Saturday 23 February 2013


As May approaches councillors need to carefully consider the horse to back.
Cockell has been been a nag of leader... purely self interested: in fact, typical of small time politicians we have had to endure over the last couple of decades.

The Dame can go only upon what she hears. 
Tim Coleridge is liked by residents and tends to side with them against the bureaucracy.,...and by officers, because he treats them with respect. 
Tim has one problem he needs to work on.... he is far too self effacing. Come on Tim.... you know you can do the job...throw your hat into the ring. 
If you become leader the Dame will go into pleasurable semi-retirement.
Cllr Mills has certain qualities and would fill the post well. Two very different types.... but both able to do the job.


  1. Please not the awful, full of herself Lizzie Campbell...nor C rock Mellen

    1. Mellen is not all that he is cracked up to be

  2. Person Familiar With The Situation23 February 2013 at 16:22

    The whispers, furtive glances, and corridor shuffles are definitely on the increase in Hornton Street. Maybe the time is close.....

  3. Time for Mills to put on her skates

  4. Coleridge is the man to restore honour and dignity to the Leaders Office in K&C. But is this enough? After so many years of stagnation and drift, Hornton Street needs a tough reformer. A person with the guts and determination of Moylan but also someone who is capable of commanding respect from Councillors and Officers - currently a very demoralised bunch of people. Mills has that spark.

  5. Tim Coleridge is a fair and decent man. He sorts things out and stand by residents to make sure they get the best out of whatever project is on the table. He also deals with issues that officers/architects etc have ignored deliberately such as the Grenfell Tower fiasco. Tim met with residents and did something about it. What most people forget is that the Councillors are being briefed by officers wanting to make their mark or build their camps in the Council, the property department is just one, but there are many within it.

    Tim has the interests of the residents of this borough as his core principals and this beleaguered Council definitely needs him.

    Another wonderful candidate is Victoria Borwick she is a clear, hard working, resident focused person. In my book we have a choice of two Tim or Victoria to restore some sort of dignity respect and honour in Hornton Street between them they have enough experience to see when the wool is being pulled over their eyes and will question until they get to the bottom of things. This is what residents need.

    1. K&C needs a break with the past. Some fizz and fun over an iron fist. Borwick is busy at the GLA so it has to be Mills

  6. How stupid of Pooter to sideline quality like Borwick and force her to seek advancement elsewhere. The GLAs gain is K&Cs loss

    1. We all know what a stupid prat the man is. Insecure insect

  7. Moylan is toxic and had to be dropped by Pooter who cleverly nominated him to be Mayor. This drew out the threats to "open the books" and there was a hurried change of nominee to the VERY grey Cllr Williams. A brilliant move by Pooter to take Moylan out of the stakes to be Leader - Moylan would not dare put his name forward after seeing the venom that followed the Mayor nomination. K&C cannot stand more scandal.

    Have to give it to our Prime Minister - he knows how to play the game

  8. Bore and his Planning Dept run this Rotten Borough and no-one has the guts to stop them. Really pathetic!

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