Saturday 23 February 2013


Every May Conservative councillors decide who will lead them. 
Every May Merrick Cockell finds some spurious reason to persuade colleagues none are capable of replacing him.
Last year he had the gall to tell them that he had wanted to step down, but the 'other Prime Minister' had expressly forbade him, saying he needed Pooter to cement the ill fated Triborough fiasco….. You could not make it up!
The sad part is colleagues actually believed the other beleaguered PM would  have the time or inclination to lobby Pooter!

This time around it seems even Pooter knows he can't go on taking £140,000 a year from the tax payer and not turn up for work.

If the rumour mill is correct in May he will go.

This will be the moment for the Conservative Group to never ever allow one man to stay in post for fourteen years. 
It will also be the moment to substantially reduce the £70,000 a year Leader's Allowance. 
The fact that Cockell managed to strong arm colleagues into allowing him to collect this whilst absent from office is a thing of shame.


  1. Wise words Dame.

    The Conservative Agent (fragrant Howells) just wrote to Conservatives in K&C reminding them about their Ward AGMs and the arrangements for electing new committees. He pointed out the rule that Officers are only allowed to stand for a maximum of three years after which they must stand down.

    1. Two speed Borough. The Pooter machine and then the rest

  2. You mention "the Triborough fiasco". Where is the fiasco reported?

    1. Tune in to the corridor gossip, David. When it hits the press it is usually too late. Chelsea Care? WEDGE? OHP?

  3. Everything that can possibly be said about this has-been Leader has been said. Now it is time for the Tory Group to arrange a massive Spring Clean in Hornton Street

    1. Lets hope that Cllr Mills comes through

    2. On her broomstick?

  4. Better her than Moylan.I hear that Moylan is going to be subject of a media witch hunt.,......after Pooter we want clean hands

  5. This means our Leader has been tipped off about his peerage – if Cameron is making 40 new peers to redress the balance in the House of Lords, then the real Prime Minister cannot ignore Cllr. Cockell’s claims now that Greenhalgh has been discredited and is under investigation (Earl’s Court, not groping). The wheels on the Tri-borough project won’t come off until much later next year, so there is still time to retain his credibility.

  6. But will Pooter be given a job? After all his main thrust in life is income replacement at the expense of the taxpayer.

  7. So the runners will be Ahern, Coleridge, Feilding-Mellen and Mills. Sadly Julie is not up to speed on the things that matter after more than a year out of the Cabinet. She may also be in trouble for endlessly promoting her Lady friend, Jill Ruddock, now the Ruddocks have appealed the Council’s refusal to let them build a huge basement under their Lansdowne Walk house. Ahern has proved to be a toothless tiger on planning matters. The ludicrous boy Feilding-Mellen has to be the front runner – and if he wins it will be more of the same but at a much faster pace. Coleridge has proved he can stand up to his colleagues – Sloane Square, then Grenfell Tower. As Hargreaves is not yet experienced enough to go for it, our choice has to be Nice Tim.

  8. What about paget brown and F Buxton ?

  9. Paget-Brown is too much putty in the hands of Moylan and Buxton dreamt up Chelsea Care

  10. If there is any justice at all Sir Merrick will definately not be given the nod. If that happens it's time for me to vote UKIP and forget the party I have always supported.


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