Friday 12 April 2013


The Dame has just had one of her lengthy fireside chats with Prime Minister Pooter Cockell.

Evidently-and the Dame has no reason to believe Pooter to be paranoiac-he senses that there are conspirators lurking in the shadows of Hornton St. Their intention is to deprive him of his huge allowance when he comes up for re-election in May.

Pooter has disclosed to his confidante, the Dame, that whilst he would love to step down and enjoy the freedom from great responsibilities he has a duty to keep going for a sixteenth year.

He has asked the Dame and her readers to come up with some reasons why he has to keep going.
The Dame has helped him with a few.

1. The other Prime Minister called Pooter into 10 Downing St and insisted that he continue in situ to safeguard the Tri Borough project

2. There is no one else at K&C who plays on the national stage as he does

3. He has not finished educating his children

4. The Leader of the Lib Dems has begged him to stay

5. Pooter's mum in law says he should stay


  1. this is just a silly story.

    The trouble with this web site is that you do not know what is True, twisted truth or a flat a lie.

  2. Funny that you spend so much time reading it!!!...

  3. "Being Leader means my wife doesn't have to spend too much time with me"

  4. This is because the Tri-borough project is going pear-shaped and PM Cameron wants him still there to take the blame - after all, Barrow and Greenhalgh have already jumped ship.

  5. Lets cut to the chase. "Stand Up For Britain" reminded us in a previous blog:

    At the Conservative Party Conference in 1983, at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, Margaret Thatcher famously reminded the audience that there “is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers' money.” The economic reforms that she introduced were based on a simple idea: You should be allowed to spend your own money supporting yourself, your family and your community.

    Any half awake resident and voter in K&C knows that Cllr Cockell does not understand these words. He should be bundled out

    1. Kensington Resident12 April 2013 at 14:25

      Only one reform is required in K&C. Replace Cockell.

  6. Fifteen years in office, in a democracy, is too long. Time for Cockell to move on. Even Margaret Thatcher (that great Conservative Leader) was past her sell by date after 11 years

  7. Go on Merrick - push off.......

    1. My Mate The Builder12 April 2013 at 14:13

      I want a change of face. What about Totty Mills?

  8. Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell is as good as it gets

    1. We can't have Ed Balls...he is an MP!!!

    2. "as good as it gets"? The bugger just lives off the backs of hardworking residents. He is a sponger whose expenses were a disgrace to public office

    3. balls, not Balls

  9. He became Leader pretty much 13 years ago this week. Not 15... Probably too long but if you can't this simple fact right.....

    1. Arithmetic Major12 April 2013 at 18:41

      OK Shark Eye - but American Presidents are limited to 8 years. Now in his 14th year (whats a year between friends) Cockell is no longer an effective Leader, he is just a self serving parasite

    2. And uses SRA's to grip the poodles by the short and curlies

    3. There is an air of panic around Pooter's supporters: they have no idea how to deal with the Hornets Nest. Such a thing has never happened so cretins like 16:21 come up with rubbish.
      Who cares whether it is 12 or 15...he has been around too long and has the odour of a rotten crustacean cockle

  10. No more coke for Rock

    1. Sounds of you are is 'Ex' or a friend of hers.

  11. Pooter has great pressures at home - his mother in law for one does not want to "lose" her position and is a staunch supporter. No one should lose sleep over this shallow woman


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