Wednesday 15 May 2013


Cllr Mary Weale is noted for her fatuous and insulting comment, "we hear, but we don't listen."
She also has a reputation for indolence....never deigning to respond to those who elected her....unlike her  assiduous co-councillors, Coleridge and Paget-Brown.

Still, how fortunate she is to be on our council. 
Having lost her job as a City insurance broker she can now count on a juicy Special Responsibility Allowance to make up the difference as Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health.
The old adage, 'It's not what you know, but who you know' resonates here!

This is a a lousy appointment, Nick. There are better and more hardworking councillors.


  1. Weale and Rocky in the same Cabinet. Yawn. Both of them offspring of minor Earls. Egghead must feel terribly toffed - in touch and privileged. And then the Australian knob on top of it all. A riot

  2. Lightfoot will be off as soon as he can fix up a job as an MEP which he is trying hard for. Just missed out again. But only just. Egg will have to figure out who to replace him with. Inspector Palmer? (plus hotline to Australia of course).

  3. our experience as service user and primary carer was so awful and stress full. Management incompetence, failure in their duty of care. They even managed to get the financial assessment so wrong they cause nothing but despair. To a disabled and vulnerable member of our community. They are a disgrace. Tri borough agreement is a joke.


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