Thursday 30 May 2013


Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe was intending to attend the forthcoming meeting of the Chelsea Sector Working Group meeting on Monday 3rd June at Chelsea Police Station, 2 Lucan Place, Chelsea SW3 3PB. However, he has been taken ill so is unable to attend. A senior officer will be deputising for Sir Bernard. I am sure we wish him well for a speedy recovery.
Please let Roger Baresel, the SWG Chelsea chairman know if you plan to attend so a suitable room can be set aside. His number is 07903 580 399 or

Due to time constraints there will be a limit of one question per person. This is a great opportunity to convince neighbours and other locals of the usefulness of the SWG.


  1. The Commissioner came down with a very heavy and effective blow against car owners who drive without tax and insurance. Now virtually eliminated in Central London. It would be appropriate if he took action against the Arab Street racers who like to drive their noisy and expensive cars fast around Harrods in the evening when they have nothing better to do. Brompton councillors Marshall, Barkhorder and Mosely should attend the meeting and ask for advice

    1. Cllr Fielding-Mellen should attend and take advice re the control of crack dens

    2. Why does he know anything about crack?

    3. Fly On The Wall31 May 2013 at 14:56

      With a Liverpool background, the Commissioner is hot on drugs and law enforcement

    4. I meant Rock

    5. 14.46 you have a question....

      One who knows is one who knows. Get it?

    6. 14.58 you seek clarity.......

      "One" equals Rock. Get it?

  2. This is quite an honour for the Met Chief to come to a Borough meeting. Hope there is a good turn out of residents plus a few Councillors showing their respect

  3. Rocky's head drilling and one time puffer mum lives in Chelsea on the river in a big house with a basement where Rocky's Green Renewable Company (in debt of course) is listed. Lets not get too chancy and attract the attention of our top cop to Cheney Walk sophistication. B. H-H may be a scouse but he has loads of intelligence and instinct

  4. Why on earth is Cllr Paget-Brown playing with all this stuff in his Cabinet. An accident waiting to happen. He does not need it

  5. Phew. Rocky and mum saved by the quot

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. A shame the Commissioner is ill but great that had agreed to come

    1. And lucky for Rock and his mum


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