Sunday 30 December 2012


Pooter Cockell has just ordered this to be put up on the RBK&C website....
It is hilarious....a failed fag salesman running an economy bigger than most small countries....terrifying thought for 2013...

As his very dear friend ex Mayor and young boy obsessed emailer, Barry Phelps would say...."You could not make it up".......

More succinctly a resident summed it up...."deluded pygmies"!

1. Leader of the Council
Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell is effectively the borough’s Prime Minister, in charge of one of the most popular places to live, work and visit in the country. He is responsible for an area with a local economy which produces more revenue than many small countries. His role makes him an influential figure in London.
Kensington and Chelsea is reported to have a greater land value than the whole of Northern Ireland. Cllr Ahern is in charge of setting the policy framework within which the borough is developed.


  1. I had to read this twice. Three times actually. And then I checked the Council website to see if the blog is a spoof. But it is not. This is exactly how Cllr Cockell describes himself. The deluded man thinks that he is a Prime Minister.

    The situation is very serious. This small Borough that is apparently richer than many small countries is lead by an egomaniac

  2. Cllr Ahern is an of course an Irishman. He no doubt gets a kick from telling his fellow countrymen that he is in charge of a lunchbox that is bigger than the home country!

    1. The "development of policy framework" is a job for a brain. Big fault line with Dim Tim. The idiot Cockell needs to rewrite the job spec for this Cabinet position

  3. Retired Chief Executive30 December 2012 at 21:23

    Boards of Directors, and the Chairman in particular, are always on the lookout for signs of megalomania in Chief Executives. The Chairman of Kensington and Chelsea Conservatives should be thinking hard and taking soundings about these statements

  4. What a hoot. Alice in Wonderland alive and well in central London


  5. Dame I know you are good friends with Doc Tannock, our local MEP, shrink and big fracking shareholder. Do you think Pooter should make a professional appointment to get his fat head examined?

  6. Cockell is clearly desperate to garner a few non executive directorships and hopes this sort of approach will lift his profile: it is much more likely to frighten them off. The man is clearly deranged and suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    1. Pooter could try to copy Sir Malcolm Rifkind, MP for K&C, the other great trougher of our Borough. The Scot makes nearly £300k every year from his Non Exec positions (the highest paid Non Exec at Westminster). This all comes courtesy of his MP title. How much more could our PM expect to earn?

    2. A small group of elected politicians treat elected office as a personal cash cow. By doing this they devalue democracy and the whole concept of public service. They should be rooted out and discarded ruthlessly

  7. Why worry about missing out on the House Of Lords when you are already Prime Minister?

    1. It is wrong for the system to give Honours to politicians who have been using Council tax to entertain friends in expensive New York restaurants. It sends out the wrong signals. Lord Hanningfield was forced to pay back his pilfering before he was sent to jail.

  8. PM The Lord Sir Merrick Pooter, ruler of the Royal Borough and resident of Hornton Palace. A modest boy who came a long way. We salute you, dear Prince

  9. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I used to be involved in insolvency practice and this type of delusion by the CEO would have been one of the first signs that the company was on the skids. The Conservatives under his 'leadership' are now no longer electable.

    Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius.

    But I don't think they 'did' Latin at Pooter's school.

    1. I wouldnt say jupiter, more like uranus

  10. Too late for even the great Doc Tannock to help with this case. Clearly progressive and irreversible.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am afraid that Sir Merrick clearly needs to be take down a few pegs (yet again); maybe another reason to support Nigel Farage and UKIP. Many things annoy me but above all is the way the council is run; foolishly treating the electorate as blithering idiots. In truth the only reason why the council gets away with what it does is because a large proportion of the electorate are foreign, wealthy, busy making money and in truth could not be bothered to question the incompetence of the regime at Hornton Street. However, this does not take away from the fact that this council should be a flagship council which it is certainly not; it is arrogant, incompetent and wasteful; a terrible example of a Tory Council with a far too larger majority than is healthy.

  13. No sign of democracy with this lot. Just a tin pot Dictator, egocentric and running a patronage driven set up of poodle Tory councillors and sycophant Officers. No checks and balances and a disinterested electorate.


