Thursday 19 December 2013


2014 promises to be an impoverishing year for the former leader and deputy leader of the Rotten Borough. 
Pooter Cockell and Danny Boys Moylan are renowned for being extremely proficient local government
So much so, that the Dame's ignorant nephew, Ludo is desperate for the Dame to use her great friendship with Pooter to get him into Hornton St.

For years Pooter has managed to extract well over £120,000 a year from London taxpayers. 
However, the gravy train may be grinding to halt. 
In May he loses his £60,000 a year from the useless LGA and has instructed the PR dept to get him as much coverage in the Guardian(no other paper being interested) in the hope he might get some replacement sinecure. 

This year the rivalry between Pooter and Danny Boys intensified and the Dame hears that Pooter was furious when he heard that Danny Boys was up to £155,000 a year...courtesy of Londoners.
However, unless Danny Boys can twist Boris's arm his £75,000 a year as Aviation Adviser will soon evaporate as the ludicrous Boris Island Airport sinks into the estuary mud.


  1. A rare good news story! Triples all round!

    1. notice please how the comments below are just abuse and now Boris is a target - it seems quite clear this is a pro Labour Blog

    2. You mean 'note please' ignorant sap Palmer
      Boris is a target because he and his criminal friend, Darius Guppy discussed having an offending journalist badly beaten up. You judge a man by the company he keeps and the number of adulterous affairs. Johnson is a loudmouth and a charlatan. And is especially irritating in that he affects the airs of an eccentric English gentleman, whilst in reality he is a Turk.
      He is a fraud in everything and believes only in what's good for him.

    3. Wasn't the airport in the estuary Boris's idea?

      Wasn't Boris responsible for Moylan's £75k non-job?

      The answer to both is "yes", so Boris is a legitimate target for criticism.

    4. I don't think anyone who took the time to watch the BBC's expose on Boris could have been left in any doubt as to the true nature of his "character".

      Sadly whilst Boris is an extreme example there can be little doubt that the country's political class is chock full of "Boris wannabes"; and these are probably the last people who should wield any.

      The ancient Athenians had the right idea - bring back sortition!

    5. Never voted Labour in my life. Currently warming to UKIP

  2. We can but hope that this all comes to pass.

    Sadly, I have a nasty feeling that the blonde lothario will keep his estuary airport pipe dream alive until well after the next general election.

    1. Blonde lothario? Thinning droop, more like

    2. I suspect that's a reference to the one with IQ issues.

    3. In case there is any doubt, the reference is to the bus driver's son. And the word in Thailand is that there is a serious droop.

    4. Such serious droops are easily fixed. I am told a stick of celery works wonders when used as a splint.

    5. Traditional remedies are always the best!

  3. Good riddance to two bad apples. Regrettable that trash like this is allowed to emerge into public life. Tories should know better

    1. I thought that Pooter had sunk without trace

    2. Not yet. But he is keeping a subterranean profile.

  4. It is wonderful that we have the Dame to continue exposing this troughing and reminding us how two faced politicians can be. It used to be that public servants worked for the public good. Now we seem to have a dedicated sub group of self interested and self serving individuals. Shame on them

    1. Has it ever been any different? Local government seems to have a virtual monopoly on producing the most self-serving, corrupt and morally questionable "public servants" in the land. RBK&C is no different to any other local authority in this regard, aside from the slightly shinier veneer.


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