Tuesday 16 April 2013


With no sadness the Dame reports the departure of Merrick Cockell.
She has campaigned tirelessly to persuade him to do the honourable thing and hand over to a worthy successor. His departure is long overdue......

The Dame hope his successor will be strong and capable enough to repair the damage caused by this divisive man.

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea is in dire need of a conciliatory leader: one able to restore the good name of the Borough and act in the best interests of all residents.
Let us hope good sense will prevail and our councillors will make a wise choice. 
An intelligent gesture would be for the incomer to volunteer to cut back the vast allowance Cockell insisted colleagues give him.
Should he lose the LGA in May Cockell will need to do some serious income supplementation....knowing Pooter he will be working on that now...
But until changeover on 22 May Cockell is a dead man walking......


  1. The Dame can now take a well earned vacation aboard her elegant steam yacht.

    1. http://parkfarmneighbourhoodwatch.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/marco-cerestes-new-best-friend-sir.html

      The Peterborough Tribune Blog salutes the Dame, and enquires if your Social Housing Toffs will be still be heading towards our manor? VP wine, Special Brew (Tramps Treat) and strong cider all round ...

    2. Julian Bray, just stick with your silly pictures of doggies and your flat, flat view of life. We'll keep our social tenants, thanks, and you can keep your disgusting little prejudices.

  2. Well done Dame. Your campaign has been a triumph of sense over stupidity

  3. A Wind Of Change in the Royal Borough. May it continue and sweep out the other bit of rubbish, Malcolm Rifkind MP

  4. Retired Chief Executive16 April 2013 at 09:30

    When Leaders stay in office for long periods of time and inevitably treat the organisation as "my own", there is unfortunately the downside that there is no succession planning and no expectation of succession. In other words there is seldom anyone who has been developed for office. In these circumstances the successor is rarely a success and it is the one after that who we need to wait for

    1. My Mate The Builder16 April 2013 at 09:31

      Whatever the downside we just need to get started with the clear out

    2. Maybe an external appointment then? Could one of the Tri Borough Leaders toss their hat into the ring?

  5. Kensington Resident16 April 2013 at 09:36

    I hope the poodles will understand that a recession is going on and a quiet exit is in order. Cockell has milked enough from council tax payers and it would be totally wrong to splurge more on parties, receptions, portraits and photographs which the dreadful man has already intimated would be appropriate and to his liking

  6. Tim Coleridge is far better than he thinks he. He stood up against colleagues in support of residents over Sloane Sq and he does take trouble in the north of the Borough. He is a decent honourabale man who could build consensus

    1. Tim is weak and not brainy enough. Give Cllr Mills a go.

  7. I agree Coleridge would be the right man

  8. We need a break with the past. Cllr Mills should consider taking the Borough forward

  9. Black And Decker16 April 2013 at 09:49

    We propose Rocky...

  10. What is known about the Leader of Westminster?

  11. We have not prepared for this at all

  12. Fly On The Wall16 April 2013 at 10:00

    A glowing press release from the Council announcing that Pooter is stepping down. Usual stuff including nice words from Porky Pickles who has been batting on for months about double jobbing Councillors and sky high local Government salaries and SRAs. The usual political niceties in public while the knives were truly out in private. It is understood that senior Tories in K&C gave the squatter an ultimatum.

    1. It reads more like an obituary!

  13. Follower of Phelps16 April 2013 at 10:01

    The finger, more likely

  14. Now we know why Paget-Brown was writing silly letters to the Standard about Mrs T. Obviously embroiled in the coup to oust Pooter the simple man was undergoing an adrenalin surge that destabilised him. Not Leadership materiel

  15. In terms of legacy let us not forget that forced labour in China provided pink granite for Exhibition Road and the £100 million school playground deal did not provide one single extra school space in Holland Park School. The Chelsea Academy is a good addition to the Borough and Sir Merrick should take some of the credit. But with a little modesty too, because others also had a hand in this.

  16. Can he take vulture Volpe with him?

  17. Some silly billies here. It has to be a Kensington and Chelsea councillor and it has to be a Tory councillor. And let us not forget, Sir Malcolm stays in situ until he goes to the Lords to make way for Boris as our next MP - and leadership challenger to Cameron. So that will be another absentee MP, then!

    1. It is only the existing rules that require a K&C Councillor to stand as Leader. But since then we have had the tri Borough and the logical direction of travel is a unitary Borough. After all, Kensington and Chelsea used to be two different Boroughs.

      Now is the moment. Lets do it! And avoid all the infighting in future

  18. Not Paget-Brown or Ahern.

  19. Dear Scribe

    There will need to be a change in the law before local government arrangements can be varied. The Tri-borough working is informal. Eventually it may be enshrined in legislation, although the outcome is more likely to be a shift in the local government boundaries. But until this happens, only a Kensington and Chelsea councillor can lead RBKC.

  20. It is more a seamless transfer of power than a palace coup. Cllr. Cockell continues as Leader until May - and in June the Birthday Honours will be announced. Nuff said?

    1. Yes, you may be right; the golden boot would be an appropriate honour

    2. This would be a travesty. We will have to relay on the Daily Mail to make a huge fuss if such a travesty takes place. Honours should be given to good people for selfless service - not bounders and self seekers. Cockell has taken enough already - more than enough

  21. Yes, Lord Pooter is upcoming. An absolute disgrace...mind you on the Income Replacement Front Pooter can collect up to £42k a year if he signs on daily during Lors sessions....the guy is an old fashioned bounder


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