Saturday 29 December 2012



Jonathan Bore is Planning Supremo at Kensington and Chelsea. He is a professional with many years experience as a town planner. Previous to RBK&C he held a senior position with The Planning Inspectorate. He does not need to bow to the will of a self interested councillor.

He and his Department have been strong-armed by Cllr Cockell into putting forward a proposal to their own Planning Committee. The proposal is that the canopy in Holland Park-used for just seven summer weeks for the opera-should become a permanent eyesore in this beautiful park.

Residents, the Friends of Holland Park and the Kensington Society are boiling over with rage at the very idea of desecrating this beautiful landscape and the view of Holland House.

What is happening is the usual nonsense from overstay  leader Cllr Cockell. Cockell is engaged in his well-known political maneuverings to try and save Opera Holland Park from the financial abyss.
The jumped up Pooter Cockell fancies himself as a Medici figure using millions of our council tax to burnish his amour-propre
Thanks to the Dame residents are up in arms about Cockell’s duplicitous idea to "privatise" the opera using our money.

Predictably, the new owners have found that they can’t make ends even see each other…. let alone meet!
The first gambit is to keep the tent up all year round in order to save £100k: the cost of erecting it and taking it down each and every year.

Then they will request an extension to the 'season'.....already OHP has requested permission for Christmas performances. 

Pooter, of course, has bullied his Planning Department to go along with all of this.
Mr Bore. This is an abuse of process….. an abuse of the system….and...above all…. an abuse of your office.

It is time for you to say "enough is enough".


  1. The Dame is on the button. Is Mr Bore a man or a mouse?

  2. Kensington Resident29 December 2012 at 18:26

    Whenever the Dame exposes what is going on behind closed doors in Hornton Street my first reaction is usually "this cannot be true". But expose after expose has shown that our once Royal Borough has degenerated into a cheap banana republic. When will the Tory Group get rid of Cockell?

  3. We are stuck with this guy for another year. He needs the money. His place in the House of Lords did not come through (again) so he cannot afford to move on

    1. Ha, Ha, Ha....Pooter has blown it as far as the Lord's is concerned.
      Apparently, those with power at Westminster did not take kindly to Pooter's attempts to cover up the Lamont paedophilia scandal (among his other misdemeanour's).

  4. Opera Holland Park is the only civic opera in Britain. I wonder why?

    1. Concorde was the only supersonic airliner in the world

      Get it?

    2. Opera is a very expensive art form and requires huge amounts of subsidy to make it possible. In London, one of the world's opera centers, the publicly funded Arts Council pours £ millions into the Royal Opera at Covent Garden, The English National Opera and the D'Oyly Carte Opera. The Arts Council has declined to fund Opera Holland Park.

      Even though world class opera is widely available in Central London, the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea still considers that it should have its own show in Holland Park subsidised by council tax. The subsidy is massive. No other Borough Council, even in the big cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, consider opera to be a justifiable cause for spending council tax

    3. With a council run by a failed cigarette salesman it is not surprising that the business fundamentals of putting on an opera are not understood. The huge overhead of erecting and dismantling a one thousand seat structure to support a seven weak season is daft, There is no chance to spread the cost over a long run of performances. But our jumped up Councillor, who runs the Borough as a personal fiefdom, considers the annual council tax subsidy of around £1 million to be peanuts in the cause of glory. After all, this is in the grand tradition of Chelsea Care, Exhibition Road and the Wedge.

    4. Pooter likes the feel of Glyndbourne Opera but on the rare occasions when he managed to get a ticket (his type finds it very difficult to get on the "list")he was made uncomfortable by feelings of inferiority. But there was a solution. "My own Glyndbourne in Holland Park!"

      In the manner of all Dictators this was easily achieved. A private park to play with, a £700 million a year council budget so the £1 million a year subsidy would hardly be noticed, and a ready made organisation in Hornton Street to get on with things.

