes they felt flattering the little chap would help them do deals.....
Anyway, the dear old Dame gets easily distracted from the real target of her ire....
From the Dame's fave read...The Mail on Line today. If you click on the text it may Saatchi's fortune.


  1. He may be an Economists but he can out talk / think any member of the editorial team of the Hornet. Which is why the Hornet will not name its editors, they are scared of him and just make abusive remarks and hide behind the blog like little children

    1. The Editorial team may be simple. Very simple. But not too simple to figure out that spending hard earned tax payers money on the private art gallery of a billionaire is just plain wrong. And even more wrong in a recession. Cllr Lightfoot's authorisation to sign cheques that pay out tax payer's money should be removed immediately.

    2. Oh my, Palmer has a pash on Lightfoot. I suppose it was inevitable, now he's fallen out with Moylan, that he heads back to his previous crush. How revolting.

      Palmer, you are embarrassing yourself.

    3. This is wrong. So wrong words fail me.

      It's put me off my lunch too.

  2. LOCAL PSYCHIATRIST21 December 2013 at 15:19

    Is that why he shouts and screams at other councillors when he doesn't get his own way? Or why he rants at residents?....This sort of out of control behaviour suggests that he lacks confidence in his ability to promote his argument in a lucid, dispassionate manner. And by the way, Cllr Palmer(for it's he) what does this mean' 'he may be an Economists....' Bloody can't even comment in reasonable English.

  3. wrong, you keep making this mistake Hornet Editors

    1. Can this mean there are TWO Inspector Clouseaux lurking under their respective stones? Heaven forfend!

  4. Doubtful....only Palmer can mangle the English language in this hop off bore

  5. Can someone explain to me how this council has the authority to 'loan' Charles Saatchi tax payers money, without consulting us, when he and his spouse can allow their 'helpers' to spend the equivalent on their credit cards.

  6. Lets hope that Charlie does not "go off" Warwick and take him to Clarkes in Church Street and attempt to strangle him by the throat. So far it has not been reported that Cllr Lightfoot is into this fetish. But on the other hand, Tory Councillors in Hornton Street are a fruity lot

    1. Orange anyone?

    2. I think you may need a bin liner to go with your orange.

  7. Cllr - O'Neil, Cllr - Hoier, Cllr - Mingay Have all been subject to a Stalinist Purge, when are they going to get rid of Atkinson and Blakeman

    1. And that tub of lard with the silly american accent

    2. Todd Foreman

  8. Residents are not party to the detail, but taking the Labour whip from O'Neil is long overdue. The man's notorious.

    As for Lightfoot, he lives in the area and shouts at residents who dare to express an opinion. As far as he's concerned, riches go to riches and the poor can take the dust. It's high time his Tory colleagues put him in his place.

    1. Unfortunately far too many of his colleagues agree with that particular sentiment. Just listen to the back row bray during any debate in Council.

  9. A little bird has told me that Cllr. Hoier is standing down for family reasons, Cllr. Mingay did not wish to seek re-election and Cllr. Foreman is leaving to run against Jacob Rees-Mogg in North East Somerset in 2015. The case of Cllr. O’Neill is somewhat different. Since the loss of his mentor and protector, Cllr. Keith Cunningham, he has spent his time ignoring Labour and cosying up to the Tories so that his company Urban Eye can continue to win lucrative Council contracts. Not much mention of many of them on his Register of Interests, though. So no conspiracies here – unlike the Tories, who savagely defenestrated the harmless and hard-working Cllr. Ian Donaldson.

  10. The dubious history of the relationship between the Council and Urban Eye has long been more than enough for O'Neil to have earned deselection. For years RBKC threw substantial sums of residents' money at an organisation which supposedly created public art. I believe Urban Eye is or was a charity. Yet another sick joke.

    1. Sadly far too many organisations pass themselves off as charities when they are nothing of the sort. It's a nice little tax fiddle.

  11. More BS From the Labour Party

    Hoier was kicked out under the orders of the saggy old bag Dent Coad
    Mingay was told he did not file his application to re-stand in time, but for some odd reason they over looked that problem for Atkinson.
    O'Neil was kicked out because he never subscribed to the Old Labour rant.
    Foreman is just wasting English Oxygen and thinks he is gods gift to Socialism.

    1. 23:50
      How about me? Kicked out for a few harmless artistic images of young lads with a few captions of a playful nature. And what about my good friend ex councillor Andrew Lamont? Yes, Andrew, like me, had artistic tendencies but was it right to force him to resign? I think fair minded people might demur
      I was pressured out by that frightful Derek Myers;despite my friend Merrick Cockell attempting to keep me aboard.
      Anyway, Happy Christmas one and all. I am off to my place in Ledbury
      Beep...beep BP

    2. over 3 years ago, not very topical

      whereas the Labour party are happy to go "Che" at any time for any new councillor. Stalin would be proud of you

    3. Oh dear, oh dear, someone has fallen to the oirish charms of Dezzie. Which are as trustworthy as those of Ka in Jungle Book, 'trusssst in me trusssst in me' etc. Wake up friend. They call him 'Dodgy Dez' for good reason.

