Wednesday 29 May 2013


Cllr E. Campbell is one of those silly councillors who cannot resist the opportunity to 'showcase' herself. 
Some unkind fellow councillors sneer at her behind her back as she postures as a reincarnation of Lady Thatcher. This, in itself, is harmless: however, when she wastes money on exercises like this she needs hauling back into line.
It is NOT the job of the council, in hard financial times like these, to waste money on fripperies.....and Creative Writing Courses are, in the heads of most people, a waste of hard earned taxpayer's money. The only advantage is that promoting it gives the nine man PR team something to do!

Cllr  Campbell should never have been allowed back in the Cabinet. 
Officers don't take her seriously and so encourage her to involve herself in projects which keep her from under their feet.


  1. This is dreadful. When will Hornton Street learn to stop wasting tax payers money and stick to the knitting?

    1. Long Suffering Tax Payer29 May 2013 at 14:39


  2. Retired Chief Executive29 May 2013 at 13:08

    Organisations have an inertia and it takes time to point them in a new direction and spend money (or save it) in different ways. If the will is there it would be easy for Leader Paget-Brown to put a stop to expenditure like this. It is difficult to understand what creative writing has to do with responsibilities for sweeping the parks and clearing the dustbins

  3. Cllr Campbell is automated nonsense

    1. Elizabeth Campbell will do anything that enables her to spout in front of an audience. She needs to be taken in hand and put under control. And preferably locked away in a small room a long way in the distance and the key thrown away

  4. Hopefully it will not be long before Cllr Paget-Brown scales back on these wasteful activities. There are other organisations (not funded by tax payers) who do this kind of thing better

  5. Replies
    1. Isn't is obviously upsetting you so why not turn your screen off and go for a walk!
      Are you too stupid to understand that woman is hopeless and taking money off us all.

    2. Cllr Palmer is such an unhappy soul. Cheer up Mate and try to find something inspiring in life

    3. I wonder if Cllr Palmer knows what intense misery he transmits to anyone that he comes into contact with. The incarnate killjoy

  6. Cllr Palmer should look for something cheerful to do. And turn himself around. He might start to enjoy himself

  7. Some discipline is required Dame. This post is about the profligate Campbell and her silly ways and should not be diverted to deal with the rather sad Palmer

  8. Sadly, the Dame cannot direct comment. It appears that Cllrs Palmer and E. Campbell need a severe talking to

  9. My Mate The Builder30 May 2013 at 08:43

    Get a life, Mathew Palmer

    1. Cllr Campbell needs one too

  10. and the abuse continues

    1. It's not's very fair comment

  11. This seems to have been paid for by the Royal Palaces, not RBKC - so why is E. Campbell getting the press coverage and taking the credit for it? Just like Cllr. Hargreaves, when the World's End residents were successful in getting £ millions for their community without any help from the Council!

    1. If this is true then Council tax payers are paying for a PR Department that puts out press releases on behalf of the Palace! This is daft.

      Paget-Brown, GET A GRIP

  12. Could not agree more with what you say 15:30. The lottery win had bugger all to do with the ward councillors. It was achieved by the community. Having been quoted in the local paper, "Cremone ward councillor Gerard Hargreaves denies that the World's End Estate and Lots Road are 'forgotten communities" He goes on to assure"We very much welcome the money to help the community here grow and to further build on the hard work put in by the council and the community over the years.Bloody cheek! He did nothing and he was right saying how the money would be spend was none of his or the council's business.

    "It will not be for the council to decide what this money is spent on but for the community. We are hoping to get the community panel established by April next year in order to make a start on the regeneration thanks to the Big Lottery Fund."

    1. The Dame needs to watch Cllr Hargreaves. Is he substance or is he puff?

    2. PUFF.

      A nice enough bloke, a bit lazy actually, friendly demeanour, will avoid real work in the Council. Fact is, he has a very busy and lucrative job outside the Council and no will or need to throw himself into projects.

  13. The NHS Story was not 'pulled': it was taken down as it had limited local interest.

  14. I thought a frippery was something to do with the excellent band King Crimson!


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