  5. One of Mr Bore's planning officers has written to a resident to say that "we are not interested in the economics of the opera, only the aesthetics"

    This turkey is too terrified to figure out that in this case poor aesthetics makes good economics. Just like some people who conveniently forget that child labour makes good profits.

    Pass the sick bag Dame

    1. As Marx used to say "Economic Analysis determines political action". Mr Bore's sidekick is obviously a simple creature. An "arse over tit" person

    2. Just for the record this "arse about tit" person is one Mr Derek Taylor, one of Mr Bore's honchos in the Planning Department

  6. 18:22
    Unfortunately, we will see that Jonathan Bore is part of the problem at Horton St and not part of the solution.

    1. I am afraid that this is fair comment. The Planning Department is not fit for purpose. Poor presentations, poor reports to committee. Full of mistakes. Some of the planning control officers are far too close to the applicants and resent any questioning by the committee. The two committees are also very weak. Badly chaired, the committee members don’t read their papers, don’t look up the policies and don’t think! Bore has been a disappointment and is not well regarded at Hornton Street.

    2. The recent Kensington Academy and Leisure Centre(KALC)and the Kensington Odeon planning applications demonstrate the points made by 22:06 very well.
      Oh, and don't forget-any concerns voiced by residents will be treated by the Planning Dept. and elected Councillors with utter contempt.
      Might is right in this most rotten of Boroughs and Jonathan Bore is one of those with his hand on the tiller.

  7. The whole Holland Park Opera situation shows the way that this borough led by Sir Merrick has completely forgotten traditional Conservative values; delivering efficiency and value for money. There is no question that the opera is an expensive white elephant and should have been ditched some years ago. If this council had any real vision it would either arrange for the opera to be re-financed without public money by encouraging private investment or simply wind the opera up. However making a bad situation even worse, proposing that tent remains permanently all year round seems to me unnecessary. In all honesty why? The tent obstructs a view of a magnificent ruin within the grounds one of the very finest open spaces in Central London.

  8. The Planning Dept is now run by Jonathan Bore and Penelope Tollitt and they are responsible for ripping the soul out of our beautiful Borough.
    The idea that the Planning Dept would become more "resident friendly" under Cllr Ahern is a total myth.
    Next victims of progress are the two magnificent trees outside the Kensington Odeon that are being cut down simply to allow profit and greed to flourish. All rubber stamped by ineffectual and resident allergic Councillors.

    1. This is very unfair on Penelope. She is keen to do a good job and is well liked and respected. Unfair too to bracket her with Bore.

      I do agree about the councillors. They are lazy and the easy way out is to follow the officer recomendation. If you follow the recomendation and ask no questions no one can criticise you, except for the residents who you have let down, but no one is too concerned about them.

    2. Please do not class Penelope Tollitt as being in any way similar to J Bore. She has more professionalism in her little finger than he has in his whole body.

  9. It appears that this Council is more concerned with Opera, spending £31 million on paving Exhibition Road and funding the Bentley than it is on providing decent housing and services to the Borough's poor and vulnerable. Shame on them!

    1. Stand Up For Britain30 December 2012 at 10:57

      It is the Royal Borough 9.55 and we have standards to live up to. K&C and its Opera is "the great glory of London" and a fitting tribute to our Queen Elizabeth

    2. We are also an intellectual, historical and cultural center and the refurbished Exhibition Road celebrates this. What a sad bunch of people blog on the Hornet

    3. As an intellectual hub, RBK&C should realize that this is about a tent or canopy which is obstructing the view of a beautiful building in a unique open space in Central London.

    4. 11:00m
      Palmer....for it is he.... the context of your comment is spelt 'centre'.
      And I really don't think that one needs to spend £28 million on a road to 'celebrate' the obvious. One can always tell someone bereft of brain....they are always 'celebrating' diversity or multiculturalism or some other idiocy.
      It is a pity we have such coarse and ill educated councillors as Palmer!

    5. 10:57

      One appreciates one's clumsy irony

    6. Let us hope that the residents remember this at the next election. Sadly intelligence does not automatically equate with money and so I fear that It will remain the same.

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