    4. Dodgy Dez is gathering a little group of other dodgy types around him to run as independents against Labour in "their" wards. He has been told that the truth about him will be revealed if he does - and at least one of his fellow candidates will have egg on his face when his neighbours find out about one of Dezzie's undeclared interests.

    5. I don't think anyone has much to fear from Dez irrespective of whether the "truth" gets out or not. He hasn't exactly demonstrated strategic thinking beyond that of a lollipop. And anyone considering standing alongside should probably consider therapy.

    6. Is it hard drugs or only cannabis? Are they all on them?

    7. This wouldn't be the "oirish" coffee brigade would it? Dez certainly seems to hang around coffee shops rather a lot. You'd think we were in Amsterdam ...

    8. It's the arty-farty coke and coffee brigade. But one of them can organise events in breweries, so watch this space. It would be good to see Dezzie's dubious finances revealed at long last.

    9. Oh no, Dodgy is going to stand against the Labour Group, and they are running scared. So so scared that a man of his integrity and intellectual ability will be working against them.

      For pity's sake.

    10. Well someone's got to provide some comedy value. Where Dez is concerned the shoe fits so Cinderella may yet come to the ball!

  12. How about me? One of the hardest working and popular of Ward councillors. I have been appallingly badly treated by my own party.

    1. You've spotted the problem: "hard working and popular". We don't need that kind of thing in the K&C Tory party.

      In fact the less you do and the more unpopular you are the better. The local blue rinse brigade (bless 'em) will still elect you; they've been programmed to do so from birth. No higher brain functions involved.

    2. Cllr.Ian Donaldson9 January 2014 at 10:36

      Cllr. Ian Donaldson
      For the record I did not post the kind comments about myself at 03.21 on
      the 23rd December. Normally although I can read the Hornet's Nest I cannot read or make comments as this is blocked by the Town Hall and it is only because I am staying with a friend that I am able to read and respond.

  13. And don't leave me out. All I did was get convicted of having kiddie porn and was forced to's not fair.

  14. EX CLLR MARK DALEY23 December 2013 at 10:20

    Oh do shut up all you moaning Conservative councillors forced to resign. They made me resign and I did nothing wrong.

  15. Lol to 23.50 10.18 and 10.20 but very sad for 0320... Only Ian Donaldson would be awake at 0320...

    In this game you either have to know when you're time is up or know if you're going to have to change to prevent you're time from being up.

    Whilst nowhere near as popular as his former Ward colleague John Corbet-Singleton- Ian Donaldson might well give his current colleagues a run for their money if he stands in May either as an Independent or if UKIP picks him up.

  16. Standing as an Independent in K & C is not worth the effort. K & C residents automatically vote Conservative; but are now considering UKIP.

    So if a few disaffected former Tory councillors want to get even with Hornton Street, they should offer to stand for UKIP. A good showing of equally disaffected K & C Conservative votes will terrify their former Council colleagues. Mission accomplished.

    1. Rumours suggest that UKIP have been recruiting and will be fielding a wide variety of candidates come May. Not just Dave. It will certainly be interesting to see whether that includes anyone previously spurned by the Tory party.

    2. Well it wont include Justin Downes, He chickens out of every election in Kensington

  17. The grammatical errors leads me to conclude this comment comes from a councillor with form for abusing the Association telephone account to the tune of several hundred pounds.
    At the age of twenty one I became the youngest member of a county council. In fact, I took the seat from a Labour councillor so I am perplexed that you might think that I would have any fear of contesting a seat in sleepy, genteel Kensington and Chelsea.
    My business life has also been challenging:thus winning some local council seat is hardly a fearsome prospect!
    There are other reasons why I might not wish to win a seat on K&C....not least, the prospect of being in the same space as Cllr Palmer. Just imagine too, having to be in the same room as the likes of ex cllrs Phelps and Lamont!
    No, but seriously, the major deterrent would be the fact that I now spend several months of the year in France and thus would not be capable of representing the interests of voters.

  18. There's also the fact that Mr Downes is of vastly more value to the community as a free man standing on the outside of the tent 'p*ssing' inside, than as a backbench Tory councillor with nothing whatsoever to say beyond the Party line.

    There are many discontented Conservative councillors, ready to criticise the scandals hidden in Hornton Street, but never in public. Shame on them for lack of backbone.

    1. I agree...since Downes started the Hornet it has been pivotal in exposing wrong doing and corruption. Though he may not be actively involved now we should all be grateful for the Dame and her tireless mission to hold councillors to account.
      The Hornet has done more for democracy in K&C then any local paper, or indeed the majority of councils.

    2. sorry I meant councillors

    3. 17:47
      You say Justin Downes has 'chickened out', yet he responds to you using his name, whilst you remain 'anonymous'. It strikes me that you are the 'chicken' not Downes!!

  19. 3 by-elections in the ward he lives in, and 1 borough wide election and he chickened.

