Saturday 13 April 2013


Nick Paget-Brown, who with Cabinet colleagues, has been responsible for the dissipation of tens of millions of pounds of taxpayer's money on ego projects designed to 'big' themselves up, has written an odd letter to the Standard.

In his letter Paget-Brown attempts to suggest that Mrs Thatcher's moral Methodism would have deplored the greed and amorality of the banking fraternity-as if Methodists had some sort of exclusivity on morality!

Nick, anyone who knew Margaret Thatcher would tell you that she would have equally deplored the amorality of those in power at Kensington and Chelsea.

She would have been shocked to find you and colleagues pay yourselves exorbitant Special Responsibility Allowances: that you condone a leader who, for years, has refused to give up his £70,000 a year allowance and has used the taxpayer to fund an extravagant jet set life style. 
That you bought a £100,000 Bentley...the list goes on...
She, who so admired thrift, would have been horrified to see £23 million spent on a road no one wanted, using the product of Chinese forced labour. She would have been shocked by the inept loss making investment in Chelsea Care and the £100 million Holland Park School providing not one extra place!

No, Nick....Lady Thatcher would have heartily disapproved of the cynical, greedy and self interested councillors who have made a mockery of democracy in the Royal Borough...not just the amorality of bankers.


  1. Well said Dame! No doubt several K&C Councillors are itching to jump on to the Thatcher bandwagon and it is sad that decent Paget-Brown could not resist a creepy letter to the Evening Standard. At times like this, the dignity of silence is hard to beat.

    But then K&C Councillors specialise in "eulogies". The endless droning on at Council meetings when serving and ex Councillors pass away has to be heard to be believed. Mostly in the great tradition of self important puffing up. There are exceptions of course. Paget-Brown's eulogy to Cllr Ritchie was a case in point. Pity he has spoiled it now.

  2. The Dame certainly knows how to lay low the self seekers in Hornton Street

    1. Kensington Resident13 April 2013 at 18:38

      We need to be reminded

  3. Handsome is as handsome does....if Nick is so decent why does he allow his leader to behave as he does?

  4. I think the Labour party (who populate this blog) should out Thatcher the Thatcherites and set an example by handing back their SRA.

    Come on Dent Coad and Blakeman we need to see if you can set the example.

    Lancelot Sprat

  5. Silly name....silly comment. If its so Labour how come the Dame viciously attacked Blakeman not long ago...twot!!

  6. Kensington Tory13 April 2013 at 22:52

    | am no Labour supporter but I am deeply concerned by the behaviour and profligate ways of the current Conservative Leadership in K&C

  7. Totally agree with all these poignant points which really do emphasise what a very poor Conservative Sir Merrick Cockell and in truth, many of his colleagues are. Mrs Thatcher would be extremely unhappy about the lack of accountability and how this council runs rough shod over the many concerns which the electorate holds. Time for change.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I see that there is a suggestion (above) that most of the postings are by Labour supporters. I disagree; I susoect that is incorrect and that most of the postings are from disillusioned Tories who are fed up of moderate performance and extravagent spending of this council under the leadership of Sir Merrick Cockell.

  10. Deeply Disillusioned14 April 2013 at 23:53

    Certainly disillusioned Conservatives.

    In a single hour, the stalwart Mrs Thatcher would have torn strips off the disgraceful Pooter. In tears he would have staggered from the room and headed for the wilds of Buckinghamshire, never to be seen again. Then I woke up.

  11. All these comments are complete BO*****S until the people behind them identify themselves and then prove what they knew of Mrs Thatch.

    1. Are you one of the Hornton Street "sads"?

  12. Mrs Thatch....who on earth do you think you are. Lady Thatcher to an oik like you and why don't you identify yourself seeing as you are writing bollocks

  13. Black And Decker15 April 2013 at 18:51

    This Council is good for business. A full page interview with the mother of Cllr Fielding-Mellen in the Standard today reveals that she likes to drill holes in her head.


    1. She fondly refers to her sprog as "Rocky". A new one for the Dame

  14. What a rich and varied Borough we are

  15. It staggers belief that Conservative councillors can even contemplate the continuation of Cockell as Leader in K&C

    1. Fly On The Wall15 April 2013 at 22:06

      The wind has changed direction

    2. Cllr Mills as Leader would be a much needed breath of fresh air.

  16. Person Familiar With The Situation15 April 2013 at 22:07

    Change is coming

  17. Hey, don't be shy, what change are you on about then?

  18. SOMEONE ELSE ETC15 April 2013 at 22:58

    Could it be Pooter has gone to the Queen to announce his resignation.......

  19. Could he be joining UKIP?

  20. The Dame must know something: she is being unusually reticent...obviously her late night chats with Pooter have worked.

  21. Has he been listening to the Wicked Witch?

  22. Kensington Tory16 April 2013 at 08:47

    My bones tell me that the weather is changing, Spring is here, and Pooter is on his way.


    1. A great day for Kensington and Chelsea if this is true

  23. At long last there seems to be the prospect of a long overdue Spring Clean in Hornton Street. May the best man or woman come forward and come through and restore democracy to our corrupted Borough

  24. A triumph for the Dame and her campaign to rid us of this menace

    1. Will Rocky coke up be standing?


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