Wednesday 15 May 2013


The Dame would have liked to see Nick make a gesture by announcing a 15% reduction in all Special Responsibility Allowances....this is NOT a good for Rocky being given this reeks of the worst sort of Bostonian Irish scratch my back etc.

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Property and Regeneration - Cllr Rock Feilding-Mellen

Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, Transport and Arts - Cllr Timothy Coleridge

Cabinet Member for Environment, Environmental Health and Leisure - Cllr Tim Ahern

Cabinet Member for Families and Children - Cllr Elizabeth Campbell

Cabinet Member for Education and Libraries - Cllr Emma Will

Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health - Cllr Mary Weale

Cabinet Member for Community Safety, IT and Corporate Services - Cllr Hon. Joanna Gardner

Cabinet Member for Voluntary Organisations and Resident Engagement - Cllr Gerard Hargreaves

Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy - Cllr Warwick Lightfoot

Three appointments were also made to key committees:

Chairman of Planning - Cllr Paul Warrick
Chairman of Licensing - Cllr Julie Mills
Regulation and Enforcement Committee - Cllr Miss Doreen Weatherhead


  1. Relevant experience appears to be lacking (as always).

    1. Fly On The Wall15 May 2013 at 12:05

      Oh Nick. You have dropped a huge stitch. Why? You could have done anything you wanted. Why inflict such a low quality Cabinet on your residents?

    2. WOEFUL bunch of amateurs

  2. Can we please stop using courtesy titles for the children of life peers:its vulgar and common

    1. Kensington Resident15 May 2013 at 11:57

      Spare a thought Dame. The gal is Australian. What more could you expect mate

  3. Pretty easy to work out how the election transpired.

    After the first round Rocky through his lot in with Nick. Danny saw what was happening and called it a day.

    End result: Rocky gets to play deputy leader. Danny is left out in the cold.

    "Lovely jubbly" politics at their best.

    1. By appointing Cllr Fielding-Mellen as Deputy Leader, Cllr Paget-Brown has sent out a message that he is a weak Leader and will not be able to tackle the turnaround that Hornton Street desperately needs. Many of us are already regretting the the defeat of Moylan

    2. Problem is: these also-rans will suck up to anyone.

  4. Dame, what a disappointment. Same old, same old.
    As for Rock and Housing- God help those residents living in social housing tenancies!

  5. Many of these appointments suggest very poor judgement on Nick's part. He may come to regret some of them should they lead to "interesting times" (as per the old Chinese proverb).

  6. What a damp squib. Cllr Paget-Brown has failed his first test - the opportunity to create a new look Cabinet that would break with the past. Instead we have LESS of the same with some tired old retreads. One thing is for sure. The younger group of Tory backbenchers will be very angry and Nick had better watch out. He may not be reconfirmed in May 2014

  7. Weale again????

    We cannot believe it

  8. My Mate The Builder15 May 2013 at 11:54

    The new Cabinet Member for housing and Property regeneration had make sure that there is a further crack down on crack dens in North Kensington. My spies tell me that all is not what it may seem

    1. Yes, lets hope that Rocky has a concerted effort at preventing crack being smoked in council property

    2. Or private property for that matter.

  9. Great to see that Cllr Mills continues with licensing. Lets hope that she gets less pressure at home in the not too distant future and bounces back to stand for Leader in the very near future

  10. Cllr Warwick at Planning. One of the biggest snobs in the Borough. The Committee can expect weekend workshops at his country place, Downton Abbey

    1. Lord Kensington15 May 2013 at 12:02

      Warwick does not live at Downton Abbey, you prat. His wife rents one of the gamekeeper cottages on the Estate

    2. are quite is an ex cllr who rents a cottage at Highclere.
      I am sure that the Warricks are far to dreary to move in the Highclere set

  11. This is not a functioning team. Not even the SRA's will keep the vipers together. Twelve months and the cracks will be huge.

    1. I look forward to the fireworks

  12. There is a massive conflict of interest between the Private Consulting Company of Fieldinbg-Mellen (it gives local planning advice) and Mellen's job for Housing, Property and Regeneration in the Cabinet. Mellen is of course still a sole trader because his consulting company has been so spectacularly unsuccessful. Now he is doing a "Palmer" who famously set up a company to do Councillor "training" AND OF COURSE TARGETED Hornton Street until the Dame spotted the abuse

  13. Fly On The Wall15 May 2013 at 13:59

    This is the fingerprint of a very dull Leader. Massively dull. The Borough is underwhelmed.

  14. No surprise for anyone who's seen him "in action".

  15. Could be worse I suppose, although I'm struggling trying to work out how ...

  16. Lets not be too negative about the new Cabinet. Give them a chance. They won't set the world on fire but may be able to bumble along in a reasonably sensible way. Cllr Gardener is a person of integrity and is very resident friendly. Just like Cllr Coleridge who now knows that he has blown his Leadership chances and therefore is beholden to no one except his residents. Again, a person of integrity who does not need his SRA. Mary Weale is a plodder. She lost her job and now has no prospect of Westminster (which she wanted very badly) so maybe she will buckle down and start to read her briefs. Recent experience as Chairman of the Health Committee suggests that she is more focused on Council business these days. Julie Mills is an ace and Cllr Lightfoot is experienced although he is probably short term until he makes it as an MEP. On the debit side Cllr Campbell is a lightweight and Cllr Mellen is dead wood. But every administration has its calamities. Weatherhead and Warwick at Planning are ballast and the rest are untested. Oh Cllr Ahern? The Juryury continues to be out. He pledged as Planning Chief to make the Planning system more resident friendly but failed abysmally - even though his ambition and articulation were spot on.

    On the Officer side a new Chief Executive is expected so the review is on about Myers favourites. The boring Mr Bore (Planning Director) knows that he is on borrowed time. Councillors say that the Planning No 2 is even worse than Bore so the Leader needs to start his search for an outside appointment.

    The whole apparatus needs to try and engage with the Ward Councillors and the Resident Association Chairmen more effectively. Forces of nature like Amanda Frame at the Kensington Society need to be listened to. And the younger group of Conservative Councillors are pissed off by the mediocrity of Cllr Paget-Brown's Cabinet so that little time bomb is ticking away.

    All in all, it could be a good prospect.

    1. Silly Scribe. you can't flog a dead horse.

  17. I think Nick had little choice

  18. Yes, he did. He could have had the balls to say, "I am not going to be pushed around by some jumped up kid who has done nothing in his short life"


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