  14. Sir Pooter. There is still a standing request from residents to you to repay the council tax that you spent entertaining friends at expensive New York restaurants. FOI data is available to substantiate the amounts you claimed just in case your memory fails you (again)

    1. And don't forget the weekend stays at Five Star hotels in New York and San Francisco.

    2. and the stretch limos, PM style

  15. YES, Prime Minister

    1. The kindest thing that can be said is that he is a very silly (if dangerous) little man. Prime Minister? So he has an army, a Foreign Office, boarder controls? Back to the old Ealing Studios Passport to Pimlico. No he is in charge of emptying dustbins, clamping cars and, doing what he likes best, spending other people’s money on keeping himself amused. But in fact he is in charge of nothing. The Council runs in spite of him. He is hardly ever there and totally out of his depth on the few occasions when he is there. Sad and delusional. If it were not so serious it would be funny.

  16. No mention of the Tri Borough in all of this. Together we must be bigger than many big countries! Emperor Pooter Cockell?!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This morning Ian Duncan-Smith wholly correctly has criticized the tax credits system saying that it is woefully open to mass fraud, apparently existing claimants could increase their claims by self certificate/claims disregarding any additional evidence or justification up to £25,000 without further substantiation. Sounds like a license to print money at the tax payers expense; criminal and utterly outrageous, shame on these fraudsters. This is not so far removed from RBK&C and its expense department. At least one Councillor/Cabinet member was allegedly making claims which were not justified and yet were still settled almost without question. It is not so different from people criminally claiming tax credit by making through fraudulent claims which were also settled on trust. It is almost getting to the point that you cannot trust anybody in this country to tell the truth. Maybe Mr Duncan-Smith could do an excellent job at RBK&C as he is currently doing trying to sort out welfare cheats and criminals. Much as I abhor the ultra unfit for purpose/incompetence of New Labour, I do not like incompetence on my own patch. So I ask RBK&C to look at itself and pull up its socks and become a flagship council as it used to be. Finally in my view the Conservative party needs to keep to core policies and clean up its act and if it does there is no reason why the party should not form the next government.

  19. WOW, this Cockell really fancies himself

  20. Why doesnt Cllr Cockell remove his backside from the Borough and push off to Lands End. And give the rest of us a chance to rebuild democracy in Kensington and Chelsea

  21. When one reads this blog the streak of megalomania in Cllr Cockell becomes clear. And explains why he felt it necessary to use the Mayors Bentley around Town until there were objections from residents. What is less clear is why the Chief Executive, Derek Myers, felt obliged to make the clumsy statement "I authorised the use of the Bentley by Cllr Cockell in order to save taxi fares". Mr Myers is an intelligent man and he must have figured out exactly what was going on with the Leader and his office.

  22. Pooter "prime minister" of what?. Horton St is a just cosy little club where the vast majority of Labour, Lib Dem and Tory Councillors have their noses deep in the trough and don't give a fig about the people they have been elected to represent.

  23. But does he get the bins emptied on the right days and are public toilets clean? That's what Pooter's job is really about but I'm sure he's forgotten that a long time ago.

  24. Ultimately, Sir Merrick's responsibility to the residents of the Royal Borough is to ensure that essential services are run efficiently and cost effectively. It is certainly not social climbing, seeking self promotion at every given opportunity or for that matter subsidizing the Opera in Holland Park; a failed project and in my view in these days of so called austerity should be axed immediately. Just for the record in my humble opinion it would be a travesty of justice if Sir Merrick is elevated to the House of Lords; he does not deserve it.

  25. Agreed....but the wonder is that he ever got a K....just for sponging year in year out on the taxpayer to pay his bills

  26. Sadly, the standards of behaviour in public life of the likes of Sir Merrick are indicative of the standing this country commands on the world stage. The deterioration has been so pronounced and yet so swift.

  27. Person Familiar With The Situation2 January 2013 at 09:19

    Tory Councillors have let it be known that they are deeply embarrassed by this justified ridicule

  28. In truth if Tory Councillors are deeply embarrassed about this ridicule then they owe the people who elected them and should do something about it and make their feelings known to Sir Merrick. There is no use at all in thinking something is wrong with out doing something about it. This has been the problem recently with RBK&C under Sir Merrick that poor decisions have been made and yet no one pays the price; see Exhibition Road Show farce. I think the Conservatives are going to need all the support they can muster to win the next election and it does not help when Ian Duncan-Smith is saying something about austerity measures and yet Sir Merrick and cohorts are doing the exact opposite. The gross excesses of Hornton Street should cease forthwith and such luxuries such as the Holland Park Opera curtailed or preferably axed.


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