Wednesday 10 April 2013


If your entire income is taxpayer funded it tends to be a bit 'feast or famine'....not so for Pooter Cockell... for him, over recent years, it's all feast! But, the gravy may soon be running out....
Besides the £70,000 a year K&C residents pay him a further £53,000 a year comes from the Local Government Association.

However, at one of the Dames' glamorous salons a clever confidante whispered some startling news. 
The May elections will be devastating for Conservatives leading to control of the ludicrously expensive LGA quango passing into Labour hands. 
This will leave Pooter poorer as he will be unceremoniously booted out....sans his £53k a year.

It is not his first experience of having his income slashed. 
However, he has always managed to replace lost income. 
We saw this when he lost his job on the Audit Commission(c £18,000 a year)....another waste of space..... the same when kicked off London Councils.(c £20,000 a year)

So losing three profitable little sinecures, in short order, might mean that Pooter will be unable to indulge his love of the Fat our expense.

Pooter is ever one to look to his don't expect him to stand down as Leader at the May elections....he will need the £70,000 a year!


  1. Dame

    That is the most awful news. Pooter as Leader for life. What a waste of space and what selfishness.

  2. More depressing news. Cockell must be intent on hanging on to his K&C stipend and reduced circumstances

  3. Stand Up For Britain10 April 2013 at 21:35

    It is absolutely wrong in a democratic system for Cllr Cockell's colleagues to allow him to remain in office for a fifteenth year. He is already corrupted by power and it is time for a new broom in Hornton Street

  4. The thought of ANOTHER year with our bombed out PM is just too depressing for words. What is it with the pathetic backbenchers - what is holding them back?

  5. Something will give soon, and Cockell will move on. History is very clear that when a spent force clings to power it is only a matter of time before they are moved on. Of course the legacy suffers because they did not have the wisdom or inclination to leave at the top of their game. And once moved, these deflated balloons are not wanted anywhere else either.

  6. Fly On The Wall11 April 2013 at 10:47

    I wonder if our Prime Minister understands how loud the laughter and derision is behind his back?

    1. Just wait for the next mad cap scheme. Holland Park School, Exhibition Road, Peterborough houses.........

  7. After 11 years even the sainted Lady T was booted out by her colleagues. Yet Pooter clings on. Probably because our local backbenchers can't agree on a replacement. Shame on them all.

    1. Get Cllr Mills in there. Breath of fresh air and sensible choice for new Leader of K and C.

    2. Pooter has told colleagues that it would be an act of disloyalty of Thatcher proportions if there was any move to get rid of him. He has even hinted that such a disloyal act might undermine the Conservatives in K&C for a generation.


  8. Farage is coming.......

  9. Who will rid K&C of this pestilence?

  10. It is time that the likes of Coleridge and Paget-Brown forced Sir Merricks hand. Allowing Sir Merrick is a complete abuse of any form of democracy and another reason to avoid voting Conservative if at all possible. This by the way comes from someone who has always voted Conservative.

  11. In truth the likelhood is the senior councillors of RBK&C are on such a good thing and are fundamently quite happy to go with the status quo they will probably allow Sir Merrick to continue. This could be construed a being lazy in my book and not doing what should have been done quite a few years ago now. Time for change!

  12. Stand Up For Britain12 April 2013 at 10:00

    At the Conservative Party Conference in 1983, at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, Margaret Thatcher famously reminded the audience that there “is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers' money.” The economic reforms that she introduced were based on a simple idea: You should be allowed to spend your own money supporting yourself, your family and your community.

    K&C Councillors need to refresh themselves and return the Borough (lock, stock and barrel) to Conservative territory. No more "resident artists", Exhibition Roads, Wedges and Chelsea Cares. And certainly no more expensive dinners in New York for "friends"

    1. The Lady's words are a stunning indictment of the policies and strategies of Cockell and his poodles in Hornton Street

  13. Spring is here and Thatcher has passed. The double jolt is clearing away the cobwebs. Now it is also time to bring in new Leadership to our Borough

  14. Kensington Tory12 April 2013 at 10:20

    When one compares the soaring clarity of Mrs Thatcher's vision with the grasping scrounging of Cllr Cockell, continually "double jobbing" on the public purse, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth

  15. The longer PM Pooter stays the more ammunition he provides Farage. The face of the Borough will change once UKIP kick out some of the idler Conservative cllrs

  16. With the Government still spending nearly half of our national income, British politics has again gone badly off course.

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