    1. Palmer....don't be a thundering bore...
      Read what I and others have written. If you think standing as a councillor in K&C requires courage you must have led a terribly unexciting and unchallenging life. Though from people tell me your life over the last years has been spent in the Members Room making a thorough nuisance of yourself.
      But, why do you post anonymously? As someone has commented it is hardly a badge of courage....

  20. and I am reminded, when 'attacked' by Palmer of Denis Healey's description of being attacked by that chump, Geoffrey How: "it's like being savaged by a dead sheep" was his wonderful observation......

    1. Says a lot about mr downes who prefers healey to howe

    2. Silly 17:38
      Healey had wit....Howe did not. I don't suspect Downes has any time for Healey,politically, but as wit Healey was a cut above the norm

  21. Justin Downes has given his reasons for not standing. Whether you accept them or yell "Chicken" at him is neither here nor here-the real point is that there appear to be a number of people who are going to step up to the plate and stand for UKIP in May.

    Are they normal residents', residents' association Chairmen, former activists with one of the political parties or even former Councillors? Maybe none of the above and UKIP will field no more than the 2 candidates who stood in total in 2010.

    But perhaps it's time to think about asking activists and former Councillors to make the move?

    1. Is Councillor Palmer not the councillor who has done the “chicken run” from Dalgarno to Queens Gate? Despite his persistent claims that all the electors of Dalgarno think he is wonderful? If anyone deserves the label “coward” it is he – and certainly not Mr. Downes!

    2. The residents of Queens Gate can look forward to the shining exemplar of efficiency and font of all knowledge that is Palmer.

      Perhaps he can even advise them all on how to get pregnant whilst being sponsored by a swingers club?

    3. There's a limit to the number of cock-ups you can get away with before the electorate cotton on to your general incompetence. Palmer reached that point some time ago, very possibly over the petition to stop Sainsbury's opening a branch of Tesco (!) on the site of the North Pole Pub.

    4. Cllr. Palmer does indeed appear to have chosen to migrate southwards. He could have chosen to show some spine and fought one of the new northern wards, as they're not all as unwinnable as some might imagine, but he clearly thought better of it. Cowardice is most certainly one word for it.

  22. What has Mr Saatchi and Mr J Downes got in common ...... answers on a post card to PO BOX 391, Bristol, BS99 7WS, England

    1. Is this Jacob Rees Mogg's address?

    2. To write to a great MP like Jacob, try House of Commons, London SW1A

    3. That would be the alternative definition of "great" of course.

    4. Yes, where "great" = "third rate".

    5. Jacob is an MP and ........ you are not

    6. Being an MP does not meet the definition of "great" Matthew!

    7. Being an MP does not make you "great". Being a good MP might. But good MPs are like blue moons and hen's teeth. Very rare if not unique.

      I suspect the electorate will be deciding on Jacob's "greatness" as an MP shortly. He may not like what he's told.

    8. 02:16: if you are indeed Cllr. Palmer, please get a proper job you sponger.

  23. Matthew....apart from the fact that, unlike you, they have been rather successful...not much. And how do we know it's you? Easy...I think you might mean 'What have' not 'What has'. Only you could make an arse of yourself each time you comment. You really are the 'council idiot'

    1. What a dreadful attempt at constructing a few sentences of English, but to take someone apart for doing exactly the same shows a certain level of ignorant hypocrisy.

    2. I read 18:46's comment and understood exactly the point he/she was making. Maybe you are a bit dense.....

    3. That was not the point, perhaps it is you who is so dense you failed to understand the point she was making, perhaps it is also you who wrote point 18.46 and are unable to construct a proper sentence while criticising others.

    4. Perhaps the grammar pedants need to get a life? This is a blog, many comments are "off the cuff" and Mathew is still the Council idiot.

    5. Yes, 19:08 stop being a bore and btw how do you know the sex of the person making the comment? We should be told.....

    6. My guess: they're a presumptuous sexist tosser?

  24. On the subject of "tossers," this thread is about Lightfoot, who closed down a much needed dining club for the elderly in North Kensington in order to save council taxpayers' funds. However, since some of our money remained in the coffers, he arranged to hand it over to Charles Saatchi of all people.

    Lightfoot should either provide a refund from his own pocket, or resign.

  25. Lightfoot has proceeded to demonstrate poor foresight, abysmal judgement, little or no compassion and an obsession with money. No surprise on any count.

    Once a community facility is closed it is very difficult if not impossible to get going again. Any decision as to the future of any such facility must bear that in mind and closure should only be considered as a very last resort, when all other options have been pursued and exhausted. To proceed to close such a facility for purely financial reasons with little or no effort expended to find alternatives is complete irresponsible. In particular when the sum concerned is relatively small and the Council is sitting on a small mountain of reserves.

    However, to close community facilities whilst at the same time handing over thousands of pounds of tax payer's money to a multi-millionaire should not only raise eyebrows but result in a thorough independent investigation. Anywhere else such a "donation" from the local authority to a local "entrepreneur" would be seen for what it is: corruption. And the responsible Councillors in question would be viewed with suspicion. What's in it for them we wonder? Soirees, as suggested by the title of this article, may only be the tip of the iceberg.

    As for "tosser-ness", perhaps with help.


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